US Troops Will Not Be Leaving Iraq… even with a Democrat President.
… and there is the dirty little secret the Dems don’t want you to know.
You have to pull the curtains back, every once in a while, to see who is pulling the strings and why those strings are being pulled. In this case it is all smoke and mirrors.
So why, then, are the Dems raising so much Cain to get President Bush to bring the troops home. Because… if they can force him to do that, they can blame all the bad things, they KNOW will happen, when we leave Iraq, on the Bush Administration (should the Dems win the presidency as I expect them to next year). If, however, Bush does not bring the troops home, the Dems are stuck with a war, which will then be theirs, lock, stock, and barrel… and that is the last thing they want! Why? Because then, they will have to try to explain to their supporters, and the anti-war crowd, exactly why THEY won’t bring the troops home! See what a lovely corner they may have painted themselves into?
Now, isn’t this exciting, boys and girls??? No… what this is… is politics… or what passes for politics in America.
Look, no matter when the US pulls out of Iraq, we will not pull out completely. We will leave troops behind to “train the Iraqi troops”. We will leave US troops behind to “train Iraqi police”. We will leave troops behind to secure the oil fields and equipment, plus the Sailors and Marines aboard US Warships in the Persian Gulf, ready for immediate insertion if needed.
So, we are looking at an estimated 80,000 combat troops which would be left in Iraq if, and when, the US pulls out. Now, don’t forget those combat troops must have support while they are there… so… add those support troops to that 80,000 combats troops and you have well over 100,000 troops to remain in Iraq. Let’s see, we have what, 160,000 troops there now? See the slight of hand at work here?
I have been telling you for some time that we are NOT leaving Iraq. We have built permanent bases in Iraq. Really nice bases, complete with runways and everything needed for a permanent base which will support thousands of American troops in Iraq.
The bottom line is: We ain’t’ going home! Not for a very long time!
If you have bought into the Democrats line they have been trying to sell, and have successfully sold to many Americans, which is that they will get US troops out of Iraq, you have been duped. It ain’t gonna happen.
Look closely at what they are saying. Closely.
Oh, the Dems will make a great show of pulling troops out of Iraq and SOME will, no doubt, be pulled out… but not in the numbers you will be led to believe. Their “willing accomplices” in the mainstream media will act as the Democrat’s conduit of propaganda to you, the gullible American citizen, which will be designed to placate the anti- war crowd. But… in reality, US combat troops will be in Iraq, fighting the Iraqi insurgents, and Iranian terrorists, for a very long time… many more years, in fact.
Now, don’t you feel better? I know I do!
… and there is the dirty little secret the Dems don’t want you to know.
You have to pull the curtains back, every once in a while, to see who is pulling the strings and why those strings are being pulled. In this case it is all smoke and mirrors.
So why, then, are the Dems raising so much Cain to get President Bush to bring the troops home. Because… if they can force him to do that, they can blame all the bad things, they KNOW will happen, when we leave Iraq, on the Bush Administration (should the Dems win the presidency as I expect them to next year). If, however, Bush does not bring the troops home, the Dems are stuck with a war, which will then be theirs, lock, stock, and barrel… and that is the last thing they want! Why? Because then, they will have to try to explain to their supporters, and the anti-war crowd, exactly why THEY won’t bring the troops home! See what a lovely corner they may have painted themselves into?
Now, isn’t this exciting, boys and girls??? No… what this is… is politics… or what passes for politics in America.
Look, no matter when the US pulls out of Iraq, we will not pull out completely. We will leave troops behind to “train the Iraqi troops”. We will leave US troops behind to “train Iraqi police”. We will leave troops behind to secure the oil fields and equipment, plus the Sailors and Marines aboard US Warships in the Persian Gulf, ready for immediate insertion if needed.
So, we are looking at an estimated 80,000 combat troops which would be left in Iraq if, and when, the US pulls out. Now, don’t forget those combat troops must have support while they are there… so… add those support troops to that 80,000 combats troops and you have well over 100,000 troops to remain in Iraq. Let’s see, we have what, 160,000 troops there now? See the slight of hand at work here?
I have been telling you for some time that we are NOT leaving Iraq. We have built permanent bases in Iraq. Really nice bases, complete with runways and everything needed for a permanent base which will support thousands of American troops in Iraq.
The bottom line is: We ain’t’ going home! Not for a very long time!
If you have bought into the Democrats line they have been trying to sell, and have successfully sold to many Americans, which is that they will get US troops out of Iraq, you have been duped. It ain’t gonna happen.
Look closely at what they are saying. Closely.
Oh, the Dems will make a great show of pulling troops out of Iraq and SOME will, no doubt, be pulled out… but not in the numbers you will be led to believe. Their “willing accomplices” in the mainstream media will act as the Democrat’s conduit of propaganda to you, the gullible American citizen, which will be designed to placate the anti- war crowd. But… in reality, US combat troops will be in Iraq, fighting the Iraqi insurgents, and Iranian terrorists, for a very long time… many more years, in fact.
Now, don’t you feel better? I know I do!
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Bush does not bring the troops home, the Dems are stuck with a war, which will then be theirs, lock, stock, and barrel… and that is the last thing they want!
How can they own something they didn't cause? If by some slim chance the 08 elections aren't rigged by the mad scramble to get attorney generals in that will tow the party schemes such as paranoia over voter fraud (which there has yet to be an actual conviction of someone voting under someonelse's name). Anyway back on point, if by some slim chance we get a democratic controlled congress and White house, Blessed be God if that happens, and we pull out and Iraq implodes, explodes, or whatever, it was Bush who destableized it by removing a leader who kept all these factions in check. we need a Democrat with the testicular fortitude to do the same to the all but progressive factions in this country, instead of these right wing king and emporer wanna bes that want to send this country back to the 19th century.
Frank, lemme see if I can ‘splain this to you.
ReplyDeleteFirst the Dems are as much to blame for this war as the President. They, the Dems, demanded that they be able to have a vote in the Congress on whether or not to approve the President taking our troops to war in Iraq. The President didn’t need that vote and was prepared to go into Iraq without their approval under the provisions of the War Powers Act. He could have legally gone into Iraq and played havoc there for, oh, say 90 days, then go to Congress and report on what he had legally done and ask for their approval then. But the Dems would have none of it.
Second: The Dems have already bought a huge chunk of this war, so much in fact, that if the effort goes south, the failure will be placed on the tally sheet under the “Democrats” column.
There is a price to pay for the Dems taking powers upon themselves they do not have and that is, namely, playing at being Commander-in-Chief. By demanding a date certain for withdrawal of troops they have picked up a huge part of the responsibility for the war and health and safety of the service men and women.
Look, I’ll grant you we have some weak leaders on the GOP side of the aisle. That’s how the Dems got control of the Congress in 2006. We conservatives said “”to hell with the weak spined Republicans and stayed home on election day. Now, having said that, you must recognize that the Dems have some awfully stupid folks on the left side of the aisle, too. A group, any group which would place Ms. Pelosi in a position of power demonstrates a severe lack of judgment.
No, Frank, the war belongs to both sides, and always has! It WOULD have been the President’s war, and the GOP’s war, but the Democrats insisted on getting involved and now they are … and they simply can’t handle that much responsibility.
Best regards,
Second: The Dems have already bought a huge chunk of this war, so much in fact, that if the effort goes south, the failure will be placed on the tally sheet under the “Democrats” column.
As a southernor shouldn't you say "if the war effort goes North" meaning Bad, as a Northernor says "going South" for badly?
Just kidding ole buddy.....
Frank said:
ReplyDeletewe need a Democrat with the testicular fortitude
Now THAT is some funny stuff right there... Are you going on Blue Collar Comedy Tour with that Frank??
Longstreet, you're likely correct, hand it off to the Dems and let them have a go at it, and take the blame for the consequences, but the fact remains, Iraq is a civil war and we're coming up short on solutions, and the BEST solution would be to let the Iraqis run their nation, their way...
It's going to happen anyway, their system and ours will never mesh, and one thing Frank did get right was this: "it was Bush who destableized it by removing a leader who kept all these factions in check", I do have to agree with him on that part... I have been preaching it myself for a long time, and you know I'm not a Demlibbercrat...
In any case, the RNC is likely screwed this next election, unless Fred Thompson weighs in and takes the RNC back to the Reagan days, that is likely our best possibility...
And Frank, it's destabilize, remember, spell check is your friend...
And Frank, it's destabilize, remember, spell check is your friend...
Thanks..... And just for the record Reagan was HORRIBLE for us, but great for Japan.