President McCain? No Way!
It sure looks as if the GOP is preparing John McCain for the nomination as the Republican candidate for President in 2008, thus guaranteeing a Democrat victory! How DUMB can these people be?! VERY, it would seem!
And then… there is the Mainstream Media!Why is the MSM pushing John McCain for the "Presidential Candidacy" in 2008?
They know McCain cannot win a presidential election, even if he were to squeak by in the Republican primaries. There is this grand idea floating around out there, in the ether, that McCain will team up with Jeb Bush and run for the Presidency in ’08. Surely, the Republican Party must know that is a sure way to gain nothing but defeat at the polls.
Again simple.
The Republican Right (Read Conservatives) will stay away from the polls in droves, especially in the South.
It sure looks as if the GOP is preparing John McCain for the nomination as the Republican candidate for President in 2008, thus guaranteeing a Democrat victory! How DUMB can these people be?! VERY, it would seem!
And then… there is the Mainstream Media!Why is the MSM pushing John McCain for the "Presidential Candidacy" in 2008?
They know McCain cannot win a presidential election, even if he were to squeak by in the Republican primaries. There is this grand idea floating around out there, in the ether, that McCain will team up with Jeb Bush and run for the Presidency in ’08. Surely, the Republican Party must know that is a sure way to gain nothing but defeat at the polls.
Again simple.
The Republican Right (Read Conservatives) will stay away from the polls in droves, especially in the South.
Look, McCain is far too liberal for the Republican Conservatives. He is also thought to be hotheaded, and not just a little self-centered. We are not going to vote for McCain. If the Conservatives do not vote for McCain, he cannot win. It is as simple as that.
Another disadvantage McCain has, is that he is beloved by the MSM. If they love him, we hate him! That is an “automatic given”.
No, McCain's chances of getting the nomination of the Republican Party for President are “slim and none” (Actually, they are VERY good today nearly two years after this article was written!). To do so, anyway, against the advice of the Political Right, would be the surest way of guaranteeing a Democratic victory in 2008. (ThAT remains VERY TRUE!) And frankly, having the Clintons for 12 years, or possible 16 years, is a nauseating prospect!
So, the Republican Right (Conservatives) is serving notice on the RNC right now. Do not expect us to help with the campaign of John McCain. And do not expect to see us at the polls in 2008. It simply isn’t going to happen. That goes double for the Dixicans (Southern Republicans)!
While we’re at it, we’d like to, again, invite Mr. McCain to leave the Republican Party. If he continues to refuse to leave the Party, then the Party must leave him.
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While we’re at it, we’d like to, again, invite Mr. McCain to leave the Republican Party. If he continues to refuse to leave the Party, then the Party must leave him.
Wasn't he offered the Vice President spot under Kerry? I don't know why because he doesn't seem liberal to me..... You guys can have Lieberman, like the Jews at the end of WWI he is traitorous, They betrayed their country (Germany) and Joe betrayed his party.......
Nahhh! It was the Democrat Party tossing Joe overboard this time.
ReplyDeleteIf memory serves... you're right that Kerry did offer, or was about to offer, or some such thing...McCain the vice-presidential slot on his ticket.
We're about to have open revolt in the Republican Party. Limbaugh, whether you like him or can't stand him, was right on this one. If McCain gets the nomination it will tear the party up so badly it will not be recognizable and will be impotent in the future.
We conservatives are already hard at work looking at creating a Conservtive Party so we can pull out lock, stock, and barrel from the Republican Party and go our own way.
Enjoy the weekend!
Best regards!
We conservatives are already hard at work looking at creating a Conservtive Party so we can pull out lock, stock, and barrel from the Republican Party and go our own way.
Good luck with that, you'll need the country clubbers' cash, I'm afraid.....
I like Ralph Nader, he does alot for consumer rights in this country, I know you don't care too much for consumer rights, but anyway, the lives he saved you'd never know, but he can't get anyware without the financial support that goes to the Dems. until both liberals and conservatives can come together to get corporate power and influence out of both parties, we are all screwed. That's why I like Obama, give him 4 years to attempt it, if he fails replace Congress with once who will advance his agenda of removing cash from politics. You know ol buddy, if I said I'd vot today but I don't have enough gas to go to the polls, and you gave me $5.00 and told me to go vote (but not how) you broke the law. But when Congress members take millions and are told how to vote it is ok.
We conservatives are already hard at work looking at creating a Conservtive Party so we can pull out lock, stock, and barrel from the Republican Party and go our own way.
Good luck with that, you'll need the country clubbers' cash, I'm afraid.....
I like Ralph Nader, he does alot for consumer rights in this country, I know you don't care too much for consumer rights, but anyway, the lives he saved you'd never know, but he can't get anyware without the financial support that goes to the Dems. until both liberals and conservatives can come together to get corporate power and influence out of both parties, we are all screwed. That's why I like Obama, give him 4 years to attempt it, if he fails replace Congress with once who will advance his agenda of removing cash from politics. You know ol buddy, if I said I'd vot today but I don't have enough gas to go to the polls, and you gave me $5.00 and told me to go vote (but not how) you broke the law. But when Congress members take millions and are told how to vote it is ok.
you guys go ahead and start rebuilding your team from the ground up right in the middle of the playoffs. While you are doing that the Democratic solidarity will assemble a Reaganesque coalition that will assure a center-left swing in the country sure to last a generation. Of course, if we had posted up a president as terrible as Bush, (ala, Carter) we would need some time to do an autopsy of our party also. Have fun with that and let us know how it works out!
ReplyDeleteWhile you are doing that the Democratic solidarity will assemble a Reaganesque coalition that will assure a center-left swing in the country sure to last a generation.
I don't know where you are Rodney buit here in Ohio, "The Heart of it all" there is no solidarity.... I see people who say they won't vote for a woman or a muslim, trying to assure them that Barak is not a muslim is lie talking to a wall, voter turn out form the Dems. will be low, and the Republicans will win... but anyway it would take more than a center-left movement for a generation to get this country corrected, an Eternity might be suffocient. But I am what I call a balanced voter, I vote Republican in Primary and Democratic in General elections, only because I am not a moronic partisan, I am a true independent.....
Will you join our efforts to oppose any effort to promote, support, or endorse Senator John McCain as the Republican nominee for President in 2008?
ReplyDeleteVisit http://nowaymccain.com for more information! :-)