By J. D. Longstreet
Of all the things that concern me, the thing which actually frightens me most is the possibility of a One World Government on this planet. And surveying the world situation today one would have to admit it sure looks as if the stage is being set for just that… the move to Global Governance (The PC term is Global Governance, or what you and I know as a One World Government).
Of all the things that concern me, the thing which actually frightens me most is the possibility of a One World Government on this planet. And surveying the world situation today one would have to admit it sure looks as if the stage is being set for just that… the move to Global Governance (The PC term is Global Governance, or what you and I know as a One World Government).
I have thought about this one world government thing for a good forty years now and, for the life of me, I cannot see how it can be done and maintain a democratic form of one world government. In fact, I am convinced it cannot. I have concluded that the best we can hope for is a benevilent worldwide dictatorship… under the auspices of, you guessed it, the United Nations, that spawn of Hell itself!
The folks we often refer to as “the powers that be” need a world wide crisis, and then another and another, until the citizens of this globe are so beaten down they will be willing to accept such a single government, spanning the globe, just to obtain some relief.
The current world wide financial crisis seems ready made as the stepping stone for a series of world wide crises which, if I am correct, may follow, fairly quickly, on the heels of the current crises.
Money. It’s money that is the triggering this crisis. I have to tell you I have an awful feeling that soon after the first of the year the Congress is going to declare a banking holiday. When they do, and if they do, it will bring home the depth of the danger Americans are in... finally. "Wiped out" will be the phrase of the day and it will be accurately discriptive.
Doubt not that there is a plan on someone’s desk, or locked securely in someone’s vault, to take the drive toward a one world government into the second phase. Believe me when I tell you, that I am convinced that we are one step closer to that one world government than we have ever been and one could even go on record as saying we are right on schedule, or very nearly on schedule, for it’s establishment.
Gideon Rachman, of the Financial Times, has a piece entitled: “And Now For A World Government”. We recommend you read it. You’ll find it at:
If I understood what Mr. Rachman has written, he, too, sees the table set for “global governance”. I shuddered, more than once, as I read it. You’ll find many more such articles on the Internet. Some will scare the bejesus out of you, especially Americans.
If I understood what Mr. Rachman has written, he, too, sees the table set for “global governance”. I shuddered, more than once, as I read it. You’ll find many more such articles on the Internet. Some will scare the bejesus out of you, especially Americans.
Some have said coming events toward the initial establishment of the OWG will have Americans reaching for their guns. I sincerely hope that is an accurate statement. For I, as an American, am convinced that it will be the end of America.
As I said above, I am convinced a One world Government cannot exist, realistically, as a democratic form of government. It will, of necessity, have to be a dictatorship to survive. Only a dictatorship could bring the fear and intimidation that will be necessary to mold, and maintain 193 separate countries in line as a single planet-wide country. Not to mention the perpetual state of war that will exist on the planet, somewhere, all the time.
May I suggest you take the time to read up on the myriads of material available on the Internet about the coming One World Government? It is a must if you value your freedom, especially Americans. As I said above, some are suggesting a banking holiday soon after the first of 2009. That will be a sign that “The Program” is underway.
Some have been suggesting that we Americans buy up as much ammo as we can and conceal it. Much the same is being suggested for our personal weapons. I have to tell you that considering where the world seems to be heading... that is beginning to resemble sage advice.
J. D. Longstreet
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