Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Stopping ObamaCare.

Stopping ObamaCare.
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

We have roughly 30 days to kill socialized medicine in the United States. The ObamaCare enthusiasts are pulling out all the stops, during the month of August to push whatever their healthcare overhaul FINALLY turns out to be.

You see, even the Obama Administration and the democrats on Capitol Hill have NO IDEA, at this point, exactly what their “healthcare” bill will include and what it will exclude. They have been jumping around all over the healthcare map, like fleas on a hotplate, trying, desperately, to come up with something, anything, the American people will swallow hard and accept. Problem is… the American people simply don’t want what they are selling! But the democrats are frightened, witless, that their new president is about to get his first “slap-down” by the electorate and the democrat/socialists are desperate to prevent that. If ObamaCare can be stopped, it will be a great victory for Amereicans who want no part of socialized medicine in the United States… plus, it would be a tremendous embarrassment for Obama. Even Republican Congressman Jim DeMint, of South Carolina, claims it could be Obama’s Waterloo! Now, that IS embarrassing!

To make matters decidedly more difficult for the ObamaCare crowd, Rasmussen released a story on Monday (08-03-09) that made some folks in DC sit up and take notice. The report (out 08-03-09) says Confidence in the U.S. Health Care System Has Grown in Recent Months. Rasmussen says that forty-eight percent (48%) of U.S. voters now rate the U.S. health care system as good or excellent. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 19% rate it as poor.

These figures reflect a significant increase in support for the health care system over the past few months. In May, just 35% of adults nationwide rated the system as good or excellent. A year ago, just 29% of Likely Voters rated the system in such positive terms. And check this: The new polling also shows that 80% of those with insurance rate their own coverage as good or excellent. That’s up from 70% in May. You’ll find the entire eye-opening article HERE.

The democrats absolutely must get something through the Congress the President can lay claim to as the HIS Healthcare plan, even if it bears no resemblance to the glorified “pie-in-the-sky” healthcare, or Government-Run Healthcare, or Universal Healthcare, or Nationalized Healthcare, or Public Option Healthcare, or whatever they are calling it today. For our part- we are still referring to it as ObamaCare, or Socialized Medicine.

So, the plain truth is – neither Obama or his henchman on Capitol Hill have any idea what will be in the bill when they finally manage to scrape something together they can get enough votes in both the House of Representatives and the Senate to pass and send to the President for his signature.

Now, here’s the thing: During the next month, or so, primarily August, they will be back home back-slapping and glad-handing and trying, like crazy, to get you to support a bill the contents of which they haven’t a clue! In other words, the democrats and Obama are now at the point in their Socialized Medicine threat of trying to sell America what we in the Carolinas would refer to as a “Pig-in-a-Poke”. Interpreted that means simply, you can tell something is in the bag, but you have no idea what it is. It could be a pig or a polecat! And… you don’t get to find out which it is - until after you buy the bag!

Get ready for the letters, the phone calls, and the knocks on the door, the TV and radio ads, and the columns and articles in the newspapers and, of course on the Internet boosting ObamaCare during the month of August because they are going to be pouring it on.

If we are to kill this socialized medicine, we are going to have to meet them blow for blow. We have to tell our Congresspersons and our senators that if they are so weak as to vote for ObamaCare they can forget about our vote next time they stand for re-election. Help them understand they can expect an early retirement from the nation’s legislature.

You must remember that, first and foremost, the Obama Administration is going to force you to have health insurance, whether you want it or not. It is called the “Individual Mandate.” Yes, dear reader, this bill will affect EVERY American, healthy or sick, young or old. It will make no difference.

Finally, dear reader, ask yourself if anyone in the government has seriously looked at the C O S T of ObamaCare. We are talking about a government takeover of approximately 1/5th to 1/6th of thr nation's economy! The latest number I have seen tossed about was 1-1/2 TRILLION dollars in cost to you and I , the taxpayers of America, over the next ten years. Now, stop and think about the billons and trillions the recession bailouts and loans, and whatever else the government has spent our money for in the past few months and then add this trillion and a half to the top if that pile of debt Americans will have to pay off. Remember, that trillion and a half is not a one time payout. It goes on and on and on and gets larger and larger and larger.

Look, even if ObamaCare was acceptable to the nation the fact of the matter is, we simply cannot afford it. Certainly not now, and, I suspect, we will not be able to afford it for sometime into the future.

Contact your Congressperson and your Senator, ASAP, and lean on them. Let them know socialized medicine is not for America - not now, not ever.

J. D. Longstreet


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