By: J. D. Longstreet
There is a lot of dejection in the ranks of the Republican Party these days. As the rank and file of the GOP looks at the disparaging poll numbers the fear is growing that McCain will not be able to close the gap on Obama before Election Day.
Conservatives, never happy with, nor ever quite sure of McCain’s chances in the first place, yet willing to hold their noses and cast a ballot for him in a desperate attempt to thwart the leftist agenda Obama will carry with him into the Oval Office, are the MOST discouraged, it seems to me.
Since the 2000 election campaign, we here at IoF have declared that John McCain will never be President of the United States. We still believe that.
Conservative voters have been loath to support the McCain ticket. Without the support of conservatives a GOP candidate can forget victory in a Presidential campaign. Without that conservative support there is no “fire” in the campaign. The fighting spirit, which rests almost entirely with conservatives on the right, simply is not there. You cannot have missed the lack of zest and zeal in the McCain Campaign. You don’t see it because… it isn’t there.
Even those conservatives who have vowed to support McCain after he brought Palin on board have withheld total commitment. Their heart is just not in it.
Since day one of the campaign for the oval office 2008 conservatives have scratched their collective heads in wonderment at the candidates the GOP wheeled out for our inspection. At first, we thought it was a bad joke. Then, it was rumored that the upper echelons in the party were saying they didn’t need conservative support to win the White House. We KNEW the party was in serious trouble at that moment.
There has been a tug of war within the GOP since the conservative take-over in the mid 1990’s. The resentment of the bluebloods and the country club Republicans toward the K-Mart Republicans has been palpable. You see… we conservatives are something of an embarrassment to them. For the most part they are the moderate to liberal branch of the GOP. (Oh, yes. Just as there are conservative democrats there are liberal republicans.) Unfortunately, the liberal republicans carry with them that “liberal guilt” just the same as their democrat counterparts. I am of the opinion there is nothing so dangerous to the country as liberal guilt no matter if the liberal is republican or democrat.
On the other side of the political spectrum the democrat party is not really a “party”. It is more an amalgamation of victim’s groups, bound together in their perceived victimhood, seeking redress from the government. They have been thus for a very long time and, in that time, have forged a bond between them in order to attain their goals. It is quite different in the GOP.
In the Republican Party, the differences between the two main groups, the liberals and the conservatives, is much wider… and… that gap can never be closed… even temporarily in order to secure victory. Conservatives can never compromise their core beliefs. Even an attempt is doomed to failure. The instant conservatives make an attempt to compromise; they are no longer conservative. You can see the problem.
And that, dear reader, is why I continue to call for a solely conservative political party. The infighting within the GOP is not going to cease until conservatives leave. Of course, the moment conservatives DO leave; the GOP will be relegated to the backbenches in Congress for a hundred years, or more.
The McCain Campaign has been a lost cause from the beginning. Apparently McCain thought he could replace conservative support with the support of Independent voters. That was never very likely because such a large percentage of independent voters are conservative voters who, for one reason or the other, left the two dominant political parties. No matter who chose that course, McCain or his advisors, in my opinion, it was unwise and it may well cost him this election. In the long run, however, conservatives may benefit from the GOP loss in November.
There is a major firestorm coming, nationally and internationally. There will be epiphanies by the bundles landing on the doorsteps of naïve American voters in the next few years. The cost of living in the US is going to skyrocket upwards along with taxes and new laws and regulations the likes of which we have never seen before. Add to that the spread of Islamofacism and the accompanying wars and rumors of wars and the ever-increasing drain on our treasury to fight those wars, here at home as well as in foreign lands, and you begin to get the picture.
Conservatives have been warning of the multitude of festering boils about to erupt but… nobody wanted to listen. In a few months reality will set in and with it a slow awakening. By then, of course, the US Ship of State will have sailed and like any ship it will take an interminably long time to turn it around and set it’s course aright. If, and it is a big “IF”, we are able to overcome what is headed our way, and begin a successful program of reconstruction, the country may find it necessary to turn to conservative leadership in order to rebuild the country and rehabilitate what will surely be a decimated military and a dispirited citizenry.
For a number of years now, decades even, there has been a growing sense, in the human psyche, that something dark and foreboding is on the threshold. I have felt it and now I sense its growing strength and it’s growing inevitability. In my opinion, there are extremely dark times ahead for America… just months ahead, in fact. We will be sorely tried, perhaps, as never before. What is even more troubling, to me, is my concern that we cannot turn back, nor can we influence what is about to happen. It is far too late. The dye is cast. Now we can only watch and wait and do whatever is necessary to survive as a nation.
J. D. Longstreet
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