Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Amnesty For Illegal Aliens On The Way Back To Congress

Amnesty For Illegal Aliens On The Way Back To Congress
‘Comprehensive’ Immigration Bill That Includes Amnesty.
‘Pathway to Citizenship’ for Illegal Aliens.

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

You should be aware that if you are an American and you are an opponent of amnesty for illegal aliens now living in the United States the President says you are a demagogue.

Don’t believe me? Well take a look at Obama’s answer to a reporter’s question concerning so-called “immigration reform” which, translated, means: “Amnesty” for illegal aliens hiding (in plain sight) in the US today. Here’s what the Prez said:

“Now, am I going to be able to snap my fingers and get this done? No,” said Obama. “This is going to be difficult; it's going to require bipartisan cooperation. There are going to be demagogues out there who try to suggest that any form of pathway for legalization for those who are already in the United States is unacceptable. And those are fights that I'd have to have if my poll numbers are at 70 or if my poll numbers are at 40. That's just the nature of the U.S. immigration debate. But ultimately, I think the American people want fairness, Obama continued. “And we can create a system in which you have strong border security, we have an orderly process for people to come in, but we're also giving an opportunity for those who are already in the United States to be able to achieve a pathway to citizenship so that they don't have to live in the shadows, and their children and their grandchildren can have a full participation in the United States. So I'm confident we can get it done.” That, dear reader, is the President of the US speaking.

Have you stopped to consider how many millions more will pile onto the dole US taxpayers will have to support if this amnesty bill passes? 12 million is a drop in the bucket to the REAL figure, which you are NOT going to hear bandied about by this administration, nor the democrat/socialists in the Congress.

Obama and the democrat/socialists must REALLY think the average American is an idiot! Why, they are so disconnected from the reality in America today that they have no idea the odor they get a whiff of every now and again is the tar and feathers being prepared in their honor! Well, a few of the congressmen and senators attending some of the town hall meetings have felt the heat. But not enough - not nearly enough, to put the fear of God into them!

I have asked before: How is it that Washington cannot feel the anger of the average US citizen toward any relaxing of the immigration laws, especially toward the Hispanics who are flooding our country and bringing our health services, and educational services, and welfare services, to the breaking pint? How can Congress and the President not know this? How?

Common sense dictates that they MUST know this. So, why are they continuing to refuse to secure our southern border and return those illegal Hispanics, already inside the US, back to Mexico… or their country of origin? Instead, they now want to make those who are already here illegally… legal? Are they nuts???

No, they are not nuts. They just don’t give a damn what you and I think, or want or NOT want, as the case may be. We don’t count. Our votes used to count - but no longer. You see, the democrat/socialists have managed to secure the votes of the less literate among us to override our dissenting votes, anyway. So, I have to conclude our vote truly doesn’t count.

Look, they have sent armies of “helpers” into the field to register “new” voters from among those whose livelihood depends on the government check they receive the first of each month. And it worked! Now, add to those legions the millions of illegal aliens who will be voting for the democrat/socialists as soon as the Obama Regime pronounces them “legal,” and you and I will be overruled at the ballot box in perpetuity.

If the Amnesty Bill is passed we will truly lose America… forever.

J. D. Longstreet


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