A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
Oh, please tell me you did not buy the lies out of Washington that the government is going to tax the rich to pay for Socialized Medicine otherwise known as ObamaCare? Surely you didn't fall for that!
Heck, I seriously doubt there are enough rich people in the US to make a dent in what that Communist program called ObamaCare is going to cost the citizens of the US.
If I were among the rich of this country, I'd be staying up nights transferring my assets off shore and getting myself, my family, my business, and, anything the government could tax, out of their reach. What the current government of the US is doing to the wealthy Americans is flat out wrong. It is thievery by another name... taxes.
Americans are so ignorant of their history that it is inexcusable -- no worse! It is embarrassing! . Americans have forgotten this country fought a war for independence over, what else, TAXES! This country was founded as a result of a TAX REVOLT! What the current federal government is doing to the citizens of the US makes King George look like a shirker!
I hope those of you who voted for Obama are happy. You wanted change. Well, you got it. From a democracy to a socialist nation in less than a year. Hope? What hope? We are screwed for at least three more years. The bunch of clowns and fruitcakes running the Congress are pathetic socialists/communists/democrats lusting after power and nothing else.
Guess what they are about to do? No I don't mean Amnesty for the Illegal Aliens living among us... although that is certainly coming. I mean the load of taxes they are about to slap on the middle class of this country.
Do you know what a VAT tax is? Huh? It is a Value added Tax. Sometimes referred to as a "sales tax".
In an Article entitled: "Damn the Deficit: Full Speed Ahead on Health Care", Michael Barone said the following:
"The instrument they may have in mind is the value added tax, which operates as an invisible sales tax on goods and services. Back in May, Budget Director Peter Orszag's spokesman mentioned the VAT as a "credible idea" that he did not want to rule out. In June, House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel suggested a VAT as "a point of discussion."
In September, John Podesta, head of the Obama transition team, spoke of how a VAT would "create a balance" with other economies, and White House adviser Paul Volcker cited a carbon tax and a VAT as ways to raise lots of revenue. In October, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, "Somewhere along the way, a value-added tax plays into this." " You may read the entire article at:
A Value Added Tax is a tax on the estimated market value added to a product or material at each stage of its manufacture or distribution, ultimately passed on to the consumer. Please read that last phrase again. "Passed on to the consumer." Socialists/communists/progressives/democrats do no understand that businesses do not pay taxes. The government actually THINKS THEY DO! Those of us who have actually run businesses understand that a business passes the cost of taxes along to his customers in higher prices for the goods and/or services his business produces or offers.
The attraction of a VAT tax to our government is twofold. One: It will raise a lot of money for them to squander. Two: it is a hidden tax -- hidden from you, the consumer, the sucker. Prices on goods and services will sky rocket while, at the same time, sales of those products will fall through the floor. Soon afterwards business will begin shuttering plants and offices and the unemployment figures will spike upwards even more than then the real figures, I am convinced the government is not releasing. (10.2%? Come on, now. Figure closer to 13% maybe even higher.)
Oh, please tell me you did not buy the lies out of Washington that the government is going to tax the rich to pay for Socialized Medicine otherwise known as ObamaCare? Surely you didn't fall for that!
Heck, I seriously doubt there are enough rich people in the US to make a dent in what that Communist program called ObamaCare is going to cost the citizens of the US.
If I were among the rich of this country, I'd be staying up nights transferring my assets off shore and getting myself, my family, my business, and, anything the government could tax, out of their reach. What the current government of the US is doing to the wealthy Americans is flat out wrong. It is thievery by another name... taxes.
Americans are so ignorant of their history that it is inexcusable -- no worse! It is embarrassing! . Americans have forgotten this country fought a war for independence over, what else, TAXES! This country was founded as a result of a TAX REVOLT! What the current federal government is doing to the citizens of the US makes King George look like a shirker!

I hope those of you who voted for Obama are happy. You wanted change. Well, you got it. From a democracy to a socialist nation in less than a year. Hope? What hope? We are screwed for at least three more years. The bunch of clowns and fruitcakes running the Congress are pathetic socialists/communists/democrats lusting after power and nothing else.
Guess what they are about to do? No I don't mean Amnesty for the Illegal Aliens living among us... although that is certainly coming. I mean the load of taxes they are about to slap on the middle class of this country.
Do you know what a VAT tax is? Huh? It is a Value added Tax. Sometimes referred to as a "sales tax".
In an Article entitled: "Damn the Deficit: Full Speed Ahead on Health Care", Michael Barone said the following:
"The instrument they may have in mind is the value added tax, which operates as an invisible sales tax on goods and services. Back in May, Budget Director Peter Orszag's spokesman mentioned the VAT as a "credible idea" that he did not want to rule out. In June, House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel suggested a VAT as "a point of discussion."
In September, John Podesta, head of the Obama transition team, spoke of how a VAT would "create a balance" with other economies, and White House adviser Paul Volcker cited a carbon tax and a VAT as ways to raise lots of revenue. In October, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, "Somewhere along the way, a value-added tax plays into this." " You may read the entire article at:
A Value Added Tax is a tax on the estimated market value added to a product or material at each stage of its manufacture or distribution, ultimately passed on to the consumer. Please read that last phrase again. "Passed on to the consumer." Socialists/communists/progressives/democrats do no understand that businesses do not pay taxes. The government actually THINKS THEY DO! Those of us who have actually run businesses understand that a business passes the cost of taxes along to his customers in higher prices for the goods and/or services his business produces or offers.
The attraction of a VAT tax to our government is twofold. One: It will raise a lot of money for them to squander. Two: it is a hidden tax -- hidden from you, the consumer, the sucker. Prices on goods and services will sky rocket while, at the same time, sales of those products will fall through the floor. Soon afterwards business will begin shuttering plants and offices and the unemployment figures will spike upwards even more than then the real figures, I am convinced the government is not releasing. (10.2%? Come on, now. Figure closer to 13% maybe even higher.)
Taxes, taxes, and even more taxes are coming to the American middle class. If the ObamaCare bill passes, you are not going to believe how much that "free" healthcare is going to cost you! Some of us, like myself, with chronic diseases will pay for it with our lives.
We can stop some of the coming taxes by stopping ObamaCare in the Senate in the next few days.
And be prepared, America. Our economic situation is going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. When inflation sets in, sometime around mid-year 2010, your money and mine with be worth a whole lot less than it is today.
But, hey! America wanted "CHANGE!" Well, what do you think of the change now???