Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Condi for President? Why not!

Will Condi run for President?

I have no idea at this point. It is way to early to speculate on her yen for the Presidency, or lack there of. One thing seems abundantly clear, however, the Republican Party would support her. Knowing only what I know now, so would I.

There appears little doubt that Hillary Clinton is going to cast her hat into the ring as a Democratic Candidate for President. With the far left in firm control of that party, there is no doubt they wait, with baited breath, to “coronate” her as President. The controlling influence in the Democratic Party today is utterly blind to the real America. They have no inkling they are so far out of the mainstream of American politics as to be a laughing stock, even among members in their own party who occupy the middle ground of the Democratic Party’s political spectrum. Hillary’s supporters populate the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. They are “momentarily” in control. I expect that to last only until the mid-term elections, in two years, when they will, once again, be pushed to the sidelines of their party after a terrible thrashing at the polls.

In the meantime, Americans must endure their carping, their continual insults to this country, and their near traitorous behavior in support of the enemies of his country by taking every opportunity to publicly trash America at home and abroad.

America is watching and listening. We are taking notes, and we will not forget the ranting of the Left. Our answer will come at the polls.

Hillary is employing her husband’s tactic of running from the right and governing from the left. We must give the Left credit for understanding that if they run from the left they have no chance of winning national office in America.

Will Condoliza Rice be our answer to the left’s Hillary? I don’t know. It’s still early. But, more and more leaders of the Right are lining up behind her. The Left’s shenanigans at her confirmation hearings only added to her support from the right. The rank and file, out here in the hinterlands watched… and we liked what we saw. When Condi cut Senator Boxer off at the knees, we applauded.

So, we on the right will wait, and watch Ms. Rice as her career unfolds before the entire world… and us. If the 2008 elections come down to Hillary and Condi, we will be looking at “class” and “no class”. Class will win. Condi will be our next President.

Your Obedient Servant,



  1. Who's blind anyway, saying the Sen Clinton is the darling of the far left. Senator Clinton is not far left and is not the darling of any far left.
    On the other hand condi may be the darling of the neocons, which you seem to have accepted as your own.
    Condi denied knowing about the terrorist threats when she surely knew and did nothing to prevent them. She offered up the same lies that George Bush did about reasons to invade Iraq. Don't tell me they didn't know there were no WMD or were no training of terrorists. THey well knew there weren't or didn't want to look at evidence that was staring them in the face.
    The neocons, some of whom wrote the "plan for the New Century" in 1998 that harbingered a "pearl harbor type event" to facilitate invastion of Iraq, are the dangers to our society and country not the far left.

  2. You still don't seem to understand that we conservatives simply do not care that no WMD's were found. We would have gone into Iraq without that "threat" in any case.

    It was a job that needed doing and we did it! There will be others.

    Mr. Bush has been "misunderestimated" before. There are three countries starring down the barrels of our weapons right now. They simply do not believe we will pull the trigger. They get that idea from the lefties who promulgate such ideas through the Media Wing of the Democratic Party. We conservatives learned long ago to use the left's pronouncements of doom and gloom to our advantage when stalking an enemy. It has served us well, especially now as the three countries mentioned above will not believe we will strike until our troops are walking their streets. It's coming, and soon.

    I think I speak for most conservatives when I express our deep appreciation for your contribution to the war efforts of this country.


  3. The media is left wing? No it isn't. The mass media is owned by the largest corporations in this country, such and general electric, which owns NBC and MSNBC, Ruppert Murdock who owns Fox plus media in many other countries, ABC owned by Disney and CNN owned by Time Warner. How do you figure these are left wing media? A reporter for CNN, the network considered the least biased in favor of the neocons introduced the presidents state of the union message by saying he was going to be giving a "bold new approach". Now it's that straight propoganda for Bush? She hadn't even heard it and already was saying it was a bold new approach, which it was not.
    Yes I know the soldiers would have been ordered to Iraq with or without terrorists or WMD. Apparently you agree with me that they are there to secure the oil.
    But why do you want to put anyone in the world in the position of being at the point of a gun, that's the big question I have. Look at the lesson of Viet Nam, please.
    Also consider what is happening to our country. What is the most important issue we have? It is the rapid depletion of petroleum. It is our trade deficit. We are rapidly moving into a confrontation with China, and India and Russia will side with them. You want to deal with that with the guns too?
    TAke a look at www.peakoil.com before you go too far with your thinking, please.

  4. You, sir, are confusing ownership with the media itself. "There are none so blind as those who will not see." CNN is a lot of things, but it is nowhere near supportive of the conservative cause.

    As far as fighting to preserve the access to oil... I should hope so. The west must have it, else our entire economy collapses. We could ease the pressure by knocking holes in the tundra in Alaska and sucking the oil out of that God forsaken piece of wilderness. But the socialist "green" movement nearly has a stroke every time we mention it. I believe this President will simply go do it. He should.

    Speaking of Viet Nam, as a veteran of The US Army, during Viet Nam, the lesson, I came away from it with, was.. It was the Political Left in THIS country who caused the US to lose the war in Viet Nam. I have never forgiven them for the aid and comfort they gave to tne enemy. They are doing it again, this time to the terrorists.

    I agree that we are about to confront China. I have been saying exactly that for years. And yes, we will have to confront them with guns.

    I know it is difficult for those of you on the left to undersgand all this because you seem totally devoid of even an inkling of knowledge concerning the use of force and the application thereof.
    We , the conservatives, do. We have protected you, and your rights, so far, and we will do it again. Do not trouble yourself. Take comfort in the fact that some of use will take up arms to defend you at whatever the cost.


  5. Who's protected whose rights. Where were you when the drug war laws were passed. Where were you went the patriot act was passed. Where were you when Patriot act ii was being proposed by Attorney General Ashcraft? Where are you on the detention of prisons at Guananamo without habeus corpus, without representation, without any of the rights that everyone in this country is to be afforded when accused of a crime? Protecting rights. What rights were you protecting in Viet Nam, what rights are our soldiers protecting in Iraq, what rights in Korea.
    Remember Viet Nam I asked before. Apparently you didn't understand Viet Nam. an ill-fated mission, a bad idea that never should have taken place. To me there are two sets of patriots from VIet Nam, those that went and fought because they were told to by their leaders and those who openly and at risk to their liberies opposed the war in this country. Who is in neither category? all the people in the current GW Bush administration.

    I consider the opponents of the war good citizens because they correctly put much effort into trying to end a wrong and misguided war.
    There was no winning that war. I don't car if there was total lack of o pposition in this country and the citizenry made care baskets for the soldiers there was no winning. That was a civil war. It was much like Iraq , except it's worse in Iraq because we don't even have part of the population of the country on our side.
    How much time would you have had us stay in Viet Nam. We were there for 12-15 years with record casualties.
    Have we become just a war machine in this country?
    And waring with China, think again. A billion people, the largest military in the world under arms. LOok at the record of even getting close to China in war, Korea and VIet Nam. I thought we learned the lesson not to mess with China militarily in Korea, didn't we?

    Your comfort is no comfort. I am troubled that there are those that are so ready to take up arms in this country, although I note that none but one of the congressman that voted for the war in Iraq have any offspring in the military.
    We have concentrated our resources in this country on military hardware. We have thus disadvantaged our economy, allowing other nations to pull ahead of use in consumer technology. We have run up a huge budget deficit and a huge trade imbalance as a result. How are you going to pay that back? How are you going to supply all the soldiers for all this war? How are you going to keep from making most other nations in the world angry with us? And if you say you don't care about that (I can almost predict that) then consider that making them mad has consequences. FOr example, did you know that Saudi Arabia isn't selling us as much oil now because it has diverted some to China. Why, because they don't like us in Iraq.
    China may well defeat us without raising a rifle or dropping a bomb. REad the reference I suggested the last time. Their focus of battle is on the economic plain, not the military.
