Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Support the Troops!

“I support the troops, but I don’t support the war.” Have you heard that statement? Surely you have. I wonder just how stupid those who utter that statement think we are, anyway!

You cannot support the troops and not support the war. The troops are the war! They volunteered for this duty. They are defending their country wherever the brass, in the Pentagon, sends them… or the White House. They represent us.

To say you support the troops, but not the war, is a “limp-wristed” way of expressing your disgust for the war and all who participate in it. It is the “less than brave” way of expressing your opinion about the war. Just drop the pretense and state your position.

But to do that, you must be ready to fend off criticism. For you surely will be criticized. But, then, if you believe in your position… you should defend it. I may not agree with you, but I will admire you for having the “courage of your convictions”.

Please do not shield yourself by using our troops. They have enough on their plates as it is. Those brave men and women are doing yeoman’s work, in your name, all over the world, not just in the Middle East. They deserve your respect for their efforts. The war is their effort. You cannot separate one from the other. So…please don’t try.

Here, at Rebel Yell, we support the troops and the war! It was, and is, a war that needed fighting. It was, and is, a war that we were/are either going to, or it was coming to, us. It may yet make it to our shores. If it does, prepare to see troops stationed at public places much as they were in the early days after 9/11. We may become more acquainted with those troops than we ever planned to. They will be standing between the enemy and us.

Next time you see a man or woman in uniform, thank them. Just walk up, introduce yourself, extend your hand in friendship, and tell them “Thank you for a job well done”. A simple: “Thank you for serving” will make their day. They deserve a good day!

Your Obedient Servant,


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