Sunday, December 27, 2009

It’s Not Socialism. It’s Communism.

I was WRONG! Its not Socialism -- Its Communism!
If you follow the scribbling of this scribe ( J. D. Longstreet) then you know I IMMEDIATELY DUBBED ObamaCare AS SOCIALISM. Now comes a fellow commentator to set me straight. Alan Caruba identifies it correctly -- COMMUNISM.

Mr. Caruba has been scrutinizing the Obama Regime and the rogue Congress now in Washington and he identifies their machinations as that of a flat out communist government rather than a democratic government reflecting the will of the people as a representative republic should -- and -- as the US Constitution demands.

Mr. Caruba has spent many years of his life observing the efforts of the government of the US, both domestically and internationally, and he has concluded the current crop of politicians in Washington has strayed from their constitutionally mandated role. They are now dictating to the American people with no regard for the wants and needs of the Americans who once were their constituents but now are relegated to the role of serfs in the newly invented communist feudal system set up by the Obama Regime's system of all powerful Czars who rule this nation from the shadows.

The Communist influence on Obama in his past is just overwhelming. Apparently he learned lessons from his recorded association with known communists and communist sympathizers that he has put into practice in the past year, his FIRST year as the New American CZAR! With his coven of lesser Czars, Obama has managed to emasculate Congress and make them tools of his all- powerful Czarist regime. Congress is meaningless, now, and have no use -- save for serving "Czar Obama."

America is in deep, deep, trouble. She is "in harm's way" from enemies foreign and domestic -- both of which I swore, as a soldier in the United States Army, to defend her against. But in truth, I must tell you that, as of this writing, I fear the enemy within far more than I fear the enemy without. We have only to gaze upon the White House and the Capitol Building in Washington, DC to observe them disassemble this republic and remake it in the image of a communist hell-hole of a third world country.

Below is Mr Caruba's latest commentary on the Communist government now reigning in America. We STRONGLY recommend you read it and reflect upon it for it should shake you to your soul.

Thank you. Now read on.

J. D. Longstreet

It’s Not Socialism. It’s Communism.
By Alan Caruba

If you felt a frisson of fear on news that the Senate had passed Obamacare the day before Christmas, then you now know what it was and is like to live in a dictatorship. The voice of the People was ignored in a demonstration of raw political power.

There was a time when Americans took Communism seriously. It challenged us in the form of the Soviet Union and we witnessed its takeover of China.

In Europe, uprisings against Soviet rule were crushed in East Germany in 1953, Hungary in 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968, and Poland in the 1980s gave proof that only oppression can sustain this failed economic and political system. President Reagan gave voice to it when he called the Soviet Union an “evil empire.”

The McCarthy hearings in the 1950s proved a setback for efforts to learn how thoroughly infiltrated the U.S. government had become by Communists, not because Sen. Joseph McCarthy was wrong, but because he proved a poor spokesperson for the cause. He was easily criticized for his bombast, but the declassification of the Venona papers, secret communications between Soviet spymasters and their agents, revealed he may well have underestimated the threat.

Later, the Russian Federation declassified former Soviet spy agency records that further confirmed that many Americans, dedicated Communists, were working to undermine our government.

The price America paid in part for the Great Depression of the 1930s was the undermining of faith in the Capitalist system among many Americans.

Unions arose, not just in response to worker grievances, but also because their leaders were frequently sympathetic to Communism. The FDR and subsequent administrations introduced Social Security and Medicare, tapping into the fears of those who had experienced the Depression with programs that vastly expanded the federal government, characterizing them as the ultimate “safety net.” Then Congress plundered the trusts that were supposed to fund both programs. Both programs are insolvent.

A recent study by Paul Hollander, a professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and an associate at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University, was published by Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty & Prosperity. It is titled, “Reflections on Communism: Twenty Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall.”

The celebration of the fall of the Berlin Wall earlier this year was attended by many world leaders with the notable exception of President Barack Obama. For a man who has visited more foreign nations in his first year in office than any previous President, the decision to avoid this significant anniversary was taken as one more signal of his true political and economic agenda.

We know that he was greatly influenced by Marxists or people who viewed Communism sympathetically, not the least of which were his grandparents who introduced him to a mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party USA.

Obama wrote that he was drawn to Marxists among his teachers in college. He began his political career in the home of former Weatherman Bill Ayers. These days he is praised by Communists in Cuba and Venezuela. He sided with a Leftist former president of Honduras who tried to illegally alter its constitution. The Hondurans had the courage to cast him out.

The specter of Communist subversion of the U.S. Constitution is staring us in the eye with the so-called healthcare “reform” of Medicare; it includes all manner of provisions that are unconstitutional and would expand federal government control over one-sixth of the nation’s economy. The bribery and thuggish pressures and threats against Democrat Senators and Representatives to pass the bill reveal a political leadership more devoted to ideology than the will of the People.

Specifically, President Obama’s drive for a single payer system is the direct result of the influence of Dr. Quentin Young, a retired physician with a long history of commitment to Communism. In 1995, Dr. Quentin was among those who met in the Hyde Park home of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn to launch Obama’s political career.

As Prof. Hollander points out in his study, “Not only individual intellectuals but entire professional associations have expressed favorable attitudes toward communist systems” citing the Latin American Studies Association that has “repeatedly taken positions supportive of Castro’s Cuba and Sandinista Nicaragua.” In 1990, the Organization of American Historians defeated a motion that expressed regret that the organization “never protested the forced betrayal of the historian’s responsibility to truth imposed upon Soviet and East European historians by their political leaders.”

The recent United Nations’ Climate Change Conference refused to take notice of the revelations that the data on which the “global warming” theory is based was falsified by a handful of meteorologists and climatologists in an effort to impose a global governing system. The interim first Secretary General of the UN was Alger Hiss, an American and secret Soviet agent

It did not escape notice that Venezuela’s communist dictator, Hugo Chavez, received a rousing ovation when he spoke at the conference or that President Obama continues to repeat the lies surrounding the discredited “global warming” fraud.

Virtually the entire agenda of American environmental organizations has been focused on an attack on private property rights and denying Americans access to their vast reserves of energy in the form of coal, oil, and natural gas, thus undermining U.S. growth and prosperity.

Unlike Prof. Hollander who escaped Hungary following the crushing of the 1956 revolution by Soviet forces, “Western intellectuals who remain attracted to communist ideals never had the disillusioning experience of living in an actual communist or socialist society.”

Among them we must number much of the nation’s media that has been a party to political and environmental deceptions, and the Hollywood community that has produced many films to influence public opinion about the earlier efforts to address Communist activities and later Green issues with a very Red agenda.

The Medicare “reform” expands “socialism” in America, but it is an example of naked Communism at work. It is a bill put together behind closed doors and so extensive its control of the lives of Americans literally determines who lives and who dies. It will wreck the best healthcare system in the world albeit one that has its flaws.

It is authoritarianism at work, the kind we associate with regimes in Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and everywhere else Communism has been imposed on captive nations.

Healthcare “reform” is not about uninsured Americans. It is not “socialism.” It is Communism, effectively putting the entire nation’s healthcare system under state control. It must be defeated just as past generations of Americans knew the threat of Communism and devoted the nation’s treasure and even their lives to defeat it.

Alan Caruba
Alan Caruba writes a daily post at An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety

The Code Of The South Does Exist!

The Code Of The South Does Exist!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


I read, just this week, that North Carolina is the 3rd fastest growing state in the country behind only California and Texas. I suppose I should be proud of that. I’m not, particularly. I question how many of the immigrants to North Carolina are LEGAL.

We have had a great influx of folks from the Northern climes in recent years. They have had, we have heard, difficulty in assimilating into out Southern Culture. That is as it should be.

We Southerners are, most assuredly, a different people with a different culture. And it is vitally important for all immigrants into the South to understand that the “Southern Hospitality” we are famous for, does have its limits.

Over the years I have been asked about our “Southern Code of Honor.” I assure you it does exist! It is written upon the heart of every Southerner having trod the scared soil of the South.

What is this legendary “Southern Code” we Southerners are so proud of anyway?

Well, you can sum it up in one word. “HONOR”. We cherish honor above everything else. Without honor, all that remains has no value. The word “HONOR” is seared across the ethereal visage of our souls.

To even BEGIN to understand Southerners, you MUST understand this: Southerners believe each man and woman has a duty, a responsibility, to seek nobility in life and in purpose. No matter his, or her, station in life, or the social strata he, or she, was born into. There is nobility in fighting the good fight, on your job, on the field of battle, at anything you turn your hand to. Southerners believe we were, indeed, created in the image of God. We have a duty to uphold that image as best we can. It is a continuous battle against the trials of life, but to shirk one’s duty, in this respect, is unforgivable. It is dishonorable.

Our Southern culture IS a culture apart. We like it that way. We have no intention of changing. To do so would be to dishonor all those who have gone before us as well as their creation of this sanctified, set apart, land. The South is to Southerners what the Holy Land is to the Jewish people.

Never question the honor of a Southerner. It is considered a challenge and your challenge will be answered.

A Southerner will go to the wall to defend honor. No matter the size of the opponent, no matter the place, or the time. Honor will be defended.

There is an inviolate line, which must never be crossed. Where does that line lie? Everywhere. For instance, you do not disparage our women. That is at the top of the list of inviolate things. Others include: our homes, our friends, our religion, our military abilities, and you surely do not speak disparagingly about our ancestors. To violate any of these will bring the wrath of the South down on your head in an instant.

You may have noticed Southerners do not back down. We refuse to accept defeat. We are accused, often, of still fighting the War Between the States. That is true. We consider this era of forced quietude only half time between The South and the North. We have never laid the war down. To quit, to surrender, is not acceptable in our code of honor. So, we fight on. Understand… we will win. It may take another hundred, or even two hundred, years, but we will prevail. We never forget, and we never quit.

It has been said that Southerners are America’s true “Warrior Class.” Look at the great warriors of America. Consider how many were Southerners.

War comes naturally to Southerners. The Scot-Irish-German blood flowing in our veins and the Southern Code of Chivalry, we learn from birth, creates the most fearsome warrior on the face of the earth.

The true Southerner is a gentleman, or lady, always. Well, right up ‘til he takes your head off. He will knock you down then offer his hand to lift you back to your feet. If you make the same mistake again, you will find yourself in need of that helping hand to get you off your back… again.

Southerners are deeply religious people. We unashamedly believe in God. We believe the Bible is His Holy Word. At the same time we know one cannot be perfect, but we believe every Southerner is born into this world with the obligation to strive for perfection. Anything less is totally unacceptable. It has been said this is the Southern interpretation of the European “Noblise Oblige.” Southerners know in the depths of their being they have an obligation to strive for nobility.

The Southern society is not a classless society. We acknowledge our society has an upper, middle, and a lower class. But we believe the obligation to nobility crosses those boundaries and emboldens even the least of us to carry the honor of his name, and his family’s heritage, without stain. Anything less is unacceptable.

There exists a divide between the Northern People, and the Southern People, in this nation. The divide is vast and unnavigable. We are two different peoples held together by law. The bayonet enforced the bondage of the Southern peoples. We have not forgotten. Nor will we. We know these bonds are only temporary. We work tirelessly for the day we will once again be ruled only by God and voice of the Southern people.

Tis honor, above all else. It is our code. It is written on our hearts.

Your Obedient Servant,

J. D. Longstreet

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Life in a Box by Paul Driessen

Life in a box
Is there an exit strategy for this energy, environment, and economic predicament?
By: Paul Driessen

“Life in a box is better than no life at all,” playwright Tom Stoppard famously opined, through the personage of Rosencrantz. (Or was it Guildenstern?)That’s lucky for us, because our energy, environmental and economic policies have certainly put us in a box – and there is no easy way out.

Congress passed a $787-billion “stimulus” bill, and a $3-billion cash-for-clunkers program that trashed perfectly good cars, and the energy and raw materials that created them. It’s halfway toward imposing nationalized healthcare that could cost taxpayers another $2.5 trillion over its first decade.

Unemployment now stands at 10.2% officially, or 22% if you include people who have given up on finding a job. At this point, 25 states have borrowed $23 billion from the Federal Unemployment Trust Fund, to meet their obligations to work-deprived workers.

Meanwhile, over in Copenhagen, the G-77 poor nations snubbed Europe’s offer of $10 billion over three years, for climate change reparation, mitigation and adaptation. “The world’s scientists and policy makers say this is the greatest risk humanity has ever faced,” G-77 chairman Lumumba Di-Aiping noted. Something closer to $1 trillion every few years would be more appropriate, he suggested.

That’s in addition to regular foreign aid – and on top of the $50 trillion in life support for corrupt dictators that the developed world has already provided to still-impoverished nations since 1950.In response, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton dutifully pledged that the United States will importune taxpayers, private donors and other countries to raise $100 billion annually through 2020, to help poor nations cope with the “ravages” of global warming – or our current “CO2-driven” global cooling. She claims the money will be provided only if China and other major developing countries agree to binding emission targets that can be verified internationally (a condition that they have steadfastly rejected).

But of course, neither Di-Aiping nor Clinton wants to remind anyone of a few elephantine realities. This “greatest risk humanity has ever faced” is based on fraudulent claims, data, models, analyses and peer reviews. The proposed 83% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050 would send the United States back to levels last seen in 1908 – or 1868 when population, energy use and technology changes are considered.

The cap-tax-and-trade laws and Copenhagen treaty represent the greatest transfer of wealth, power and control in the history of mankind. Perhaps worst, the energy taxes and restrictions amount to economic suicide by PDCs – previously developed countries.

That collective seppuku would benefit some in emerging economies but bring little or no environmental gain or climate stabilization. The surging economies will emit far more pollutants and CO2 than the US, Europe and Canada can eliminate, even if they send emissions to zero; and carbon dioxide is a minor player in climate change, compared to the sun and a host of other natural forces.

Where will the United States find the trillions of dollars to pay for all this? “We’re out of cash,” President Obama has pointed out. So he and Congress have announced the usual progressive “solutions.”

They raised the national debt ceiling to $14 trillion – a 39% increase since Democrats took charge in 2007. (The debt is now 60% of the nation’s GDP.) They plan to raise taxes, print more increasingly devalued currency, and unleash the Internal Revenue Service on businesses and families. And of course implement cap-tax-and-trade – to take $300 billion a year from energy consumers, and transfer it to government bureaucrats and companies with good lobbyists.

They adamantly refuse to raise revenue by doing what built America: tapping the energy and mineral resources that America still has in abundance: a century’s worth of oil, natural gas and shale oil in Alaska, the Western states and Outer Continental Shelf (OCS); two centuries’ of coal on public and private lands; and vast stores of uranium, metals and rare earth minerals. Oil shale deposits alone contain 1 trillion barrels of recoverable oil, nearly equal to the world’s total known conventional oil reserves, the Institute for Energy Research calculates.

These resources could generate trillions of dollars in bonuses, rents, royalties and taxes, and create or save millions of high-paying jobs. They could provide the billions of tons of concrete, steel, copper, fiberglass, plastic films and rare earths that will be needed to cover millions of acres with wind turbines, solar panels, geothermal facilities and transmission lines, for the new “eco-friendly” economy.

But many of our best energy and mineral prospects are locked up in over 500,000,000 acres of wilderness, park, refuge, recreation, scenic, endangered species habitat, and ecological study areas and “protective buffer zones.” Offshore, the vast majority of our OCS energy is likewise off limits.

Developing these resources is ideologically anathema to Democrats and greens, who concoct new anti-development rationales and restrictions every week.

Instead of developing these bounties and reaping the energy and economic benefits, we spend trillions importing replacements: oil, natural gas, uranium, metals and even wind turbines. A new 240-turbine wind farm in western Texas has reportedly created 2,800 jobs – but 2,400 of them are in China, where the turbines are manufactured! The 400 new green-collar American jobs include truck drivers to haul the gargantuan parts from the West Coast to West Texas, an installation and landscaping crew, and a small army of bureaucrats, lawyers and accountants.

This is the green, sustainable economy of the future? America’s oil and natural gas industries alone support more than 9 million American jobs and contribute well over $1 trillion annually to the US economy, PricewaterhouseCoopers has calculated. Coal likewise generates vast job and economic benefits. At 400 temporary jobs per wind farm, renewable energy has a long way to go.How long the US economy and family can survive such “sustainability” is a question our illustrious law and policy makers had better start addressing.

“Quite frankly, from our point of view,” Polish Finance Minister Jan Rostowski recently said, “it’s totally unacceptable that the poor countries of Europe should help the rich countries of Europe help the poor countries in the rest of the world.” Those Eastern European countries lived under Nazi and Soviet regimes for five decades. They have no desire to live under a UN climate dictatorship.

Copenhagen and the circling of alarmist wagons over the climate change email and computer code scandal has made one thing absolutely clear, to anyone with open eyes and minds. The caterwauling over warming has nothing to do with science or saving Planet Earth.

It has everything to do with global governance, UN control of energy, economies and lives, and of course money – for research, renewable energy, bureaucracies, and international welfare.Rosencrantz was satisfied with life in a box. “You’d have a chance, at least. You could lie there thinking, ‘Well. At least I’m not dead.’”

Have we now become Rosencrantz? Or does the spirit of Patrick Henry still reside within? “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”Hopefully, the 1776 redux will come at the ballot box. But if the eco-tyranny continues, Earth’s climate may really heat up.


Paul Driessen is senior policy adviser for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), which sponsors the All Pain No Gain education campaign and petition against job-killing global warming policies, and the ClimateDepot website for the latest news and views on climate change. He is also a senior policy adviser to the Congress of Racial Equality and author of Eco-Imperialism: Green Power - Black Death.

Life in a Box ... by Paul Driessen

Life in a box
Is there an exit strategy for this energy, environment, and economic predicament?
By: Paul Driessen

“Life in a box is better than no life at all,” playwright Tom Stoppard famously opined, through the personage of Rosencrantz. (Or was it Guildenstern?)
That’s lucky for us, because our energy, environmental and economic policies have certainly put us in a box – and there is no easy way out.

Congress passed a $787-billion “stimulus” bill, and a $3-billion cash-for-clunkers program that trashed perfectly good cars, and the energy and raw materials that created them. It’s halfway toward imposing nationalized healthcare that could cost taxpayers another $2.5 trillion over its first decade.

Unemployment now stands at 10.2% officially, or 22% if you include people who have given up on finding a job. At this point, 25 states have borrowed $23 billion from the Federal Unemployment Trust Fund, to meet their obligations to work-deprived workers.

Meanwhile, over in Copenhagen, the G-77 poor nations snubbed Europe’s offer of $10 billion over three years, for climate change reparation, mitigation and adaptation. “The world’s scientists and policy makers say this is the greatest risk humanity has ever faced,” G-77 chairman Lumumba Di-Aiping noted. Something closer to $1 trillion every few years would be more appropriate, he suggested.

That’s in addition to regular foreign aid – and on top of the $50 trillion in life support for corrupt dictators that the developed world has already provided to still-impoverished nations since 1950.
In response, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton dutifully pledged that the United States will importune taxpayers, private donors and other countries to raise $100 billion annually through 2020, to help poor nations cope with the “ravages” of global warming – or our current “CO2-driven” global cooling. She claims the money will be provided only if China and other major developing countries agree to binding emission targets that can be verified internationally (a condition that they have steadfastly rejected).

But of course, neither Di-Aiping nor Clinton wants to remind anyone of a few elephantine realities. This “greatest risk humanity has ever faced” is based on fraudulent claims, data, models, analyses and peer reviews. The proposed 83% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050 would send the United States back to levels last seen in 1908 – or 1868 when population, energy use and technology changes are considered.

The cap-tax-and-trade laws and Copenhagen treaty represent the greatest transfer of wealth, power and control in the history of mankind. Perhaps worst, the energy taxes and restrictions amount to economic suicide by PDCs – previously developed countries.

That collective seppuku would benefit some in emerging economies but bring little or no environmental gain or climate stabilization. The surging economies will emit far more pollutants and CO2 than the US, Europe and Canada can eliminate, even if they send emissions to zero; and carbon dioxide is a minor player in climate change, compared to the sun and a host of other natural forces.

Where will the United States find the trillions of dollars to pay for all this? “We’re out of cash,” President Obama has pointed out. So he and Congress have announced the usual progressive “solutions.”

They raised the national debt ceiling to $14 trillion – a 39% increase since Democrats took charge in 2007. (The debt is now 60% of the nation’s GDP.) They plan to raise taxes, print more increasingly devalued currency, and unleash the Internal Revenue Service on businesses and families. And of course implement cap-tax-and-trade – to take $300 billion a year from energy consumers, and transfer it to government bureaucrats and companies with good lobbyists.

They adamantly refuse to raise revenue by doing what built America: tapping the energy and mineral resources that America still has in abundance: a century’s worth of oil, natural gas and shale oil in Alaska, the Western states and Outer Continental Shelf (OCS); two centuries’ of coal on public and private lands; and vast stores of uranium, metals and rare earth minerals. Oil shale deposits alone contain 1 trillion barrels of recoverable oil, nearly equal to the world’s total known conventional oil reserves, the Institute for Energy Research calculates.

These resources could generate trillions of dollars in bonuses, rents, royalties and taxes, and create or save millions of high-paying jobs. They could provide the billions of tons of concrete, steel, copper, fiberglass, plastic films and rare earths that will be needed to cover millions of acres with wind turbines, solar panels, geothermal facilities and transmission lines, for the new “eco-friendly” economy.

But many of our best energy and mineral prospects are locked up in over 500,000,000 acres of wilderness, park, refuge, recreation, scenic, endangered species habitat, and ecological study areas and “protective buffer zones.” Offshore, the vast majority of our OCS energy is likewise off limits.

Developing these resources is ideologically anathema to Democrats and greens, who concoct new anti-development rationales and restrictions every week.

Instead of developing these bounties and reaping the energy and economic benefits, we spend trillions importing replacements: oil, natural gas, uranium, metals and even wind turbines. A new 240-turbine wind farm in western Texas has reportedly created 2,800 jobs – but 2,400 of them are in China, where the turbines are manufactured! The 400 new green-collar American jobs include truck drivers to haul the gargantuan parts from the West Coast to West Texas, an installation and landscaping crew, and a small army of bureaucrats, lawyers and accountants.
This is the green, sustainable economy of the future? America’s oil and natural gas industries alone support more than 9 million American jobs and contribute well over $1 trillion annually to the US economy, PricewaterhouseCoopers has calculated. Coal likewise generates vast job and economic benefits. At 400 temporary jobs per wind farm, renewable energy has a long way to go.
How long the US economy and family can survive such “sustainability” is a question our illustrious law and policy makers had better start addressing.

“Quite frankly, from our point of view,” Polish Finance Minister Jan Rostowski recently said, “it’s totally unacceptable that the poor countries of Europe should help the rich countries of Europe help the poor countries in the rest of the world.” Those Eastern European countries lived under Nazi and Soviet regimes for five decades. They have no desire to live under a UN climate dictatorship.

Copenhagen and the circling of alarmist wagons over the climate change email and computer code scandal has made one thing absolutely clear, to anyone with open eyes and minds. The caterwauling over warming has nothing to do with science or saving Planet Earth.
It has everything to do with global governance, UN control of energy, economies and lives, and of course money – for research, renewable energy, bureaucracies, and international welfare.
Rosencrantz was satisfied with life in a box. “You’d have a chance, at least. You could lie there thinking, ‘Well. At least I’m not dead.’”

Have we now become Rosencrantz? Or does the spirit of Patrick Henry still reside within? “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
Hopefully, the 1776 redux will come at the ballot box. But if the eco-tyranny continues, Earth’s climate may really heat up.
Paul Driessen is senior policy adviser for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), which sponsors the All Pain No Gain education campaign and petition against job-killing global warming policies, and the ClimateDepot website for the latest news and views on climate change. He is also a senior policy adviser to the Congress of Racial Equality and author of Eco-Imperialism: Green Power - Black Death.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Unto Us A Child Is Born!

The Christmas Story from the Bible
From the Book of Luke
In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you."

Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end."

"How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?"

The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God."

"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her.

At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!"

And Mary said: "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me--holy is his name. His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, even as he said to our fathers."

Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register.

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he had been conceived. When the time of their purification according to the Law of Moses had been completed, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, "Every firstborn male is to be consecrated to the Lord"), and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Law of the Lord: "a pair of doves or two young pigeons."

Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: "Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel."

The child's father and mother marveled at what was said about him. Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: "This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too."

There was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.

When Joseph and Mary had done everything required by the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth. And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.

--Luke 1:26 - 2:40 New International Version



The Return of Slavery to America!

The Return of Slavery to America!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Isn't it ironic that it is a black man, an African-American, (Well, at least half African-American, anyway.) as President of the United States of America, ushering in the return of SLAVERY to America? Doesn't it just strike you as W R O N G, somehow?

Of course, it’s wrong. It doesn't make much difference who the President is when a government goes to the dogs, as the United States government has done over the past year. But it DOES make a difference when that President is leading an entire nation into slavery to HIS government!

It has been said you cannot find anyone to defend slavery -- but it is easy to find many who will defend socialism. This really puzzles me as socialism IS slavery by another name.

The Obama Regime and the so-called Democratic Party, of which he is the head, have forsaken their old political philosophy and adopted, wholesale, the philosophy of the Socialists and Marxists and Communists of the world. They call themselves "Progressives” which has been the code word, for decades, by which communists identify themselves to one another.

It was no accident, and it was not the fates, that caused the US economy to nose dive when it did. No, I am convinced it was planned. It was supposed to break the American spirit to make it easier for Obama's socialists to take over the country and ram socialism down our throats before we had a chance to react. And it almost worked. Almost.

A little less than half the country balked. We smelled a rat. Those of us, of a certain age, as they say, had seen this all before, in Hitler's Nationalist Socialist Party in Germany, in the Bolshevik revolution in what became Soviet Socialist Russia. We had seen the people worship Hitler and Lenin, and we saw the people worship Obama in the very same manner. We were not fooled for a single moment. We KNEW OBAMA WOULD LEAD THE US TO DESTRUCTION. And he is doing just that!

Socialism IS Slavery! With slavery you have NO CHOICE. With socialism you have No CHOICE. Socialism takes what you have by force. Think about it! We fought a war over this very thing! Now we are embracing it? Hell, NO! Not Me! Not Now! Not EVER! And I am not alone. I'm just one of the few making all the noise about it.

Some one has written that socialism is slavery as a government enterprise. Whoever said it was spot on!

Herbert Spencer, an English philosopher, prominent classical liberal political theorist, and sociological theorist of the Victorian era said: "All socialism involves slavery. That which fundamentally distinguishes the slave is that he labours under coercion to satisfy another's desires." Mr. Spencer was right.

It is a sorry state of affairs when the black community in America migrates back onto a plantation. However, THIS time, their white brothers and sisters, their Hispanic brothers and sisters, and their Native American brothers and sisters have joined them on the plantation. The "Big House" is the White House, which has, (gasp!) a BLACK SLAVE MASTER ensconced therein, like a king! This time it is Uncle Sam’s Plantation! How WRONG is this? How "turned-around" is this?

Of course it is wrong! This is America! The land of the free! Not quite! Make that the "Land of the FORMERLY FREE!"

The very nature of the beast (in this case the beast is Man) is freedom. There is a longing within the breast of man to be free. Ever since The Creator, Himself, instilled "free-will" into his creation, man has craved, coveted, and sought freedom, even freedom from God, his creator. Yes, man can be denied freedom, for a while, but soon he will rebel against his masters and he will do whatever it takes to secure his freedom again. Many of those who are advocates of socialism never seem to understand that. Those that DO understand it understand that socialism is slavery and their intent is to enslave their fellowman.

A very wise person once said: “The purpose of Liberty is Individual Freedom; the purpose of socialism is slavery. The two philosophies are diametrically opposed. Yet they are the only choices available to humanity. Freedom or Slavery. And if one studies slavery, e.g. U.S.S.R., China, Rumania, Albania, Cuba, Attila the Hun, you will inexorably discover the core evil of socialism.” Truer words were never spoken.

As each day passes the socialist government of the US is forging more chains to bind the American slaves. They will continue to enslave their fellowman as long as we allow it. And therein lies the key to regaining our freedom as Americans and as human beings. We have the power to stop them. The question is: Do we have the will?

The election of November 2010 will provide the answer. If the election is allowed to stand, which I have serous doubts about, then we must toss out every incumbent politician on every ballot for the US Senate and the US House of Representatives -- and -- we need to look for their sympathizers, lower down on the ballot, and toss them out, too.

We can no longer compromise our freedom by allowing those in office now to remain in office. They must go.

The next eleven months will be critical for America. America will live or die depending upon the results of the election of 2010. The America of the Founding Fathers, the America of the Constitution, cannot survive with the current crop of leaders we have in Washington today. Socialism will slowly rot the heart from America as it does all nations experimenting with it.

With every poll one thing becomes ever more clear. Americans want SMALLER government and fewer services from that government, which will, of course, result in lower taxes and less intrusion into our lives by that same government.

We can have a smaller government but we will have to fight for it. If we do not the America of 50 states will exist for a few more years, but only a few. States will begin declaring themselves independent. That is what the recent sovereignty movement among the states was all about. It is preparation for secession from the US.

Washington had better understand. There is SERIOUS disagreement between the states and the federal government. Just as my ancestors did, nearly 150 years ago, the people of the states are instructing their state legislatures to prepare, to get ready, to go it alone without assistance from the federal government. And just as Washington did, 150 years ago, Washington does not believe the American people, would turn their backs on them and form a new country of their own. Well, Washington was wrong then and Washington is wrong now. I may not live to see that day arrive, but never fear, it is on the way and Washington will be just as surprised when the first couple of states pull away as they were in the 1860's.

We can save America. But we cannot save America with the government we have now. The Socialist government America has today is a death sentence for the country. It will be a slow agonizing death. Like cancer it must be cut from the body if the body is expected to have any chance of survival.

The sooner America purges our current socialist government from our country, the sooner we can be about recovery. But -- without the purge -- America will surely die.

J. D. Longstreet

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I Do Not Forgive You, Jimmy Carter ... Alan Caruba

I Do Not Forgive You, Jimmy Carter
By Alan Caruba

The news of the day before Christmas is that former President Jimmy Carter has apologized for anything he has said or done to offend America’s Jewish community and presumably around the world. The news was welcomed by the national director of the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation league, Abraham Foxman, who said that it was “incumbent for us to accept” the apology, but Foxman does not speak for me or for the American Jewish community. I do not accept the apology and neither should anyone who holds the state of Israel as the fulfillment of a 2,000 year old dream of return to the land in which Judaism took root and flourished through exiles and dispersion.

My reasoning is that Carter has spoken only with the prospect that his grandson, Jason, is anticipated to run for public office in Georgia in a congressional district with what is reported as “a vocal Jewish population.” It’s politics. It’s not a confession of the heart. Jason hailed the apology as a “great step towards reconciliation”, but I suggest that it is deeds, not words, that matter.

The former President is credited with trying to resolve the Palestinian conflict with the Israelis and gained a Nobel Peace Prize along with the terrorist, Yassir Arafat, but that prize has long since been tarnished and discredited for having also been awarded to the charlatan Al Gore and the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and most recently to President Obama who has done nothing of significance to earn it.

It was Carter’s 2006 book, “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid” in which he compared Israeli efforts to defend themselves against wars and a campaign of terrorism with South Africa's hateful system. Present attacks have abated only with Israel's action against Hamas in Gaza, a part of Israel from which the Israelis withdrew in yet another effort to achieve a peace that is still rejected.

If the so-called Palestinians and the greater Muslim community throughout the Middle East continue to plan war against Israel, an apology by Carter pales in the face of this reality. If the Jordanians and Egyptians could sign peace agreements with Israel, surely other Middle Eastern nations could do the same.

Carter’s apology is cosmetic. It is a Band-aid that ignores Israel’s claim to statehood and sovereignty. Israel became a nation in 1312 BCE (Before Common Era), a thousand years before the rise of Christianity and 2,000 years before the rise of Islam. Jews have had a continuous presence in Israel for the last 3,300 years. Jerusalem is mentioned more than 700 times in the Jewish Holy Scriptures, but not once in the Koran. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem.

The Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem was deliberately built over a site sacred to Jews, deemed the rock where Abraham was commanded by God to spare the life of his son. Al-Aqsa has twice been destroyed in earthquakes. Jews are forbidden access and restricted to prayers at the Western Wall.

The calumnies and lies about Israel that the former President has lent his name to and the support he has demonstrated for the enemies of Israel cannot be wiped clean by an apology.

A million Christian and Muslim Arabs call Israel home and enjoy full citizenship. They face an Iranian nuclear annihilation with their Jewish neighbors. It is time for Israel’s enemies to embrace the message of peace on Earth, but a militant Islam forecloses that allusive goal for all mankind and the land where it was first proposed.

Alan Caruba

How to Stop Nationalised Healthcare

The Three-Step Plan to Stop Nationalized Health Care
by Ben Shapiro
“What we’re building here is not a mansion, it’s a starter home … it has room for expansion and additions in the future. If we don’t start the starter home, we’ll never get there. So this is not the end of health care reform, this is the beginning of health care reform.”... Senator Tom Harkin (D) Iowa

Please read the entire article at:

Demography Decides Everything ... Alan Caruba

Demography Decides Everything
By Alan Caruba

When I listen to politicians arguing the merits of some piece of legislation, I am usually 99% sure they have no idea how demography—population—will effect the outcome of their grand schemes.

This is particularly true of advocates of fixed and often flawed ideas about the environment. Most “save the Earth” true believers want to see huge reductions in the population of the planet. They don’t much care for human beings.

Demography is the study of population; focusing on things like fertility rates, aging, ethnic identity, and immigration. Knowing the accurate demographics of a nation is central to its governance and this is particularly true for a democracy. It is no accident that both words have the same root, demos as in people.

Knowing the size and distribution of the U.S. population was a serious concern for the Founders and it is part of Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution which states that "[An] Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct." Congress first met in 1789, and the first national census was held in 1790.

For the world in general, fertility rates have been falling as more women receive education and become part of the workplace. Higher standards of living and education reduce birth rates. It makes it easier for women to be part of the workforce and households have more money for savings as well as the consumption of goods. As nations like India and China improve their economic status, their populations will stabilize and population growth will slow. The odious one-child policy in China will, in time, pass into history.

Thus, industrialization, the increased spread of electrical power, a global economy with fewer trade restrictions, all will favorably impact population growth by slowing it. In contrast, the objectives of the environmental movement such as the reduction of energy use based on the false assertion that it produces carbon dioxide that, in turn, will heat the Earth, are in direct conflict with population stabilization and reduction.

In the United States, government policies have been in direct contradiction of what native-born and naturalized citizens want. If the latter had there way, there would not have been a sharp increase in the population. Instead, the government has pursued policies that increase, largely through legal and illegal immigration, the number of people in the nation.

In 1970, the U.S. population was about 203 million. This followed the unprecedented “Baby Boom” years,1946-1964. Today the population has surpassed 293 million. These numbers come from the Census Bureau. At no other time in U.S. history have recent immigrants and their children dominated population growth.

The U.S. Census Bureau’s official estimate is that there are eight million illegal immigrants currently in the nation. Most observers of illegal immigrant believe that the actual number range from twelve to seventeen million.

So, since 1970, each Congress and each President has adopted policies not only allowing, but encouraging, legal, and in particular, illegal immigration far above traditional levels and setting the stage for increasing economic and social problems.

As reported by USA Today, the U.S. population is expected to “soar to 438 million by 2050 and the Hispanic population will triple according to projections…by the Pew Reseafch Center.

Moreover, the U.S. Census Bureau projects that “the future age structure of the population will be older than it is now. Very nearly 40% will be senior citizens, over 65, by 2050. In 2011, the last members of the Baby Boom will reach 65 by 2029. All will be eligible for Social Security and Medicare if, in fact, these two entitlement programs have not become insolvent by then.

Here, again, we see government policy ignoring or just ignorant of population changes as the Congress moves toward passing a healthcare reform package that 80% of the voters disapprove; one that will slash a trillion dollars from Medicare funds and institute rationing of care as the number of older Americans increase. The harm to the current healthcare system is incalculable.

In addition, yet another amnesty bill has been introduced in Congress at a time when it is obvious that a growth in the genera population will only exacerbate and increase the costs of educating the children of the newly enfranchised, formerly illegal immigrants, along with the cost providing medical care to those who cannot afford it, and incarcerating those who break the law. These costs will add billions at all levels of society.

So, demographics do matter, even if politicians and other special interests ignore them. They have local, national, and international ramifications as populations either stabilize or increase worldwide.

A lesson for the United States can be drawn from the decline of the Roman Empire. It was a combination of the cost of far-flung military commitments and the invasions of populations from outside of the empire that ultimately caused its collapse through an inability to impose Pax Romana or stop the depredations of northern European tribes and threats from the Huns.

Policies that deliberately deny the benefits of the provision of widespread energy availability and of education to increase literary; policies that deny protection against the scurge of malaria and other diseases; discourage the use of genetically modified crops to avoid deforestation and to provide ample food supplies; policies that impose foolish mandates such as ethanol or even attempt to regulate carbon dioxide with the false claim that it is a harmful gas, all contribute to the waste of the Earth’s greatest resource, its human population.

There are, of course, events beyond our imagination, though not necessarily our control. As the great physicist Albert Einstein warned, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”


Alan Caruba writes a daily post at An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Americans Are Mad As Hell!

Americans Are Mad As Hell!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

The Last time Americans were this mad, they were colonists and the government to which they were tethered was across the Atlantic, in England, and paid no mind to the “bitching” Americans. Today the government is in Washington, DC. Little else has changed!

The end result of the first scenario above was revolution. The end result of the second scenario above may be the same thing!

The word “Revolution” is being used more and more by Americans in daily conversations and especially on the Internet, by bloggers, and everyday folks who comment on those bog sites.

If you happen to be a member of the US government and you just happen to be reading this blog, you had better take notice. Americans have had all they are going to take from a government that gives all indications that it doesn’t give a damn what we Americans, their constituents think, or what we want, or what we do not want. We never intended a “rogue” government such as we have today. We will not abide a rogue government such as we have today.

If you are an incumbent politician, you have better figure out a way to stop the November elections next year, or you will be out of a job, at least in Washington. If you DO stop the scheduled election, the pitchforks and torches will magically appear and Americans will, once again, take up arms to rescue their country from a government that is far, far, too big, far too powerful, and no longer represents the people of the republic. You have to go!

The Founding Fathers intended us to toss you people out on your butts when you became all the things you have become -- and are today! They said so!

Admit it! You people are a bunch of Socialist, Marxists, Progressives/Communists, and only God, Himself, knows what else! I don’t know whom you represent -- but you do not represent the American people.

And we are sick of it!

We have had our fill of your abuse of power, of your abuse of the American people. I mean, you have the unmitigated gall to pass a healthcare bill that will affect every American -- except you and your families! How’s that for abuse of power, huh? How’s that for thumbing your nose at your constituents?

Just look at what you are doing. You are trying to pass a Cap and Trade bill that will raise our taxes, increase the amount we have to pay each year to heat our homes, to drive our vehicles, and heavens knows what else. The increase of taxes on fuel alone will drive prices up all across the board. EVERYTHING will cost more. Well, we are not going to allow that one out of the Senate without a knock-down, drag-out fight!

Next, you are about to hit us, for a third time, with another Amnesty Bill for illegal aliens in the US. The billions and billions that one is going to cost us is incalculable. We’re going to fight you all the way to the finish line on it just as we did last time. Seal the damn borders. Arrest and lock up all illegal aliens. Put them in detention camps, somewhere in the deserts of the southwest, until they can be deported. Can’t find ‘em? Put a bounty on their heads and we will be driving busloads of them to those detention camps within 24 hours! Where there is a will there is a way!

That damnable healthcare bill you passed out of the Senate is going to break the country and destroy the world’s finest healthcare system. 57% of us said NO; we’d rather have no healthcare bill at all than have that monstrosity. Yet you passed that thing through the Senate anyway. Well, the fight is NOT completely over -- and believe me when I say -- we are going to fight you for every last vote on it.

Look, just how stupid do you think we are, anyway? Do you not think that we understand that you are simply setting the stage for America to join a single one-world government as an “equal” country to all others? Do you not think that we understand that you do not believe in “American Exceptionalism?” Hell, we KNOW THAT! We’ve known that for some time now. See, we are way ahead of you there -- and that is why YOU HAVE TO GO!

Pollsters tell us that 66% of Americans want smaller government and fewer government services. DID YOU GET THAT? Hell, NO! Even if you had heard us, you would have shrugged it off and continued on your merry way.

What a mess this country is in! In my nearly 7 decades on this earth, I have NEVER seen it in worse shape -- and that includes all the wars in my lifetime.

We have a President so inept he can’t find his own rear-end with both hands and a bird dog. We have a Congress, which has gone rogue on us and set itself up as an oligarchy in which all power is vested in them as the dominant class or clique. America now has government by the few.

Americans are mad as hell!
We will TRY to suffer your arrogance until November. But that is it. Either stand down by resigning while you still have a shred of dignity and respectability left or be driven from office by the waves of wrathful, angry, just plain MAD Americans who wish election day were today!

J. D. Longstreet

"To The Barricades!"

"To The Barricades!"
US Rogue Congress Must Be Thrown Out In 2010.
A Commentary by: J. D. Longstreet
America has now had the opportunity to see what a socialist government can do to America. We have seen the current US government -- made up of Socialists, Marxists, Communists, Progressives, and a mere sprinkling of real Democrats -- nearly cause the collapse of the greatest nation ever to grace the globe. In a matter of months they brought America to its knees in humiliation before the world. They managed to do what all of America's enemies have never been able to do. America nearly capitulated.

But, thanks to the old moss-backed conservatives in the hinterlands of the nation continuously shouting the alarm and rallying the apathetic citizenry, Americans found their spine and during the past couple of months they have been rousing their fellow Americans, lovers of freedom, to fight back. The battle was joined and those conservatives who would not bow, who would not surrender the freedom, the liberty, our forefathers fought, bled, and died to preserve for us, have managed to fight the rogue government with a vigor they have not seen in a VERY long time. And we must keep it up!

Much has yet to be done to roll back as much of the government intrusion into our daily lives as we possibly can. Much has yet to be done to repair the damage to the democratic representative republic done by the socialists in Washington. If we are to prevail completely, we have no time to lose. We must begin reconstruction immediately.

The most important election in the history of the United States is coming up in November of 2010. Do not be surprised if the socialist government of the United States makes a massive effort to stop the elections scheduled for November of 2010. There ARE ways to do it and I expect them to try anything they can to remain in power.

Under Article one, Section four, Clause one, of the US Constitution, the Congress has broad authority to postpone elections in the event of a national emergency situation. DO NOT KID YOURSELF: The US Congress DOES have, by statute, the power to "postpone" the elections scheduled for November 2010. The Supreme Court has already ruled on that power.

Think about it. In this era of terrorist attacks and with the national economy on the ropes, how difficult would it be to FIND a national emergency, or... God forbid... create one, in order to declare a national emergency and "postpone" the elections. For an interesting read on this question go: HERE.

We must not be deterred. We must demand that free elections in the United States be allowed to happen in November of 2010 -- and -- WE must be prepared to go to the polls in great WAVES of voters fueled with righteous indignation at the way our democratic representative republic has been shoved aside by a power hungry leftist elite bent on paving the way for the United States to join in a one world government, or global governance.

Some are saying the Democratic Party is worried because their own polling is showing they could lose 30 seats in the House of Representatives TODAY!

With 60% of the electorate against the healthcare bill the socialists in Congress are determined to pass into law OVER our protestations, is there any question the democrats stand to lose many more than 30 seats in the House? Is this impetus enough for the incumbents to begin thinking of some way to postpone the inevitable?

The American electorate has begun to stir. The sleeping tiger is twitching, and when fully awake, its roar is devastating.

Many months ago, I wrote that the one thing the democrats could be counted on to do was "overreach." NOW you see what I meant. They cannot help themselves. Their lust for power is overwhelming and they are slaves to it as much as any drug addict is a slave to the drug of his/her choice. They train much of their young lives in our leftist universities to "Make a Difference" and they emerge as the "best and the brightest" believing their own propaganda and they make it their life's work to SAVE us from ourselves by running our lives for us from the cradle to the grave. After all, THEY are smarter they we. THEY know what is good for us and what is not. How dare we question their right to dictate our lives?

They become socialists/communists but they refer to themselves as communist party members have for decades: "PROGRESSIVES."

And they have control of the US Government from the White House to both houses of the Congress. This must change or the United States cannot survive.

We conservatives must work as we have never worked before to re-claim our country. Our national legislature must, once again, truly be representative as it was meant to be.

We have roughly one year to save the republic.

Those in charge in Washington can already see the handwriting on the wall. They know they have only until next November to get their way with their socialist ideas. They will be working furiously during the next eleven months, or so, to ram through the Congress as much of their program as they possibly can. It will be up to conservatives to stop them, to bottle them up, to confuse their plans, until we can vote them out of office next November.

These are perilous times for the republic. Once made aware of the danger, my expectation is that Americans will rise to the occasion as we always have when our nation is in peril.

That Southern Gentleman, planter, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army and first President of the United States of America, George Washington, once said: “Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” President Washington also said: “The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves.”

So, what is it to be fellow Americans -- free men or slaves? If we are to be free men we have one year to secure our freedom. Just one year.

J. D. Longstreet

Sunday, December 20, 2009

President Obama’s Epiphany. An Impossibility Becomes Possible ... by James T. Moore

Dear readers of “INSIGHT on Freedom” and the writing of J. D. Longstreet:

Recently the article you see, immediately below, was posted on other sites with my name at the top, which would serve to indicate that I wrote the article. I did not.

In fact, I received a message from the author, Mr. James T. Moore in which he expressed his displeasure with the manner in which the article, HIS article, had been published. He felt, and rightly so, that by placing my name at the top, even though Mr. Moore’s name appears at the end of the article, most readers would be led to believe that I was the author -- not Mr. Moore.

After an investigation, I determined that the article had never been published on my site and that I had not submitted the article to ANY OTHER SITES for consideration for publication, at all. After googling the article by title, I sent an e-mail to a site I found had published the article in the manner described above. I asked that a correction be made and that the true author be given credit for his article or that the article be pulled immediately.

In the meantime I have alerted Mr. Moore of all this and assured him I had no part in it.

This was my first brush with this sort of thing and, I must say, it is hurtful. In this case, I believe there was a genuine mix-up and the whole thing was an accident. Nevertheless, two people, Mr. Moore, and myself, were caught up in this and both of us experienced undeserved worry and aggravation.

Below is the article, which was written by Mr. James T. Moore. It is an exceptional article and one we highly recommend to you.

Thank you!

J. D. Longstreet


President Obama’s Epiphany. An Impossibility Becomes Possible
Epiphany: (1) “A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something, (2) A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization.” - Many people have epiphanies; that is, they suddenly experience an almost mystical acknowledgement of a truth that changes the person forever. It reveals his erroneous thinking and supplants it with what the person actually believes in his heart, and damn the consequences. Epiphany plays no favorites; it can happen to any human being.

An epiphany of sorts was experienced by President Woodrow Wilson. In 1913 Wilson approved the Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he said, “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of concentrated credit. The growth of the nation is, therefore, in the hands of a few men. No longer a government by free opinion, by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

As far as we know, no other President has had an “episode” which has caused him to “see the light”, resulting in a change of mind, a major adjustment in policies, a concession of errors, an effort to reverse present direction, and instead, take the high road of principles, values, and integrity.

Now to the heart of this article: What if President Barrack Obama experienced an epiphany: suddenly realizing that America is on a destructive path, and as president of this nation, had it in his power (as well as his duty and responsibility) to reverse direction and return our nation to its former greatness as the peaceful and non-aggressive Constitutional Republic envisioned by our Founders?

It is in this implausible scenario that we hereby offer the words of a speech to the nation that President Obama might make, should this impossibility ever became possible.

Good evening, my fellow Americas. The message that I bring you this evening is one that, I believe, you would never expect any president to deliver. No American president has ever, to my knowledge, said anything that remotely resembles what I am about to say. Moreover, if what I tell you sparks your reason, commonsense and love of country, no future president will ever have to.

Before I continue, let me warn you that what I say may cause chaos and turmoil in some quarters, and cheers and applause in others, but will surely be an unexpected surprise, to all patriotic, loyal American citizens.

I confess this evening that I am not the same man you elected as your president in 2008. Let me explain. You will recall that I campaigned on a promise to bring “change” to America. Voters believed me enough to make me their president. For which I am grateful. But make no mistake, I believed it myself. And believing it, I began on day-one in office to right some of the wrongs I saw in our government. But you and I both know that government is a strange and often vicious animal; hard to tame, difficult to change, and unrelenting in its drive for growth, control, secrecy and power.

Because of its blatant disregard for its legitimate role in America, our government has become a massive, out-of-control abomination and an unbearable load on the back of our citizens. And just what is government’s only legitimate role in government? George Washington, our first president, was quiet clear about that. He said that “government’s only constitutional duty was to guarantee our freedoms; maintain control of our borders; concentrate primarily on America’s interests, and avoid involvement in foreign affairs and long-term “entangling alliances.” All of which we, regretfully, have turned our backs on.

Worse still, this, and prior administrations, influenced (or coerced) by certain wealthy elite, have begun a systematic dismantling of our great nation, and are presently taking steps to nullify our sovereignty and “remake” America into an “equal” member of a New World Order; which, I presume, comes as no great surprise to you.

I admit now that I fell into this mindset when I reached the Oval Office. I believed what the Bush
administration, and several administrations before him, had been envisioning was America’s role in the world as the supreme power player, the premier nuclear nation, and the answer to the centuries old tribal wars in the Middle East. They saw America as the world’s policeman, the doer of good, the solver of universal problems, the destroyer of evil, and God’s gift to a troubled world. At that time, seeing and believing that all this was true and was now being played out, it was my job as your new president, to continue, and enhance, the “progress” that was being made. Which I did in all sincerity and with whatever intelligence and talents I possess.

Having said that, night before last, I woke up confused and trembling. I thought at first I might have gotten a chill, but I suddenly became aware of something quite mind-shattering. I felt a kind of transition taking place in me. I definitely sensed that what I had been doing, the orders I had been giving, and the actions I was taking as president were not only wrong, but basically dishonest, unethical, and damaging to our nation. I saw people in my administration who were intentionally (or in obedient lockstep with the evildoers) operating and making decisions that were not only counter-productive, but literally capable of eventually tearing our nation apart. And I broke into a cold sweat thinking about it.

By morning, this epiphany, conscience, wake-up-call, or whatever you wish to call it, became clearer. It was changing my mind, and intuitively I knew it was changing my life. I suddenly realized that the change people were hoping for was quite different than what is happening today. I sensed that your hoped-for change really meant moving forward by looking back---put another way, advancing to a better America by returning to the principles and values that made this nation great in the first place.

But now, I confess, I had in mind no such change at all. Frankly, my friends, instead of a change that would bring us all to our senses and remake the America into the land we knew and loved so well, it would be a negative change that could eventually result in the end of our country as we know it. And I knew, then and there, that something had to be done to stop America’s enemies from driving her into oblivion.

Therefore, with a positive change in mind, tomorrow morning I am announcing some major shifts in our policies and strategies designed to turn our government around and restore America back to the constitutional greatness envisioned by our Founders. Details of these changes will then be made public. Meantime, here, with your indulgence, is a brief summary of what those changes entail:

First, I will refute the notion of America as an empire, by gradually reducing our military presence in the 140 nations in which they are stationed around the world. Our World War II occupation of countries will be discontinued. I will also order a gradual and orderly withdrawal of troops from Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and use our military only to protect our embassies and our domestic borders.

Second, heeding the admonitions of our Founders, I am issuing an order that we immediately cease interfering in foreign affairs, especially disputes among aggressive nations. Our eagerness to right the wrongs in the world have led America into more foreign wars and conflicts that we can, or should be, expected to handle. American interests must, and will, come first.
Third, I will order the dissolution of lobbies and political influences, except for the very necessary ones. Changes in our laws will, as the Constitution states, be the prerogative of Congress, no one else. I will insist that the needs of America as a nation come first, superceding all partisan bickering and quid pro quos.

Fourth, we are a nation of laws. Therefore, I will close our borders to all illegal aliens. I will open our borders to immigrants who enter legally and sincerely desire to become Americans, and are willing to work for it. This will solve another problem: It will cut off a major source of drugs coming into this country.

Fifth, businesses and industries are entitled to a fair profit and I intend to see that they get it on what Americans need and can be produced right here. In conjunction with this, I am ordering a prohibition, with few exceptions, on the outsourcing of our technologies, materials and labor. America grew strong by having the resources, together with ambitious, creative people to develop them. Having our citizens out of work is an abomination which I intend to rectify.
Sixth, I have erroneously made appointments in my administration which I now believe are at odds with America’s values. I therefore plan a cabinet adjustment in those positions which more closely reflect this nation’s principles, traditions and character. In short, there will no be room in my administration for people who put their personal agenda above the welfare of the country.
Seven, I will press for certain actions to reduce our national debt, and to solidify the strength of our dollar. First, I will order the stoppage of printing fiat money by the surreptitious Federal Reserve which is used mainly to finance our military adventurism around the world, and to keep our country deceptively solvent. I will then order the total dissolution of the private Federal Reserve system which has put our nation in a financial bind and has been a noose around our neck since it was signed into law in 1913.
Eighth, to wean us off foreign oil, I will encourage the exploration for oil in our own land and offshore, with proper safeguards, of course. With much of America’s proven resources lying dormant and unearthed, it is unthinkable that we inhibit ourselves by foreign energy dependency. Therefore, I will order our energy companies to speed up their research for alternative energy sources and will reward their efforts with tax breaks and other incentives.
Nine, there is only one Education, and it has only one goal: the freedom of the mind. I am therefore ordering a re-evaluation of the curricula in our schools and universities. We have been drifting from education to indoctrination, and this is unconscionable since young people represent the future well-being of America. Students must learn more about our country, what has made us the envy of the world, and how they may contribute to our progress. And I am determined to see that they get this knowledge.

Ten, there are nefarious forces at work attempting to nullify America’s unique status. Since freedom and independence are this nation’s sovereign identity I will order an immediate halt to the construction of the North American Highway designed to link America, Mexico and Canada into a single territorial identity, thereby making America’s sovereignty and independence non-existent. We are three separate countries with unique differences in politics, social values, ideologies; and for our own good we should remain that way.

Eleven, I will order a cessation of America’s association with the United Nations. The UN, as most citizens are unaware, is a major key in the formation of a New World Order, and I can no longer sit by and watch America subtly and systematically lose what the past 250 years has given us. International concern, cooperation, trade and humane assistance is what this nation can, and must contribute for the world’s good, but not at the expense of our own unique character, freedoms, independence and self-reliance.

And finally, we may not be able to stop other nations from developing nuclear weapons but we can, and must, stop them from any idea of delivering them. We must promote peace by making a nuclear attack on America impossible, or even unthinkable. I therefore, will order intensification of our nuclear defense options to solve this most critical problem. Sanity in the world demands it.
Now I realize there will be individuals and organizations adamantly opposed to what I say this evening. I accept that, because this message is meant for all Americans, whatever their opinions or ideologies. So I am not troubled by dissent. I fact, I welcome it.

In closing, let me leave you with this thought: When Ben Franklin was asked by a lady, “Sir, what have you given us?” Franklin answered, “A republic, ma’am, if you can keep it.” As your president, I intend for us to keep it. Thank you for your time and patience. Good evening.

James T. Moore