Thursday, January 27, 2005

No to Nation Building !

No to Nation Building!

I fall into the category of people who do not agree with Nation Building. Especially Nation Building using US Troops to do it.

We are wasting treasure and the youth of our nation on an effort to build a nation in Iraq. I was all for the war, and I still am. We did what needed doing.

The Iraqi Elections are coming up in a few days. That should be the end of the US involvement with Iraq.

I do not buy the argument “we broke it, now it’s ours.” I am all for destroying a country which poses a threat to the US. Then, we should leave and let those who perpetrate such evil on Americans make do, for themselves, as best they can. Most, in Iraq, see the bombing and rebuilding by US forces as some sort of “Urban Renewal”.


A destroyed country should be a part of the “payback” when the US troops enter a country on a military mission.

It is only a matter of time until Iraq is right back in the hands of a strong man dictator, or becomes an Islamic state like Iran. I believe only a strong dictator can rule those people.

We have got to understand. You cannot free slaves. Only slaves can free themselves. It is a natural law.

If the Iraqis want freedom and democracy, they will fight for it. If not, well…tough!

Your Obedient Servant,


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