Not “the American People Have Spoken”… rather, “The American Democratic Voters Have Spoken”!
I was watching a news channel a day or so ago and the anchor was interviewing a Democratic Party operative. The operative, a man, used the phrase: “The American people have spoken…” in referenced to Obama’s victory in some primary, or other. It was at that moment that something that had been nagging at me, in the back of my mind, for weeks now became crystal clear. The democrats and their mainstream media supporters have been using that phrase over and over again for months now.
In my former life as a broadcaster we used to use the term “R and R” in reference to a flight of commercials, which meant “run and repeat”, or, in some cases, “repeat and repeat”. It meant to create a “spot” (commercial) and run it and repeat the same “spot” over and over again through the end of it’s flight. It is a very effective way to burn the words of that “spot” into the minds of the listeners and when they visit to the market, they will, most likely, buy the product the broadcasters have been “running and repeating” and they will actually believe it is THEIR decision to buy it, when, in fact, they were “conditioned” to buy it.
That is exactly what the democrats and the media are doing with the phrase” “The people have spoken” in reference to Obama.
Now, here is the truth: The people have spoken is entirely incorrect. The correct statement would be: “The American Democrat Voters have spoken”. See the difference? Of COURSE, you do!
The hope and the goal of the democrat operatives is to implant the idea that the election is actually over and that any thought you may have of supporting any other candidate for president is futile, is hopeless. Obama has won, because “the American people have spoken”!
This little psychological ploy is but one of a host of tools (TRICKS?) used by candidates for public office.
So far, democrats have been running against democrats and republicans against republicans. Each side is choosing its team. The teams won’t meet on the field of battle ‘til after the conventions. That’s when the republicans and the democrats go head to head against each other. That is also when the fangs and claws are bared!
Many conservatives, myself included, are concerned that the GOP will not take the gloves off against either a democrat woman or a democrat minority. So expect to see state GOP organizations doing the heavy lifting of tough, in the gutter fighting, which will be necessary in order to win the presidential election in November.
And another thing… negative ads work! Plus, they are a welcome relief from the dull, boring, ads featuring the candidate's smiling, adoring, families gathered in the living room reading the Bible, playing “Checkers”, or watching “Ole Yeller” on TV… or some such activity (?).
Quite often political ads, which simply tell the truth, are called NEGATIVE by the candidate taking the heat from them. It’s a matter of your perspective, I suppose…. or, whether you happened to be the intended target of the, uh, “negativism”. Actually, I prefer to refer to them as “revealing” ads.
In any event, the floodgates will soon be opened as each side unleashes it’s “negativism”, or “revelations”, on the other. Until then we will just have to rely on the ever-present clowns of the Left: Carter, Gore, Pelosi, Murtha, Reid, Clinton (both), et al. Frankly, it’s getting a little tiresome.
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Just like all the phrases the media and this administration used to sell the war in Iraq? Yeah just like that.....
ReplyDeleteW.M.D., Aluminum Rods, Mushroom Cloud, Greated as Liberators, Slam Dunk... etc.
And the American morons bought it..... Sorry I was too smart for them from the beginning, I am hoping the American fools got a good education about Republican politics and how, corrupt, power hungry, oppressive, and evil they are. On this the 60 anniversary that we the U.S. did something even God could not do, (Give the Jews a nation) We americans rise up and proclaim. "Never Again!" and our media should change it's slogan to, "We will not be silenced" and go into back alleys and dark rooms and shine a light on all the political evil doers and expose them for what they are... Republicans...
And if a Dem votes for a mutt like Obama and the USA goes to hell in a hand basket, they will still point at GWB and say "Look at what you guys did"...
We're already in hell and Bush is holding that basket.....
I was far better off financially when Bill Clinton was in office, and if you look back you might find you had more money in your wallet, truth be told.
And if a Dem votes for a mutt like Obama and the USA goes to hell in a hand basket, they will still point at GWB and say "Look at what you guys did"...
We're already in hell and Bush is holding that basket.....
I was far better off financially when Bill Clinton was in office, and if you look back you might find you had more money in your wallet, truth be told. And after Regan started ruining this country and declared war on the middle class union worker you still point at Carter.....