Homosexuality and the Military… NOT Compatible.
I can hear the howls emanating from the left even before they have even gotten past the title to this piece.
The US military has had, in place the “Don ‘t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy for homosexuals in the military in place since 1993. Under the terms of that policy homosexuals could serve in the US military as long as they kept quiet about their sexual orientation and didn’t go public with it, by admitting it, or openly taking part in homosexual activity. If either occurred, homosexuals were shown the door and bade farewell from the US Military.
When I served in the US Military, a homosexual was not allowed in the service, period. If they did manage to get in, as soon as they were found out, they were gone. And it was quick.
I remember one July in the 1950’s, at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, as I stood in formation on Tank Hill. We recruits were instructed to immediately turn-in any in our ranks we suspected might be homosexual. We were led to believe that if we knew, and did not turn them in, we were in danger of being kicked out of the service as well.
I liked that. It gave me a certain confidence in my fellow soldiers… that they were who they said they were.
In my time in the US Army there was no such thing as privacy. You did everything as a unit. You slept in the same room, you showered together, you ate together, and you even relived yourself in full view of all the other soldiers who happened to be in the latrine at the same time. There were no “stalls” with toilets in them. There was a line of toilets, in a row, and it was quit possible for two soldiers to have a conversation, while relieving themselves, sitting on those toilets. Did I mention there was no privacy? I did, didn’t I?
It was important that a soldier knew his fellow soldier was the same gender as he was.
Look, having a known homosexual in a military unit disrupts that unit’s cohesiveness. If it happens to be a combat unit, lives are at stake.
There is a new study being touted by the left-wing media, which says that Homosexuality does not “hurt” military unity. In fact, you can find the article on page 5-A of the Tuesday July 8th edition of the Fayetteville Observer of Fayetteville, NC. (Fayetteville is the home of Ft. Bragg.) It is an AP article by Anne Flaherty. You’ll also find the article on the Fayetteville Observer’/s website at:
http://www.fayobserver.com/article?id=298672 We suggest you read it.
So why is this coming up now? The answer is simple. Take a look at what is probably going to happen n November. The most liberal senator in the US Senate is probably going to win the next election and become the President of the US. Add to that the increase in numbers in the Congress of ultra-liberal democrats cinching their control over the two branches of the government and with a Supreme Court that is almost as liberal as it is conservative… and you have to ask??? The “iron will be hot” and they intend to strike. There is no reason to believe they will fail in striking down any and all laws that might keep homosexuals out of the US military. “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” is doomed. Bet on it!
So… why not have a compromise? Why not allow those Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen, whose religious faith bars them from association with known homosexuals, to apply for, and receive, an honorable discharge from the U.S. Military Services? At least show some respect for a soldier’s faith.
Of COURSE, it won’t happen. Because that is a part of the plan… to force the American people, even against their religious belief, to accept a way of life their faith teaches is an “abomination”. We have come to expect this heavy-handed approach to religion from the left in America.
And then there is the recruitment problem, sure to come, as a result of this “social engineering” experiment by the left. Reenlistments are going to drop off and new recruits will be few and far between. Which means… what else? The military draft will return.
So…get used to it. A liberal/progressive/socialist/Marxist take over of the US government is in the offing. We “old fogies”, who believe in freedom, had a pretty good run, but we are no longer wanted and the Eurocrats and Neocomms (New Commies) are set to take over and roll back the freedom(s) we worked so hard to preserve for 232 years. The destruction of the hated US Military is just one of their goals. And that is why the issue has resurfaced at this particular time.
Get ready, America. We are about to witness the destruction of a way of life envied the world over as the Socialist, the Euro-crats, and Neo-comms tear down the last best hope of mankind on this planet.
May God have mercy on this nation even though we have squandered the gift of freedom He gave us.
J. D. Longstreet
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