Obama is a left wing liberal of the worse sort!
Well, the MSM (Mainstream Media) has found their new toy, their new “raison de’tat”. They have found the man they want to be President and they are promoting this guy way past whatever once would have been thought of as ‘reason”!
Flush with success from their four year long propaganda crusade against the United States and it’s military in Iraq, it appears they have decided to install their own President of the United States!
Whoa! Wait a minute! Whatever happened to Mrs. Bill Clinton??? Huh??? Well, the simple truth is Mrs. Clinton did not fit the mold, or template, as some refer to it, of anti-war. She made the unforgivable mistake of supporting the War in Iraq. The MsM dropped her as they would have dropped a hot potato. Mrs. Clinton is on her own! The MSM now has their blank slate, in Obama, and they intend to write the story of Obama in such a way as to sell this “Leftist” to the American people.
Can the MSM actually succeed in their attempt to seat their very own President? Without hesitation, I’d have to say… “Yes, they can”!
How can this be? Well, the field has been left to the (no pun intended) Leftists as the great bulk of the Conservatives, in the US, are trying to decide if: one… the country is too far gone to save… and two, whether it is WORTH saving, anymore. There are times when one must ask, in the case of a terminally ill person, if that person is better off being allowed to die and escape the pain, or, to continue heroic efforts to save the person, only to have that person die, anyway. That is where many conservatives see the US at the moment, dying, and themselves as the caregiver, questioning whether it is worth it, or not. Many have simply stepped back and said: “Enough, no more”!
America seems bent on self destruction and the quickest way for America to self destruct is for conservatives to stand back, get out of the way, pull their finger from the dike, and allow the swirling tides of socialism to engulf the country.
Those of you who do not believe a “blank slate” candidate can be elected President; I suggest you view the old movie “The Candidate”. Replace Robert Redford with Barack Obama and you have the how, and the way, spelled out for you… right there on the screen!
If Mr. Obama would like to do his country a boon, he could stop bathing in the limelight and, stop soaking up the open adulation of the press and announce publicly, and officially, that he will not seek, nor accept, (should it be offered) the
candidacy for either the Presidency, or Vice-Presidency in 2008.
But, will he do it? I don’t think so. You see, Mr. Obama is nowhere near his saturation point for the public adoration in which he is nearly drowning! Public adoration, and adulation, is like a powerful narcotic. It’s siren call is beautiful yet it is deadly.
Mr. Obama may not be aware of it… but he is approaching the maximum. He may well find that he has “peaked” way before he should have and, as a result, be lost in the shadows of the backbenches of the US Senate for a very long time.
I liked Mr. Obama since I heard him first speak (yeah unlike most republicans he does this quite adequately) at the DNC, supporting Kerry, I thought he blew Kerry right off the stage. He seems to be a noble man of character, I understand that racists won't vote for him because they are so narrow minded. This guy is more of a man than Bush I and II, Cheney, Reagan, Frist, (Sick Rick) Santorum, and (Bush's brain and republicans favorite Homosexual) Karl Rove could ever dream of being. If character matters, this guy is full of character. He is smart, articulate, and no where near as screwed up as that right wing neo-con nut Hilary. This guy has a great LEADERSHIP potential, something lacking since Bill Clinton, and before that Kennedy and FDR. None of these panty waste girly men from the G.O.P. could ever unite this country, but I believe Obama could, 'cept for certain people who aren't happy unless the Adolph types are in office.
ReplyDeleteOh and a side note to my first comment, if Barrack runs in the primary against Hilary, I might just have to turn my back on my to the core consevative values and register as a DEMOCRAT to vote for him...... I just don't see anyone worthwhile in the Republican party, judging from history Nixon went nuts and they all went down hill after that.
ReplyDeleteHA! When I look at him, and listen to him, I see, and hear, an empty suit.
ReplyDeleteA good public speaker can speak for an hour... and at the end of his speech he has said absolutely nothing! Obama is a past master at "double-speak". Ike was a past master at double speak, also. He'd hold a press conference and rattle off his answers to the press questions and when he left the podium they'd be scratching their heads wondering what he had said. All the time, he and his staff, were in the Oval Office laughing their butts off at the way they had fed the line of bull to the press!
I have done some research on Obama's record. The man is a left wing liberal. Unfortunately, there is nothing there to indicate his character. Everybody has character... the difference is what KIND of character!
The press loves him because they see a wet-behind-the-ears liberal, left-wing, socialist they feel they can mold into whatever they want. There is nothing, I see, so far, which would lead me to believe they are not correct.
The man is DANGEROUS to the country at this stage of his career.
I think Mrs. Bill Clinton will choose Obama as her VP running mate. She is safely ahead in the polling (at this time) to make Obama really look bad in a primary contest.
ReplyDeleteThe press loves him because they see a wet-behind-the-ears liberal, left-wing, socialist
This name calling crap is redicuolous, if you do something for the wealthiest among us that is a good thing, but something that benefits regular people the right wing comes out with negative attacks and name calling, it's really sad. I thought you had grandchildren and would want the best for them, opportunities at education, health care, career oportunites to earn a decent living and be able to provide for themselves and their families, all their needs and wants instead of shipping all good paying jobs off to the lowest bidder. Who knows maybe they could be the scientist that finds the gene through stem cell research that cures cancer, alzheimers, or prevents birth defects, oh wait you are opposed to science.
I assure you, old friend , that I was not stooping to "name calling! I was simply describing the political philosophy to which he subscribes., He IS liberal. He IS left-wing, and he IS a socialist. The Democrat Party IS a Socialist Party. The ultimate aim of socialism is to see that all suffer equally! (I didn't say that... Winston Churchill did.)
ReplyDeleteMr. Obama may be a fine man. But I am absolutely, and irreversably, in oppositon to his political views.
Best regards,
Well said,Longstreet!!
ReplyDeleteOh,Leftist Frank,
I had a little "run-in" with one
of your ilk in Chicago last Saturday. Same tripe. If Bill Clinton is YOUR definition of
leadership,God help us!! The man
wouldn't fart until you took a poll
and consulted a focus group first!
As a public speaker,I must admit
Mr. Obama is quite skillful; however, I am reminded of an incident during the dedication of
the National cemetary at Gettysburg,Pa in 1863. The feature speaker,whose name escapes me, spoke for 2 hrs. Do we remember his oratory? NO!! Lincoln spoke his
125 words in less than 10 minutes.
That speech is what we now call the
Gettysburg Address. So,Frank, the
skill of public speaking isn't all
YOU make it out to be,is it?
ReplyDeleteOne word of advice: seek professional help. You're about
as much a Conservative as I am a
prima ballerina. Hillary a neo-con?
Good grief!! Living in the State of
Denial again I see.
ReplyDeleteOne word of advice: seek professional help. You're about
as much a Conservative as I am a
prima ballerina. Hillary a neo-con?
Good grief!! Living in the State of
Denial again I see.
I bet you look great in a Too-too????
I am after all a registered Republican, a pro-lifer a real one not just an anti-choice person, I would love to live in a world where such evils as abortion AND the death penalty were not used but reality is reality, and where we as a society helped underpriviledge childred attain higher education, health care services, and was supported by the whole of society to reach their full potential. I am pro constitutional, the whole thing INCLUDING the second amendment, I just don't put one of the bill of rights (1st 10 for those of you in Indiana) over any other, I am a Christian, but I put freedom of the whole society over a religion-government union dominating society, I also believe that as sterwads of this planet we could do better, I never said live in caves and use horse and buggies, imagine what the streets in NY would look like if we did.... I only said use technology to do better. I love America and I want to make this a better place for ALL of it's citizens..... That is essence is the basis for all of my conjectures and beliefs sir.
After seeing your first post, If Obama is an isolationist, he's darn sure to get my vote, Clinton signed NAFTA, a bill starrted by Bush 1 into law as a compromise to the G.O.P. leadership in Congress. All the good he did, balancing the budget, his economy, cutting the deficit, is offset now by that one deed.