(Update:) With rumors abounding that Al Gore has taken 6 months off his schedule and is considering entering the Presidential race of 2008, we, here at IOF, thought it might be a good time to review our stance on "Gore's Presidential Aspirations".
Al Gore for President? The Repubs Should be so LUCKY!!!
It continues to look as if Al Gore will, indeed, toss his hat into the ring and run as a Democrat presidential candidate. Apparently the vast majority of democrats who are having difficulty with Mrs. Bill Clinton as their candidate, and the face of their party, is pushing the democrats into seeking someone, anyone, to knock her out of the race. It is undestood that she is a flat-out loser when stacked against any of the current GOP candidates... and Fred Thompson, a real conservative, hasn't even entered the race, officially, yet!
But... AL GORE???
The Republican Party should be so lucky! I mean, nobody, between the two coasts, actually takes Gore seriously… do they??? Sure the east coast libs and the left coast libs believe he is God’s answer to, well, everything. But here in the real world of everyday Americans, you know, in “flyover country”, he is a joke! Every time the guy opens his mouth we roar with laughter! He has become the Clown Prince of American politics.
Permit me to issue some good advice to the democrats. I know they won’t take it. But I feel obligated, as a good conservative American, to make the offer anyway. The advice: DO NOT DRAFT(RUN) AL GORE AS YOUR CANDIDATE !
OK, I’ll write slowly so you can get it: Look, currently the conservative voters in America are on the sidelines. We do not have a candidate in the 2008 race. (That could change, any day now, with an annoucement by Fred Thompson that he is entering the race.) However, if the dems put Gore into play, the conservatives will come off the sidelines begging to vote against the guy (with, or without, Fred Thompson.)!
As of today, the dems have the best chance at the office of President they have had since the “trash was taken out” at the White House. Why, because a hefty portion of the republican voters can’t bring themselves to vote for any of the candidates the repubs are putting forward as of today. But that can, and will change, at the speed of light IF Gore enters the race!
Look, I’m about as conservative as the American voter gets. I am planning to write a candidate’s name in on the ballot. (If Thompson doesn't run!) I will not vote for McCain, Giuliani, or Romney. My religious faith won’t allow it and my conscience will not allow it, period.
The Evangelical Christians have no candidate. The Fundamentalist Christians have no candidate, and the hard-core conservatives, like me, have no candidate. But… if the dems make the fatal mistake of placing Gore’s name in the mix, you can bet the conservatives will have an “awakening” and march, in lock step, to the polls to vote against the guy.
Yep, if the dems want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in ’08, Gore is their man!
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