NOW we know what all the fuss is about!
“Founded in 1996 by Erik Prince, a former Navy Seal, multimillionaire and conservative Republican donor, Blackwater began as a training facility for police and the military but began offering security services after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Prince, whose father helped bankroll conservative Christian organizations such as Focus On Family and Family Research Council, has given at least $225,000 to the Republican Party and its candidates.”
Read the entire article at:
Look, I don’t know if Blackwater did what they are accused of, and, frankly, I don’t much care. It sometimes appears, from the stories we are hearing, that Blackwater is pursuing and killing the enemy at rates, maybe not equal to that of the US Military, but they sure as hell, are removing a lot of aggravation from the streets and villages of Iraq. For that… they should be commended… not persecuted and prosecuted. Besides, it is the Western way of waging war! For more on that topic... read this article by Nicholas M. Guariglia :
So they are Mercs! So what? If the Liberals had not gutted our military we’d have enough troops to do the job... without Blackwater and the other Merc companies in Iraq. As it is, we simply do not have the manpower to do all the things a military needs to do. Enter the Mercs!
So the answer is to start-up the draft again??? Ok, so we do that. What do we have then? Cannon fodder! We know that a draft, similar to the one we used to have, will reduce the educational level of our military and create, basically, cannon fodder for the enemy’s guns. We have the smartest, quickest, military on the planet. True, it does need to be larger than it currently is. There is no doubt about that. We need roughly 750,000 troops in Iraq… today. We’ve got, we THINK, 160,000. Add to that the 180,000 Mercs we have serving there, paid by the US, and we have somewhere on the order of 340,000 troops on the ground in Iraq. That’s a little less than half the number of troops we need.
No…all the fuss over Blackwater is not about Blackwater and not about mercenaries in general. In particular it is about the Bush Administration and it is coming from the “Hate America First Crowd”!
If you are a regular to this site, you know that I am at odds with the Bush Administration a good deal of the time. I think the war has been mishandled. I believe we should have utterly destroyed Iraq, crushing everything, down to the last cinder block… and then come home. I have no love for nation building and I don’t support wasting our energy, and our treasure, building up an enemy this country just found it necessary to destroy. I feel that finding themselves on a smoking pile of rubble, which used to be their country, is a part of the price an enemy of the US pays for being an enemy.
Someone has suggested that the US Government should give/award Blackwater a contract to protect the US border with Mexico. I LIKE that! Want to bet the illegal immigration would drop like a stone… almost overnight? Put them on the border, with Presidential pardons in their pockets, and watch the border get secured… post haste!
Oh, while I’m at it, allow me to clear something up. The use of Blackwater Mercs to protect US government personnel in Iraq is not an insult to US troops! (The enemy of my enemy is my friend!) No, on the contrary. Again, this would not be necessary if we had enough troops. Every US trooper detailed to protect a State Department employee or other high-ranking official is a trooper taken off the battlefield. We simply don’t have the troops to do that.
Look, when political correctness rules a government, the only way to get the job of protecting the people of that country done is by hiring private armies not ruled by political correctness and willing to do the task, whatever the task entails, for a fee. I have no problem with that. I DO have a problem with my country being ruled by political correctness. It is political correctness, and political correctness alone, which has brought us to this unsalutary point in our history. It is long past time for Americans to take off the rose-colored glasses and see the world for what it really is… an extremely dangerous place.
By the way… in the most recent “shoot-out” or “fire fight” involving Blackwater and so-called civilians, ask yourself… how do we know they WERE civilians? The terrorists don’t wear uniforms. Then ask yourself… did the State Department personnel they were protecting survive unharmed? Yes, they did. Now, that is what we call: “Mission Accomplished!”
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"Someone has suggested that the US Government should give Blackwater a contract to protect the US border with Mexico. I LIKE that!"
ReplyDeleteGive??? Hate to break it to you, brainiac, but that's not the way procurement legitimately works in this country. Well, at least not when it's being done legally. The government has already given Blackwater billions through illegal preferential treatment in awarding contracts. The government made Blackwater.
Maybe you should apply to work for Blackwater; they have shown they prefer people with a profound lack of qualifications, ethics and knowledge of law. You'd fit right in.
"Give??? Hate to break it to you, brainiac, but that's not the way procurement legitimately works in this country."
Jeeeez, Anonymous, I musta struck a nerve with you, huh?
Best regards!
Funny, I thought terrorists were the reason we went to war (or so our administration claims) and I also thought they were in Afghanistan (probably still are). So umm... where did Iraq fit into all of that again? Oh yeah... those non-existent W.M.D.'s. So, why are we there exactly and how did the whole of Iraq become the enemy? It's funny I thought that the great thing about our country was that we cherished civil liberties. I mean that's kind of the point of trying to impose our way of life on the world. Somehow leveling a country hardly seems conducive to that end.
ReplyDelete"I mean that's kind of the point of trying to impose our way of life on the world. Somehow leveling a country hardly seems conducive to that end."
I am NOT in favor of IMPOSING OUR WAY OF LIFE on any country! At the same time, we should stop granting the constitutional rights of US citizens to non-citizens! That includes terrorists who are prisioners of our military and dictators of foreign countries visiting our shores.
Best regards!
Maybe you should apply to work for Blackwater; they have shown they prefer people with a profound lack of qualifications, ethics and knowledge of law. You'd fit right in.
I am imminently well qualified, I am more than reasonably ethical and have an M.S. in Criminology and another in Military Science, but I had to retire due to poor health you coward, uh, oops, sorry, Mr. Anonymous...
What have you done for your country??
I was going to stay away from this, I read it yesterday until I did a little reasearch on Black Water.... Fact Bill Clinton signed the bill that authorized the creation of such company... Fact they targeted women and children in Falutia (spelling) and it was their bodies that were burnt and hung on the bridge.... Fact one of their "officers" gave orders to our troops on the ground in Iraq (which is inexcusable)... Fact ther were disarming civilians in Louisianna after Kstrina.... Fact they are the biggest reason for the insurgency in Iraq.... and another fact is that most of our soldiers are unconfortable to say the least around them because they act as though they are above the law.... And last fact they are a home grown terrorist group.
ReplyDeleteWell Frank, all those FACTS you throw out there are USELESS without proof, how's about some citation, in the form of LINKS maybe?? From reputable source?? Or is that asking too much??
ReplyDeleteYour journalistic credibility is less than ZERO at this moment Frank...
And, uh, don't take this the wrong way Frank, but, spell check is your friend, USE IT!