Senate Bill S773 Will Trash The 1st Amendment
By: J. D. Longstreet
This is one of those times when I WISH I had been WRONG!!! Unfortunately, it now appears that I was right… but… I honestly thought we’d have more time. But the “ASG” (AMERICAN SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT) intends to strike while the iron is hot! By keeping the American people off kilter, rocked back on our heels with every kind of crisis they could throw at us, they have moved swiftly to trash the US Constitution, crush democracy, and enslave over 300 million Americans within a formerly free nation.
Now comes Senate Bill S773. This bill would, critics say, give the federal government control over the INTERNET including, under emergency conditions, the right of the president to shut down the whole Internet or sites on it, including the interruption of e-mail," You can read the entire article at World Net Daily HERE.
This, dear reader, is what happens when apathy and ignorance reign in a nation of formerly free people!
Some Americans are awake. Some are just beginning to wake up to what happened on Election Day back in November of 2008. For those of you who still haven’t a clue… we lost our country!
Just a couple or three days ago we wrote this: Is the Fairness Doctrine coming to the INTERNET?
“We have warned of this as a possibility for a very long time now. It seems we conservative bloggers are giving the lefties a hard time and, anytime that happens, they bring down their mailed fist in an attempt to destroy anyone who disagrees with THEIR socialist philosophy. You can read the latest on this at World Net Daily HERE.
Oh, and you naughty people who send those angry e-mails must have hurt some lefties’ feelings, ‘cause they want to make you stop! You are a really mean person, bullying people, and all!! So they have an answer for that, too. That is to refuse to allow you to send an angry e-mail for 24 hours. That’s covered in the same story at World Net Daily. Click the link above and see what we are going on about.”
That little “heads-up” piece was written on April 29th.
We have been sleeping with one eye open, squinting at Washington, waiting for the other shoe to fall. Apparently, it is on the way down, even as I scribble these few words onto this electronic paper before me.
Using the “crisis of the day” as cover, the left is busily working to solidify their hold on the government and impose their brand of socialism on an obviously unsuspecting electorate. Why “unsuspecting”? Because the MsM (Mainstream Media) has become sycophants for the Obama Administration and the socialist left in power in Washington. These days if you want objective news reporting on anything happening in America’s government, you have to search for news sources offshore. It is something I have been doing for years as a result of the left-wing bias of the American media.
There is a new site you need to visit, if, that is, you are the least bit interested in preserving free speech on the broadcast airwaves of America and on the INTERNET. It is “American Radio Free Speech.” You’ll find it HERE.

The Coalition, legally formed as The American Radio Free Speech Foundation, has created a public awareness campaign and educational initiative-- "Don't Touch My Dial" (http://www.donttouchmydial.com/).
The Nation faces an insidious attack on its First Amendment Rights that is being cloaked in legislation and regulation evidenced by the recently circulated draft FCC regulations (first proposed in February, 2008) to impose "localism" and "media ownership diversity" on talk radio.
In addition, under the guise of "cyberspace security", Senators Rockefeller, Snowe, and Nelson have introduced S773 which would, critics say, give the federal government control over the internet including, under emergency conditions, the right of the President to shut down the whole internet or sites on it, including the interruption of email.
When the public is informed about what is happening behind the scenes to threaten their First Amendment rights, they will be outraged. As shown in a recent poll that was commissioned by the coalition and is part of the "Zogby/O'Leary Report's First 100 Days Poll" when 3,937 voters from the last election were asked: "Four members of the U.S. Senate recently introduced a bill that would allow the President of the United States to turn off the internet nationally in the event of an emergency, however the Bill does not DEFINE what constitutes an emergency. Do you support or oppose this bill?" 81.8 % said they would oppose the bill and 5% said they would support it.