Saturday, June 30, 2012

Plantation Politics and the Democrats

(Originally published in April 2010)

The Plantation Politics of the Democrats/Socialists in Washington
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Those who have made a study of American history, especially that portion of history before and during the War Between the States, know it was the democrats who held the black man in slavery in both North and the South.

The Democrat Party held the southern states in a fierce grip and continued to do so until a hundred years later when President Richard Nixon successfully broke that grip and began -- what would turn out to be -- a mass migration of southerners from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.

Now the Democrats are in the “Big House” in Washington.  The rest of us are “field hands.”  But many of us field hands are writhing under the yoke of the socialist slave masters in Washington and are desperate to break free.

But there are some Americans who find themselves quite happy with the current
The "Big House"
arrangement between the masters in the Big House and the modern day field hands. 

You see, there really is a sub-class in America.  A class of US citizen, which may be accurately referred to as “wards of the state, or government.”  There have been several generations of these folks and they are joined with the folks in the Big House today, exactly as the slaves in the days prior to the “War for Southern Independence.”

They depend upon the folks in the Big House for their sustenance, for their very existence.  In many ways, the folks in the Big House own them.
In return the “wards” blindly support the Big House folks in anything and everything they try to do.  Their vote and support can always be counted on, IF the folks in the Big House are Democrats. And these days they appear to be Democrats -- although WE know that is only a façade to hide their socialism.

The “wards,” we speak of, are the Americans who will argue you down that Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat!  He had to be!  He freed the slaves, didn’t he?  Actually, Lincoln did not free a single salve.  Read the “Emancipation Proclamation” and you will quickly see that no slaves were freed by it.   In fact, in a letter to Salmon P. Chase, the Secretary of the US Treasury, dated September 3rd, 1863, Lincoln said the following:  “The Emancipation proclamation has no constitutional or legal justification except as a war measure.”

Lincoln actually proposed three constitutional amendments in his State of the Union Address to Congress in 1862:

1 – Slaves not freed by the Emancipation Proclamation to be freed over a 37-year period, to be completed by January 1st, 1900.

2 – Provided compensation to owners for the loss of their slave property.

3 – The government would transport freed Blacks, at government expense, out of the country and relocate them in Latin America and in Africa.

You see, when Lincoln truly had it in his power to bring real and immediate freedom to approximately 832,000 enslaved people (In the border states that were loyal to Lincoln and the federal government) he, LINCOLN, instead, carefully ensured that they would remain slaves!

But, hey!  Lincoln was a Democrat – right?  Well, YOU try to convince them!

Black Americans are being used and abused by the Democrats just as they were before the War for Southern Independence.  They lie to Black people over and over again, and yet -- Black Americans continue to blindly support their democratic oppressors. WHY?  Could it be because the federal government feeds, clothes, and houses them?

It is Plantation Politics! 
Plantation politics goes back generations in American Democratic Party politics and is a large part of the old “machine politics” of the big urban centers.

Francis Rice, of the National Black Republican Association, in an article entitled: “Obama and Plantation Politics,” says the following: “To his eternal shame, in order to acquire and maintain power, President Barack Obama has adopted the Democratic Party's strategy of keeping blacks poor, angry and voting for Democrats.” SOURCE:  

The Democrats are in charge of the US Government these days (In the White House and US Senate) -- just as they were in the South before this nation tore itself apart in the latter part of the 19th century.  As long as they can maintain Black Americans in a state of poverty, in a state of anger, and continuing to vote, as a large block, for Democrats/Socialists, Plantation Politics will continue to thrive and reap huge benefits for those in charge -- the Democrats/Socialists.

Democrats/Socialists are occupying the “Big House” these days.  It is they who are practicing modern day Plantation Politics.  But, then again, it has always been the Democrat’s plantation – now hasn’t it?

J. D. Longstreet



The Liar's Tax ... Alan Caruba

The Liar's Tax

By Alan Caruba

The most singular aspect of Obamacare is the way Democrats, from the President on down, consistently lied about the fact that it was a tax. Interviewed by George Stephanopolos on ABC News, September 2009, Obama was asked if he rejected the criticism that it was a tax increase. “I absolutely reject that notion,” was his reply.

No need to quote the others. They all lied. It took the Supreme Court and, in particular, Chief Justice Roberts, to call Obamacare a tax in the process of eliminating the Commerce Clause of the Constitution as a justification for imposing this burden on Americans.

As CNBC’s Larry Kudlow was quick to note, “Twenty new or higher taxes across the board are bad for economic growth, bad for job hiring, bad for investors, and bad for families,” adding that when “you tax something more, you get less of it.”

Most Americans have been repeatedly told that Obamacare would ensure more care for more people, but the fact is, with or without health insurance, Americans receive health care, even if the hospital emergency room is their last resort, even if they are homeless, and even if they have no way to pay for it.

The multi-millionaire former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who told Americans that we would have to wait to know what was in Obamacare until after it was passed, reacted to the Supreme Court decision saying, “Call it what you will.” That is the equivalent of “Let them eat cake”, Marie Antoinette’s famed statement before the enraged citizens of France separated her head from her body.

Obamacare just became the single most important element of the November 6th national elections, followed by the economy. Both stink! Both are the direct result of Obama’s declared intention to “fundamentally transform America.” If he had even a schoolchild’s grasp of American history, he would know that Americans hate taxes. They declared their independence from England over the issue of taxation without representation.

What will emerge in the months between now and the elections is the fact that the Congressional Budget Office has projected that the implementation of Obamacare will cost $1.76 trillion over a decade, an increase of $820 billion over the initial estimate when it was first signed into law. A nation already $17 trillion in debt can hardly welcome such news, nor absorb such costs.

For most Americans, though, the realization that Obamacare contains twenty-one new taxes will likely tip the scales in November to the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney, who has promised to begin the repeal of the law the first day he takes office. Yes, it is an irony that he introduced Romneycare in Massachusetts when he was Governor there, but that is not going to affect the outcome of the election.

Among the many new taxes buried in the 2000-plus pages of Obamacare, there’s a 2.3% excise tax on U.S. sales of medical devices that observers believe would prove to be a $20 billion blow to an industry that employs an estimated 400,000.

There’s a 3.6% surtax on investment income from capital gains and dividends on those earning more than $250,000.

Obamacare imposes a $50,000 excise tax on charitable hospitals that fail to meet new “community health assessment needs”, whatever they are.

There’s a $2.6 billion-a-year tax on drug companies. A 10% excise tax on indoor tanning salons. An $87 billion hike in Medicare payroll taxes for employees, as well as the self-employed.

Between now and November voters are going to be reminded that Obama promised to fix the economy and then spent the first two years getting Obamacare through Congress. No Republican voted for it and, in 2010, voters replaced some sixty representatives and senators with Republicans.

Obama promised to create jobs. Instead he gave us a multi-billion “stimulus” that utterly failed. He promised to cut the deficit in half. And he promised that Americans could keep their current health insurance plans. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that as many as twenty million will lose theirs.

Lies! Lies! Lies!

In a thoughtful analysis of Obamacare, two senior fellows at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution were joined by the dean of the Columbia Business School who concluded that “In upholding the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court has allowed the President and Congress to put the country’s health policy on a path that will restrict individual choices, stifle innovation and sharply increase health-care costs.”

As that sinks in, the November elections will end the tyranny of Barack Obama and his minions in Congress. If you wonder what will replace it, just ask Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WIS) who has a plan in place to reform Medicare and Medicaid. If you haven’t heard much about it, you can thank the mainstream media and its slavish adoration of the President.

It is a liar’s tax. It is a liar’s penalty. It is a liar’s plan to further bankrupt the nation.

© Alan Caruba, 2012
(Below is a Press Release from the Office of Senator Jim DeMint (R) of South Carolina on the Supreme Court Ruling last Thursday on Obamacare.  We thought you'd like to see it.   ...   JDL) 

June 28, 2012

DeMint Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Obamacare


Today, U.S. Senator DeMint (R-South Carolina) made the following statement:

“The Supreme Court may have failed to stop this government takeover of health care, but the American people will not.  Since the day this law was rammed through Congress, the American people have demanded repeal, and today’s ruling doesn’t make Obamacare any less dangerous to our nation’s health. Freedom-loving Americans are disappointed, but we cannot be discouraged.

“The President’s health care law must be fully repealed as all of its promises have proven false. We were told it was not a tax hike, but this ruling confirms it is an unprecedented and enormous tax on the poor and middle class Americans. President Obama needs to explain why he is enacting this middle class tax hike over the objections of the American people during the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression.

“We were told it would lower health costs, but health care premiums are exploding. We were told that Americans could keep their personal health plans, but millions will now lose it. We were told it would improve our economy, but it is now the largest obstacle to employers hiring new workers.

“This government takeover of health care remains as destructive, unsustainable, and unconstitutional as it was the day it was passed, unread, by a since-fired congressional majority.  Now as then, our first step toward real health care reform and economic renewal remains Obamacare’s full repeal, down to the last letter and punctuation mark.

“I urge every governor to stop implementing the health care exchanges that would help implement the harmful effects of this misguided law. Americans have loudly rejected this federal takeover of health care, and governors should join with the people and reject its implementation.”

“The President’s health care law will not reform anything, but is already undermining what does still work in America’s health care system.  We cannot build a free market health care system on this flawed structure of centralized government control, we must repeal all of it and start over with commonsense solutions that make health care more affordable and accessible for every American.  We can allow Americans to purchase lower cost plans from other states, support state high-risk pools to cover those with pre-existing conditions, medical-malpractice reform to end frivolous lawsuits, and tax equity so Americans who don’t get their health insurance from an employer are not penalized.”

“Today’s decision, however unfortunate, nonetheless represents an opportunity to all Americans, to claim their right to create a health care system of, for, and by the people, not government or special interests. The American people now have the chance and Congress has the responsibility to fully repeal this Washington takeover and reform health care ourselves, together, around the principles of individual liberty, not government mandates.

“The same freedom that made America strong and prosperous will make us healthier, too, so long as politicians remember that the health care system is supposed to serve our people, and not the other way around.”

Death of a Nation ... J. D. Longstreet

Death of a Nation
By J.D. Longstreet

Americans are about to learn why the 11 states of the Old Confederacy decided to leave the Union back in the 1860's.  State legislatures all across America, not just in the southern states, are about to feel the clinching mailed fist of the federal government.  Some are bound to balk and get their hackles up and, eventually, want out.

In 1860 and early 1861 no fewer than eleven states felt that way and their people held conventions and decided to leave the Union in a "Hail Mary" maneuver to save the original  constitution -- at least for themselves.  The people of two other states were split on secession but huge portions of both states sided with the Confederacy -- therefore, the thirteen stars on the national flags of the Confederacy.

So -- why am I even THINKING about secession today?  Well, as an American who was born free and just days ago was enslaved by -- and to -- the federal government, secession is beginning to appear as a viable alternative to slavery. You can bet, if this lowly commentator is thinking it, a whole lot of Americans are beginning to consider whether it is worth a shot -- to preserve, at least, SOME freedom from the state.

But then, there will be a delayed reaction by the American public to their loss of freedom on Thursday June 28th, 2012.  I mark this date as a red letter day -- a day which will go down in history as the day freedom died in America.  It was the day when America chucked freedom in favor of socialism and slavery to the state.       

Already, some of us mourn the loss of Freedom, Capitalism, Democracy, and yes, even America's position in the world as its leader. In place of all these, America has chosen SOCIALISM the "Destroyer of Nations".

I STILL find it absolutely incredible that a people so endowed by their creator and by their ancestors -- who gave their lives to gain, secure, and preserve freedom and liberty for their American progeny -- could so easily, with seemingly no thought at all as to its value, blithely, heedlessly, -- again -- with no thought at alltoss it all away -- all because a government entity (as fickle as government has proven itself to be) promises -- PROMISES, mind you -- to take care of them from cradle to grave.  

It even strains credulity, this readiness to believe the manifold promises the government has made about health care.  There is an OBVIOUS lack of proof and knowledge that Obamacare can even BEGIN to deliver on all its promises.  There is ample evidence that the Affordable Healthcare Act is doomed to failure as a national  healthcare delivery system because its record in those countries that have instituted it, (or plans similar to it) already, have failed, and failed utterly -- leaving their old and sick to die for want of medical services.

However, with an arrogance only fools have the stupidity to rely upon, an arrogance that replaced their mental competence long ago, the best and the brightest of the political left, like lemmings plunging off a cliff to certain death, joyfully continue to assure those Americans who, themselves, feel a need for a national "nanny," that all will be well.  No need to trouble oneself over such mundane matters as financing for the billions of dollars the so-called Obamacare scam will most certainly cost the taxpayers of America.

Like the misdirection of an accomplished magician they turn our attention away from such important questions as -- where will all the doctors come from?  America is at least 160,000 doctors short, as of today.  Who will care for the sick  -- a doctor, a Physician's Assistant, a Nurse Practitioner, or an EMT.  Who?

These are all legitimate, extremely important questions and no one, it seems, is asking them -- and no one is volunteering the answers.

No one seems concerned over the depth of government intrusion into every American's life granted by the Affordable Healthcare Act.  Obamacare takes away citizenship and recategorizes every American as a serf or, indeed, a slave.
I am ashamed of my fellow Americans for giving up their freedom, their constitution, their liberty, everything the Founding Fathers gave us, for so cheap a price and so fleeting a dream. They were promised nothing.  They accepted nothing --  and will be given nothing.

The disunity of America is now assured. There is nothing left of that which bound us together.  The Union of American States begins its devolution today.  The people of states wishing to be free will be forced to seek a path to separation from that government, which is holding them captive.  Oh, it will take a while, but it WILL come.

The descent of America, into the ash heap of history, has officially begun. The decline will be relatively swift and excruciatingly painful.

May God have Mercy on America, on those who warned "the other people who live in this country". I cannot use "fellow Americans" as that phrase no longer applies. It has been shredded by the Obama Machine and by the socialist party -- AKA: the  Democratic Party.

Americans who have not armed themselves up to now, will hasten to do so.   It is the prudent thing to do.  There can be no question there will be violence within America in the near future.  Those who survive will be those who prepare today.  

Forward thinking Americans will ready themselves for the coming anarchy. Providence, it seems, has decided to withdraw its protection and leave exposed  those who have defaced and destroyed this land from within.

Soon America will face wars within and without our borders, financial collapse, descention between the races, and open hostility in the streets of our cities. Those expecting utopia will finally learn they have been duped and no such paradise on earth is within their reach nor even within their sight.  They will, finally, learn they were simply a means toward an end, useful idiots, and now that THAT end has been accomplished, the goal has been reached, they are no longer needed nor wanted.

We mourn the passing of the UNITED States of America.  America is now the Democratic Socialist States of America. Today the biblical “pale horse” has been loosed upon the land.

America is about to enter a tribulation period unlike anything it has ever experienced in it’s entire history.  Our ship of state is about to founder on the rocks and we have an inexperienced deckhand who believes himself a pathfinder, a navigator without equal,  at the helm stirring us onto the shoals, the rocks, and the reef.

America has done some “dumb” things in her colorful history but this one will be forever marked in red in the records of our history.  Thursday June 28th, 2012 will forever be remembered as the day America forsook freedom for the slavery of socialism.

J. D. Longstreet

What Just Happened to the Rule of Law? ... Alan Caruba

What Just Happened to the Rule of Law?

By Alan Caruba

Following the Obamacare decision, The Heartland Institute’s Maureen Martin, a Senior Fellow for Legal Affairs, said, “Today’s decision will go down in infamy. It marks the moment when we all lost our freedom because the Supreme Court drew a road map to guide those dedicated to imposing a totalitarian, statist government on the American people.”

A Heartland colleague, Peter Ferrara, a member of the bar of the Supreme Court and a Senior Fellow for Entitlement and Budget Policy, said “The Supreme Court of the United States just endorsed the most fundamental dishonesty of our politics today. The President intimidated Chief Justice John Roberts like Hugo Chavez intimidates the Venezuelan Supreme Court. The rule of law is now dead. The American people have only one more chance now to save their country.” Heartland is a non-profit, free market think tank.

A lot of Americans may begin to feel like the Jews who lived in Nazi Germany. On September 15, 1935, the Nazi government passed the Nuremberg laws. They were intended to make life in Germany so unpleasant that it would force them to emigrate. Those who could escaped what would later materialize as the Holocaust, the deliberate extermination of all the Jews of Europe. One of them was Albert Einstein who found sanctuary in the United States.

To give you a taste of what it was like, the Reichstag’s Nuremburg laws prohibited marriage between Jews and Aryan Germans. Intercourse between Jews and “subjects of German or kindred blood” was forbidden. Jews were forbidden to fly the Reich and national flag. It did not take long for Jewish teachers, lawyers, and physicians to be stripped of their right to work.

What does that have to do with Obamacare? Americans who could rely on the political system to moderate and even reduce taxation now know that the December 28, 2012 Supreme Court has ruled that Congress may tax anything, including behavior. Americans no longer are free to determine what they wish to purchase or not. Either they follow the dictate of the federal government or they will be fined.

Obamacare has now transformed the United States into a police state.

Twenty-seven U.S. States joined together to oppose Obamacare and they and the other twenty-three now know that they are no longer separate and sovereign republics, but must yield to the federal government’s demand that they create “exchanges” where health insurance must be purchased.

Arizona has already discovered that the federal government will not permit its law enforcement authorities to participate in protecting its border with Mexico despite the havoc illegal immigration has wreaked on that State. Other States have encountered the same response.

America’s older generation, covered by Medicare, will discover that panels of bureaucrats will determine the extent of the health care they can receive. They will discover as those in England’s health system that the wait to be admitted to a hospital can result in death.

The younger generation will suffer as well. As Paul T. Conway, the president of Generation Opportunity, a non-profit, non-partisan organization that seeks to mobilize young adults who are dissatisfied with the status quo to create a better future for themselves, has said:

“President Obama’s health care law stands as one of the largest tax increases in American history. It will be paid by young Americans whose dreams and plans for the future have already been derailed by failed policies that have denied their access to full-time, meaningful jobs in their chosen career paths.”

“Young Americans,” said Conway, “know they will pay the true costs of President Obama’s legislation—over a trillion dollars more in federal spending, more waste and fraud, increased American debt, and the inability to keep or choose healthcare plans that best suit their needs as individuals.”

Young, old, and all other Americans will wake now to an America that they have not known, nor ever conceived could exist; a nation in which the rule of law no longer is a guarantee of the Constitution’s limits and separation of powers.

© Alan Caruba, 2012 
Alan Caruba's commentaries are posted daily at "Warning Signs" his popular blog and thereafter on dozens of other websites and blogs. If you love to read, visit his monthly report on new books at Bookviews. To visit his Facebook page, click here For information on his professional skills, is the place to visit.

Friday, June 29, 2012

America Is NOW A Socialist Police State. ... J. D. Longstreet

America Is NOW A Socialist Police State
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Obama and his fellow socialists in the White House and Congress probably did not realize that all the self congratulatory fist pumping , high fives, and atta-boys at the decision on Obamacare by the Supreme Court was a bit premature.  Yes.  They won the battle, but the war has only begun.

It was an inspirational victory -- for the conservative right through out America.  The outrage was palpable.

Conservatives who were not on board for Mr. Romney, the GOP candidate running against Obama for President, began a rush to Romney's side moments after the Court's decision was announced,  and money began to pour into Romney's campaign coffers.  In less than four hours 1 million and a half dollars had found its way into the hands of the Romney campaign.  And the spigot was barely turned on. 

A tsunami of outrage rolled across America picking up steam as it went.  Even the US House of Representatives announced another vote to repeal Obamacare was scheduled for early July when the representatives return from their July 4th recess.

The lackadaisical republican base was ignited with a new vigor, vitality, and resolve to toss out Obama and as much of his cohort now in the US Senate and the US House of Representatives as is possible in the Fall election.

Staunch conservatives who have complained that Romney is too moderate, not conservative enough, swallowed their distaste for the nominee-to-be with the realization that Romney is, indeed, the only candidate we have to replace Obama.  They moved resolutely into the Romney camp.

Those talking heads of the chattering class of the news shows and talk shows on the cable news TV channels who STILL proclaimed the election is STILL about the economy will look back on their moment of very bad judgment after November with shame and embarrassment -- and with the knowledge that on Thursday June 28th, 2012, the terms of the election changed from the economy to repealing Obamacare and defeating all those supporters of Obamacare who remain in the Congress.  THAT is now the motivation for sweeping the White House and the Congress in the November election.

We are about to see a revolution in America.

As my friend Alan Caruba rightly pointed out in a fiery commentary immediately following the announcement of the Court's decision, America is now a police state.

Mr. Caruba is, sadly, correct.  As of Thursday, June 28th, 2012, the constitution is null and void -- as is the Bill of Rights.  Now the government can command any American citizen to do anything it chooses and if that hapless citizen does not comply, the government can fine him with a heavy tax to compel him to comply with that government command.   By any definition -- America is now a police state.

State's rights no longer exists -- at all.  There is no longer such a thing as a sovereign state. Arizona was only the beginning.  State legislatures were rendered impotent in the face of the all powerful FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.  

It is crystal clear that Obama has delivered on his promise to "fundamentally CHANGE America."  He most certainly did. He changed us from a free constitutional republic to a tin-pot dictatorship and a third-world country "wanna-be" almost overnight.  The SCOTUS made the transformation complete by not striking down Obamacare.

Now here's a hard truth for you.  Even though republicans say they want to repeal Obamacare, please note:  It will necessitate a complete take-over of the US House of Representatives, the US Senate, and the Office of the President of the United States. Without gaining all three, repealing Obamacare has no chance.

It is a fairly safe bet that the GOP will maintain ownership of the US House, but the US Senate is another matter.  It will be much harder to win that House -- but we must TRY!

June 28th, 2012 is truly a day of infamy for America.  It is the day America had socialism rammed down its throat by a socialist President.  Make no mistake about it.  America IS NOW a socialist police state.

If it is true that people get the government they deserve, then, apparently, it is time for America to pay for her sins.

The next few years will be a time of tribulation for America. The entire nation is going to be in an uproar with Americans at each other's throats.  The terrible divide that has split our country for a number of decades has just grown exponentially wider and is, I believe uncrossable.  The split is now permanent.  We are officially:  "A House Divided."

The scriptures teach us that a house divided cannot stand.  The plain truth is -- America is no exception to that rule.

J. D. Longstreet


Thursday, June 28, 2012

REPEAL OBAMACARE ... J. D. Longstreet

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Obama won in the Supreme Court but the Republican base in the American electorate has just been fired up and can't wait to get to the polls in November.

As we suspected, all along, Obamacare was upheld as constitutional by the SCOTUS on Thursday June 28th, 2012.  The battle lines have just been re-drawn.  NOW the election in November is about REPEALING OBAMACARE!

As my friend and fellow blogger Alan Caruba has said:  " ... it will condemn Americans to having bureaucrats deny medical care to some because of their age and others to die while waiting for it.

By any standard it is a horrendously bad law and one that initiated a huge political movement, the Tea Party, to oppose it. Mitt Romney is campaigning on the promise to repeal it. It was a law passed in the dark of night and it embodies all the worst aspects of Socialism."

Some conservatives, myself included, will dedicate the weeks and months between today and the election in November to informing Americans of the huge government take-over of their lives.  We intend to bring as much pressure as possible on the Congress and the Republican nominee for President -- as well as all GOP candidates for national and state offices across the land -- to engage in a massive movement by the people of the country to repeal this "Law from Hell."

Obama and his socialist cronies have won this round.  They have, indeed, won the battle  but they have not won the war.  We intend to re-engage in battle in the Congress, with renewed vigor,  in an attempt to repeal this law which makes legal the takeover of every single American's life by the federal government.

The election in November is no longer about republicans and democrats.  No.  It is now about Obamacare... exclusively!  

It is time -- today -- for the Tea Party to step front and center, once again, and LEAD!

The infrastructure for a national resistance movement against Obamacare and the democrats in November should already be in place.  It is now a matter of getting off our collective behinds and into the streets, in front of the camera's and microphones, in the papers , indeed, all the media, especially the Internet (by way of the blogosphere).

There is an expression I heard many decades ago and it has stuck with me ever since.  "I'm bent, but I'm not bowed.  I'm bloodied but I'm not slain.  So, I'll lay me down and rest a bit, then I'll rise to fight again."  The author is unknown to me but I have drawn strength from those words for a very long time and in many, many, situations.  I do today.

For those of us opposed to Obamacare, the battle is not ended.  Indeed, the historic words of Capt. John Paul Jones, the Father of the US Navy, are apropos here.  Those words , reportedly uttered on the burning deck of Jones' sinking ship (in reply to the demand of the enemy ship's captain to surrender his vessel) reverberate across America today.  Captain Jones is said to have responded defiantly:  "Sir, I have NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT!"  Jones -- and what was left of his crew -- won the battle, captured the enemy ship,  and sailed away victorious.

According to the scriptures there is a time for everything under the sun.

In the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Holy Bible, "The Preacher" says:  "What is crooked cannot be made straight and what is lacking cannot be numbered." (Ecclesiastes Chapter 2, verse 15.)  The Preacher goes on to say:  "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."  He continues to enumerate the various matters for which there is a time, a season.  The one that leapt out at me today was this one:  "... a time to keep silence, and a time to speak ...."

THIS  is a time to speak, to speak out, for freedom, for liberty, to restore the government America's forefathers intended and rid ourselves of this massive socialist, statist, nightmare which is suffocating freedom in America today.

Obamacare is nothing if it is not what Alexis de Tocqueville referred to as
"Soft Despotism."  De Tocqueville described it this way:  "After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd."

De Tocqueville warned us what would happen to America if we continued on the course of Big Government.  Over time, he warned, we would become so dependent upon government that we would simply stop being, well, human.  Here is what he said:  "It is in vain to summon a people who have been rendered so dependent on the central power to choose from time to time the representatives of that power; this rare and brief exercise of their free choice, however important it may be, will not prevent them from gradually losing the faculties of thinking, feeling, and acting for themselves, and thus gradually falling below the level of humanity."


For that "remnant" of Americans who still believe, against all odds, that a spark of freedom, a glimmer of liberty, remains in America today, we have no choice but to rise up in righteous fury and demand that our elected leaders repeal the "Law from Hell," Obamacare, and send its supporters home in defeat and shame.

There can be NO Compromise on repealing Obamacare.    America MUST be rid of this sulfurous brimstone reeking monster if the people of America are to have any chance, at all, of maintaining a single iota of personal freedom and liberty.

Let the battle begin -- and let all good men and women "ride to the sound of the guns," with all haste, determined to rescue the America our forefathers left in our keeping.

is our battle cry!  We march beneath the black flag of "no quarter" for none can be given in this conflict to save our country.

I am committed to this fight until Obamacare is nothing more than a very bad memory and America is saved from its hellish claws.

Deo Vindici!

J. D. Longstreet

The Liars Have Triumphed ... Alan Caruba

The Liars Have Triumphed

By Alan Caruba
The Supreme Court decision on Obamacare confirmed that lies have triumphed over the Constitution.

It also is a reminder that the Supreme Court is a political entity and a human one. Only the Justices who dissented from the majority decision on Obamacare were willing to take the heat. The majority ruled that the individual mandate under the commerce clause was unconstitutional, but gave Obamacare life as a tax.

It was always a tax, but President Obama repeatedly told Americans that it was not until his administration’s lawyers went before the Supreme Court and admitted and argued that it was a tax. The lawyers on the Court agreed, the majority in effect saying that there is no limit to the ability of Congress to tax Americans.

As reported: On the losing end of a 5-4 decision, Justices Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito said that the entire health care reform law should have been struck down.

They wrote: "The Act before us here exceeds federal power both in mandating the purchase of health insurance and in denying non-consenting states all Medicaid funding. These parts of the Act are central to its design and operation, and all the Act's other provisions would not have been enacted without them. In our view it must follow that the entire statute is inoperative."

Obamacare is a blow to state's rights as sovereign republics.

A fellow blogger, writing under the pseudonym of J.D. Longstreet, warned that “The lesson here is -- don't play around with socialism. You cannot win. It kills its host country every time.”

Not since the Civil War and the more recent 9/11 has America faced a darker day. That day killed nearly three thousand Americans. Today, the fate of more than three hundred million Americans has been sealed. This is particular true of older Americans who, if the law is not repealed, will learn to their dismay that they cannot have essential medical care if bureaucrats conclude it is too costly. Others will die waiting to be admitted to hospitals to mitigate cancers and other life threatening diseases.

It is a death sentence for them. It is a death sentence for America.

There is the prospect that Mitt Romney may secure election to office and that the Republican Party may secure control of the Senate as well as the House. Without question Obamacare along with the economy becomes the central issue of the months leading up to Election Day.

Not a single Republican voted for Obamacare 820 days ago.

The House will vote on a full repeal of Barack Obama's health care law during the week of July 9, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said Thursday morning. The scheduling of another repeal vote came less than an hour after the Supreme Court upheld the health care mandate.

This is, however, purely symbolic. The bill will not be taken up in the Democrat-controlled Senate. It would be vetoed if sent to Obama.

Too many with whom I have talked believe that the same Americans who elected Obama in 2008 will reelect him in 2012. He lied his way into office then and it is entirely plausible he will do so again.

America will not survive him if he is reelected. He is truly the Manchurian candidate sent to destroy America.

© Alan Caruba, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Enemy At America's Gate ... J. D. Longstreet

The Enemy At America's Gate
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Like the barbarians at the gates of Rome, the UN stands at America's portal raging against the freedom of the people of the country they love to hate.

Ofttimes, the "sappers" they deploy against America stoop to ridiculous levels to focus more of the world's disfavor on the UN's despised target.

Like this, for example:     

Recently, the UN demanded that the US give Mount Rushmore back the Native Americans.  Somehow, the UN didn't mention Manhattan Island upon which most of New York City stands.  Talk about a rip-off!

You may recall that the Island of Manhattan was bought from the American Indians for only twenty-four dollars in beads by Peter Minuit a Dutchman and the leader of the settlers there at the time.  The, uh, purchase was made on May 24th,1626.

S. James Anaya is the American James J. Lenoir Professor of Human Rights Law and Policy at the University of Arizona's James E. Rogers College of Law.  In March 2008, he was appointed by the United Nations as its Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Peoples.

I know.  This is ridiculous enough, but understand -- the UN has only begun its meddling in the affairs of the United States.  Wait until they demand the confiscation of all small arms owned by US citizens.  That's your hand guns, shot guns, and rifles my fellow Americans.  That move is just around the corner as both  the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and the US President, Barack Hussein Obama, both support ratification by the US Senate of the UN Small Arms Treaty.   If passed, this treaty would supercede the US Constitution. THAT would make the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution null and void!

I don't like, nor do I trust the United Nations.  It is corrupt, beyond measure, and it causes far more problems than it solves around the world.

The UN, as some have suggested, has long been a safe harbor for terrorist and oppressive regimes which target America as the enemy.

The UN exists only to provide cushy offices and grand homes, for their officials, and… diplomatic immunity while they are here, on US soil. It also provides a headquarters for practically every enemy country on the globe to base their spying operations against the US. It is the only spot on the globe that bloodthirsty dictators can come together with total immunity.

I am embarrassed that my country, the US, is a member of the UN and I take every opportunity to plead with my government’s officials to do all in their power to get the US out of the UN.

There MAY have been a time when an organization, such as the UN (when it began), was necessary.  NO longer.  It has become the thing we feared most… an enemy of the US.  And that enemy is perched on a riverbank in New York City.  Yes, I know the UN owns the land their building stands upon, but the fact that it’s proximity, to US soil, is so close… makes me shudder with revulsion.

So what should the US do?  First… get out!  Look, we know who our friends are.  They are the people with whom we need to bond in a mutual defense treaty, of some sort, and allow the UN to collapse of it’s own corrupt weight.

I am sick and tired of the UN, and the political Left, insisting that we get that proverbial “permission slip” from them to take care of problems in the world that affect the US.  The US doesn’t need the UN and, I daresay, the majority of Americans do not wish to continue our membership in that disreputable organization.

If the US withdrew it’s funding of the UN, I suspect the UN would eventually have to close its doors.   We pay at least  22% of all the expenses of the UN and we provide the finest troops in the world for their peacekeeping (?) missions.

Does the fact that the US pays such a large amount of the expenses of the UN bother me?  You bet it does! If former Senator Jesse Helms, of North Carolina, was still in the Senate, I suspect that amount would be nearly cut in half, if we didn’t withhold payment, altogether. The latter would suit me.  Every time the US treasury cuts a check for the UN it just feels like aiding and abetting the enemy.

The UN does not reflect the values the American citizen holds dear.  We have no business in an organization bent so completely toward our destruction. 

Yes, I DO understand we may be trying to live into the old proverb,” Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer”.  That may be. But the UN is just too close for comfort!

The United Nations, in my opinion, has one goal in mind and that is -- global governance -- a one-world government with the UN as a global, tyrannical, dictator.    

Let me be clear.  It makes no difference if Mr. Obama is reelected -- or -- if Mr. Romney is elected in November-- the United States WILL remain a member and primary financier of the United Nations and its nefarious agenda. I find that fact sickening! 

I am not an advocate for an isolationist America.  I want to be absolutely clear on that.  We have already seen how a policy of leadership from behind, Mr. Obama's foreign policy,  can lead to a global conflagration.  If the US finds it needs to be engaged in worldwide diplomacy, then it should align itself with a group of like-minded nations such as the the United Kingdom  -- not with Russia, China, and every tin pot dictator on the globe.

At a point, not too distant in the future of this planet, the United States and the United Nations will go to war against each other.  That is inevitable.  What the people of the United States and the people of the United Nations want is two entirely different things.  The people of the US want freedom and liberty.  The people of the United Nations want a socialist dictatorship spanning the globe.

It is critical for freedom to survive on earth that the US withdraw from the United Nations and recognize the UN as the threat to world wide freedom that it is.

J. D. Longstreet

Monday, June 25, 2012

State's Rights Were Murdered At Appomattox, Virginia ... J. D. Longstreet

State's Rights Were Murdered At Appomattox, Virginia
The Confederates Were RIGHT!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Salmon P. Chase, a former Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, said: "State's rights died at Appomattox."  Chief Justice Chase was absolutely correct.

As one considers the current state of affairs between the US government and the individual states, which form the so-called "American Union" today, one absolutely must agree with the former Chief Justice.

For a moment let's put aside the falsity that The War Between the States was fought to force the southern states to give up slavery.   In  fact, I would argue that that war did not end slavery.  In fact, it introduced slavery of an entire nation by stripping the sovereign states of their rights as sovereign states and bound them as serfs/slaves to what had been, up to April of 1865(at least) a lesser entity, the federal government.

An honest student of American history will tell you that the US federal government was created -- by the states- as an agent of those states.  It was intended to "represent" the states -- not RULE the states.

That arrangement was turned on its head under the Lincoln administration.  Abraham Lincoln trampled the US Constitution on a scale never replicated until our most recent occupant of the Oval Office.  Yet, Lincoln gets a pass because, the "intellectualists" will tell you, he was trying to save the Union.

My first question to those intellectualists is always:  "Save the Union from WHAT?"

The southern states, which had seceded were not a threat.  All they wanted was to be "let alone" as their President, Jefferson Davis, so often said.

As much as one may wish to ignore it .. the Confederates were, indeed, right.

Now, here is a hard truth:  Much, if not all, of the conservative political philosophy in America today is based on the political philosophy of the Confederate States of America.

Think I'm wrong?

Then consider the following:  Strict construction of the constitution, opposition to pork barrel spending, opposition of protective tariffs, all these were the positions of the Confederates.  When you fight to protect the Bill of Rights, you are assuming the Confederate position.  When you argue that the US Constitution limits the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, then you are arguing the Confederate position.

If you'd like to read more about this, then visit:   

So -- why don't you know this, already?  Because our friends on the left -- and yes, on the right --  use the "slavery" thing to block and STOP any discussion of the politics of that era and the lasting effect that war has had on the people of this country.

There can be no argument that the US became a different country in April, 1865.    Sovereignty of states ended.  Oh, we still like to deceive ourselves and THINK we are sovereign.  But any state going against the federal government today will find themselves in court.  (As I write this, the country is awaiting a decision from the US Supreme Court on an immigration law the people of the state of Arizona passed a short while ago, with which the federal government disagrees.)

It is a puzzlement that the southern states, the states of the Confederacy, support the Republican Party. The GOP is the party of Lincoln.

The conservative platform of the Republican Party, especially with the Barry Goldwater candidacy in 1964, forged the link between the southern states and the GOP.  The Democratic Party was well on its chosen path into Socialism and Marxism and the people of the south could not abide that and were already looking for a political party they could support.  When the Republican Party all but adopted the Confederate political philosophy, there was no question to which political party the southern people would pledge their allegiance.

Since 1964, it has been the people of the southern states that have given the GOP its political victories both for the Presidency and for the majorities and near majorities it has enjoyed in the the Congress.

As uncomfortable as it may be for some republicans, if the southern people decided  today, for whatever reason, to leave the GOP, then the Republican Party would instantly become a hopeless and impotent minority party with  no chance of ever capturing the White House or a majority in either House of the Congress!

However, after the staunch support the southern people have given the GOP over the past decades, the Republican Party has not reciprocated.

It has been under the Republican watch that "... Southerners have watched as their children were used as sociological guinea pigs as one Federal Court after the other bused their children into unwholesome environments; Southerners have watched as Federal government sanctioned discrimination against White people under the guise of "affirmative action" has replaced State sponsored discrimination against Black people under segregation; Southerners have watched as the moral underpinnings of their culture, Christianity, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments, have been routinely purged from their communities while pornography and sodomy are given official protection; and during this time Southerners have had to stand by and tolerate the murder of millions of unborn children under the guise of "freedom of choice" (something that they were not allowed to exercise in their children's education). All of the aforementioned evils were done during the watch of many good Republicans." SOURCE:   

So, you STILL believe in state's rights?  Oh, there may be a state "privilege" or two, but state's rights simple don't exist anymore.  They died at the point of a bloody federal bayonet at a little place called Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia on Palm Sunday in April of 1865.  Self-government for Americans died that day -- and big government for Americans was born.

Consider this from General Robert Edward Lee, Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia: "All that the South has ever desired was the Union as established by our forefathers should be preserved and that the government as originally organized should be administered in purity and truth."

THAT, dear reader, in a nutshell, and as explained by General Lee, is what we Americans lost at Appomattox: "the Union as established by our forefathers" and "the government as originally organized."  Nearly 700,000 Americans died giving birth to the bloated loathsome blob of the federal government squatting in that drained swamp formerly known as "Foggy Bottom" today.  It's tentacles reach into every facet of every American's life today, suffocating and smothering freedom.

If only ... .

But the thing is done.  And freedom lost is hardly ever recovered.

Now we know no freedom was granted anyone as a result of that war.  All Americans, black and white, were simply moved onto the federal plantation where we are expected/forced to obey our masters.  The more things change - the more they stay the same.

General Robert E. lee, lived long enough to see and understand what had happened to the country, a country he loved before -- and after -- the war.   He said this:  "If I had foreseen the use those people designed to make of their victory, there would have been no surrender at Appomattox Courthouse; no, sir, not by me. Had I foreseen these results of subjugation, I would have preferred to die at Appomattox with my brave men, my sword in my right hand."

Understand:  The loss of state's rights affects EVERY state, not just the southern states.  But it was the southern states who armed themselves and took to the field of battle to defend state's rights -- and lost.  As we now know, it was not JUST the Confederates who lost that day at Appomattox.  It was EVERY American in EVERY state over which the federal government holds power.

As a southerner, my family paid in blood, some gave their lives in The Cause.  I thank God their blood still flows in my veins.  

EVERY American owes a debt to those men who tried valiantly to preserve the rights of the people of their states, and -- as it turned out -- the people of every state then, now, and in the future.

After the war, Jefferson Davis, the former President of the Confederate States of America,  made a prediction that Americans in every state can only HOPE will be realized.  He said:  "The principle [states' rights] for which we contended is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at another time and in another form."

Well, it is "another time," and, I daresay, pounding away on this old battered keyboard is "another form." But I am in the fight, even with the knowledge that the fight for freedom and state's rights still has a high probability of failure,  until my lifeless body is committed to the sacred southern soil from whence it came.

As "The Great Reformer" Martin Luther said:  "Here I stand.  May God help me.  I can do no other."

J. D. Longstreet