Thursday, February 9, 2012

Four to Three -- Santorum Over Romney

Four to Three -- Santorum Over Romney

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

The Mainstream Media has been telling us – no – ASSURING us for a number of weeks now that Romney had the Republican nomination wrapped up.  The GOP race was, they told us -- over, done, kaput!  But, somehow, the republican voters didn’t seem to get the message.

As the primaries and caucuses have flown by, the MsM seems to be way behind the curve. 

Remember the guy in the debates standing way down on the end, the guy you couldn’t see unless the camera pulled way back and shot the stage with a wide angle lens?   Well, THAT guy now has more wins that the media declared leader. 

So, what’s wrong?

Well, nothing is wrong -- except the media. 

If I had to offer a quick, from the hip, analysis of the GOP primary season so far, I’d have to say the voters are sending a clear message to the hierarchy of the Republican Party.  That message is:  We don’t like the choices you have given us.  We don’t like where you are trying to force us to go.  We don’t like that you have decided the conservative vote can be so easily discounted. And, finally, we REALLY don’t like Romney.

If you think the waters are muddy now, just wait until the primaries move into the deep southern states.  Most likely we will see Gingrich beginning to build another head of steam and he could, fairly quickly, match Romney in primaries won. 

We MAY be headed for a brokered convention.  Now, I say that with a great deal of reservation.  A brokered convention is not likely, but this election cycle for republicans may, I say – MAY – wind up in a Gordian Knot with only the sharp sword of a floor fight at the convention in Tampa having the ability to slice through and deliver a nominee republican voters can agree upon.

As I said, I don’t think a brokered convention will happen. BUT having said that, I think Republicans voters ought to be aware that it COULD happen.  It behooves one to be prepared for just such a possibility.

What we are seeing, I believe, is a near conservative revolt within the Republican Party.  Conservatives have, within the past few years, come to understand that the republican establishment had rather conservatives be somewhere else, anywhere else, other than in the Republican Party.  If conservatives had a viable political party with which to align themselves -- they’d do just that -- and that would be the end of the Republican Party. 

It is an open secret that conservatives are more than a little upset with the GOP for the obvious boosting of Romney.  Conservative anger is going to cost the GOP dearly in the election in November.

As a southerner, I can tell you that southern conservatives do not buy the electability of Romney.  And from the results of the latest caucuses, it would seem that the south is not the only region of America that holds that opinion.  I mean, according to the establishment GOP, McCain was electable, as was Dole.  Turned out, the GOP was dead wrong about both.  They are dead wrong about Romney, too.  Here in my part of the southeastern USA, we are going about our business with the sure and certain knowledge that Obama will win a second term. We are preparing for the worst.

The dye is cast.  It is too late for a candidate with true conservative credentials to enter the race with any expectation of victory at the GOP convention.  So, we are preparing, as best we can, to suffer through another four years of King Obama’s reign.
And there is this from USNEWS.COM:  “Never-Wrong Pundit Picks Obama to Win in 2012.”  If you care to take a look at this rather interesting story, you will find it (HERE).

So gear up.  We conservatives have to be able to hold this country together, to protect our constitution and our liberty from the socialist regime of Mr. Obama for nearly five more years. It is a huge task and one for which the timid need not apply.

J. D. Longstreet

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