Delegates attending the South Carolina United Methodist Conference last week in Florence passed a resolution calling for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the Statehouse grounds, according to church officials.
Your may read the entire article at:
On Tuesday, June 12, 2007, The Sons of Confederate Veterans fired back with the following News Release concerning the SC Methodists action:
Sons of Confederate VeteransPublic Relations and Media CommitteeElm Springs, TN
Elm Springs, Tennessee. June 12, 2007
The following statement was released today by Christopher M. Sullivan, Commander-in-Chief, Sons of Confederate Veterans headquartered in Elm Springs, Tennessee:
"We, of the Sons of Confederate Veterans are distressed to learn of the passage by a divided and narrow margin, a resolution by the South Carolina United Methodist Conference regarding the removal of flags at the South Carolina Statehouse grounds.
“Many members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans are also members of the Methodist Church.“Because of their loyalty to local Methodist affiliations in localities throughout South Carolina, they have not until now, spoken out regarding the divisive leftward slant the church has taken in recent years. “We are hearing their protests at the headquarters of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and are compelled to address their concerns.
“A large segment of the membership of the United Methodist Church in South Carolina is made up of generations of families who proudly proclaim Confederate veterans in their ancestry. Many of the local church cemeteries are the final resting place for loyal church members and their families, who served the Confederacy.
“As devoted as their love and honor of their ancestors is, they do not believe the church is the place to advance a partisan political agenda. The course described in the controversial resolution advanced by a leftist group at the South Carolina United Methodist Conference is purely a partisan political issue designed to actively campaign toward changing South Carolina law regarding memorials and flags on the Statehouse grounds. These very same type memorials and flags that are seen on an individual basis in Methodist and other church cemeteries throughout South Carolina and are also similar to the memorials found in practically every county in South Carolina.
“It seems incongruous that this small group of liberal-minded activists would find any pleasure in placing a cloud of hatred over the overwhelming loyal parishioners who seek no more than the peace and love of Christian fellowship. It is understandable why United Methodists are disenchanted and feel the church of their fathers has deserted them. Many communicate to us their disdain for the recent changes in direction perpetrated by a few who seem more interested in substituting the holy gospel in favor of their own Utopian visions toward social change."
Contact Information:
J. A. Davis
Gainesville, GA, 770 297-4788
By the way, the Commander in Chief of the SCV, himself, resides in Columbia, South Carolina. And, in the spirit of full disclosure, I am a dues paying member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, myself.
Seems to me, what we have here is a church, which has stepped beyond preaching... and is now meddling! The Leftists have taken over the mainline religious denominations in America, including my own denomination. And THAT is why I have completely disassociated myself from my church and will have nothing to do with it... forevermore!
Does not the phrase: “Separation of Church and State” sort of haunt the proceedings where this resolution was passed? I guess not. I am beginning to understand that, at least as some denominations apparently believe, it only goes one way. It’s the old double standard at work again.
Look, I have Confederate Ancestors buried in Methodist church cemeteries in South Carolina. If you do not think I am insulted buy the actions of the SC Methodist, you are sadly mistaken.
Frankly, I’d like to see the SCV, in South Carolina, begin to have a rash of Grave Marker Dedications at the gravesites of Confederate Veterans in every Methodist church cemetery in the entire state of South Carolina.
What they have done is beyond shameful. It does a disservice to the thousands of Methodists in South Carolina who have Confederate Ancestors buried in those cemeteries. The SC Methodist owe a humongous apology to their membership, in South Carolina, for the shame and disgrace they have brought upon their families and upon the Great and Sovereign State of South Carolina!
they have not until now, spoken out regarding the divisive leftward slant the church has taken in recent years.
Longstreet I understand your views about the flag but please do not call Methodists leftward. In my area we have Methodist churches, (cults) I dated a young lady when I was in high school who went to a Methodist school, She thought the statue kissing Catholics were weird (I am Catholic but have yet to kiss a plaster un-likeness of anyone). She couldn't wear jeans or makeup to school, I go for walks and often pass the school she used to attend (in the 80's) and they still require their women to dress the same way...... It's actually a shame I felt it was forced upon the women by insecure men who fear the sexuality and beauty of a woman. Maybe it is these same insecurities that cause them to attack what they fear, like your battle flag…… What they lack in self esteem and “manhood” they try to compensate for with their need to control everything that makes them feel vulnerable… i.e. the honor of real men. When you look at it that way it kinda makes you feel sorry for the "little guys".
Frank, as much as I enjoy disagreeing with you... I find little to disagree with in what you just said.
ReplyDeleteI'm an OLD Lutheran. I can't support the ELCA any longer because of what I interpret as their removing the scripture as first and foremost in the chirch and relegating it to second and third place in importance in the church. This has all happened since the mid-eighties.
Until fairly recently, the Methodist church, at least down here, was a fairly conservative church, but not as conservative as Baptists, but certainly far more liberal that the Methodist school you described above.
The United Methodists are a "merger church". They merged with a far more liberal group than they were originally. I don't know why, but when a liberal and consevative religious group(s) merge, the liberal group will rise to the top as the controlling influence in that church. I have never seen it fail. That is what happened to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America... and that is what I no longer attend church.
But, to reenforce what you said above, the actions of the SC Methodists last week, certainly speaks of insecurity.
Best regards, my friend!