A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
CNSNews.com is reporting the following: “By 2012, nearly $1 trillion from the top 30 percent of American families will be redistributed among the bottom 70 percent if Obama’s proposals on taxes, health care, and climate change become law, according to the Tax Foundation. “Even if none of Obama’s policies becomes law, the extent of income redistribution is remarkable,” Scott Hodge, president of the nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, said. “The top-earning 40 percent of families will transfer $826 billion to the bottom 60 percent in 2012.” Under the Obama plan, 70 percent of American families as a group -- those earning less than $109,460 -- will receive more in benefits than they pay in taxes, Hodge said. “The majority of people below the 70 percent mark will get more back than they pay in taxes,” Hodge told CNSNews.com.
This is a story you NEED to read and to consider. You’ll find it HERE.
THIS, Dear Reader, is Socialism… “Redistribution of the Wealth.” For Conservative Americans our worst nightmare has come true… America has become, indisputably, a Socialist State!
We might add also, America will soon be listed among that list of socialist states that have failed. Why? Because, inevitably the founders of socialist states forget two very important things: One, the folks from whom the money is being taken, money they made from their labor, their efforts, will soon come to question why they should work so hard when what they have earned is taken from them. They will slack off, production will drop, and the national economy will tank. And two, eventually the inevitable will happen, the money will run out.
To reinforce the socialist state mentality, the Obama Regime has put in place a group of Czars. These Czars can operate behind he scenes to drive the government in directions you and I might loathe, but since they are insulated from the public, from the Congress, they have the power of true Czars, which is nearly unlimited, and deeply hidden from public scrutiny. This is only a part of the Shadow Government we warned the Obama regime would usher in if elected. Back then, months and months ago, we warned that Obama would only be the public image portrayed by the real rulers of America the – the Shadow Government. We warned that the Shadow Government would use Obama’s narcissism against him. We warned they would allow Obama to think, to believe, the HE is actually pulling the strings when, all the while, the Shadow Government, through the Czars, are actually running America.
These Czars are not elected and they are unanswerable to the American people. They issue rules and regulations that have the force of law. Go against them and they will crush you. Like the Russian emperors for whom the word “Czar” was coined, they are very nearly all powerful.
Who are these Czars? Well, we still do not know the identity of some of the Czars. There are some we do, however. Take a look at the list of those identified Czars below:
1. Afghanistan Czar - Richard HolbrookeTitle: Special Representative for Afghanistan and PakistanSalary: unknownReports to: Secretary of State Hillary ClintonAppointed: January 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: State2. AIDS Czar * - Jeffrey CrowleyTitle: Director of the Office of National AIDS PolicySalary: $102,000Reports to: President Obama (as part of the Executive Office of the President’s Domestic Policy Council)Appointed: February 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Health and Human Services3. Auto Recovery Czar - Ed MontgomeryTitle: Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and WorkersSalary: unknownReports to: Larry Summers, the president's top economic adviser, and Labor Secretary Hilda SolisAppointed: March 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Labor4. Border Czar * - Alan BersinTitle: Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Special Representative for Border AffairsSalary: unknownReports to: Homeland Security Secretary Janet NapolitanoAppointed: April 2009Agencies that might have handled similar issues: Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)5. California Water Czar - David J. HayesTitle: Deputy Interior SecretarySalary: unknownReports to: Interior Secretary Ken SalazarAppointed: June 2009Confirmed by Senate (as Deputy Interior Security): May 20, 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Interior 6. Car Czar - Ron BloomNOTE: on July 13, 2009, Bloom took over as head of the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry, replacing Steven RattnerTitle: Counselor to the Secretary of the TreasurySalary: unknownReports to: Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and National Economic Council head Larry SummersAppointed: July 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Treasury7. Central Region Czar - Dennis RossTitle: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for the Central Region (encompasses the Middle East, the Gulf, Afghanistan, Pakistan and South Asia)Salary: unknownReports to: National Security Adviser Gen. James L. JonesAppointed: June 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: State8. Climate Czar - Todd SternTitle: Special Envoy for Climate ChangeSalary: unknownReports to: Secretary of State Hillary ClintonAppointed: January 2009Agency or department that might have handled similar issues: Environmental Protection Agency; State9. Domestic Violence Czar - Lynn RosenthalTitle: White House adviser on Violence Against WomenSalary: unknownReports to: President Obama and Vice President BidenAppointed: June 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Health and Human Services10. Drug Czar * - Gil KerlikowskeTitle: Director of the Office of National Drug Control PolicySalary: unknownReports to: President ObamaAppointed: March 2009Confirmed by Senate: May 7, 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Justice11. Economic Czar * - Paul VolckerTitle: Chairman of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory BoardSalary: Volcker reportedly isn't paid for his advice.Reports to: President ObamaAppointed: January 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Treasury12. Energy and Environment Czar - Carol BrownerTitle: Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate ChangeSalary: $172,200Reports to: President ObamaAppointed: January 2009Agency that might have handled similar issues: EPA13. Faith-Based Czar * - Joshua DuBoisTitle: Director of the Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood PartnershipsSalary: $98,000Reports to: President ObamaAppointed: February 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Health and Human Services14. Government Performance Czar - Jeffrey ZientsTitle: Chief Performance OfficerSalary: unknownReports to: Office of Management and Budget Director Peter OrzagAppointed: April 2009Confirmed by the Senate (as deputy director for management for the OMB): June 19, 2009Agency that might have handled similar issues: OMB15. Great Lakes Czar - Cameron DavisTitle: Special advisor to the U.S. EPA overseeing its Great Lakes restoration planSalary: unknownReports to: Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa JacksonAppointed: June 2009Agency that might have handled similar issues: Environmental Protection Agency16. Green Jobs Czar - Van JonesTitle: Special Adviser for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental QualitySalary: unknownReports to: Head of Council on Environmental Quality Nancy SutleyAppointed: March 2009Agency or department that might have handled similar issues: Environmental Protection Agency; Labor17. Guantanamo Closure Czar - Daniel FriedTitle: Special envoy to oversee the closure of the detention center at Guantanamo BaySalary: unknownReports to: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham ClintonAppointed: March 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Justice; State18. Health Czar * - Nancy-Ann DeParleTitle: Counselor to the President and Director of the White House Office of Health ReformSalary: $158,500Reports to: President ObamaAppointed: March 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Health and Human Services (HHS)19. Information Czar - Vivek KundraTitle: Federal Chief Information OfficerSalary: unknownReports to: Director of the Office of Management and Budget Peter OrszagAppointed: March 2009Agencies that might have handled similar issues: other federal agency CIOs20. Intelligence Czar * - Dennis BlairTitle: Director of National IntelligenceSalary: $197,700Reports to: President ObamaAppointed: January 2009Confirmed by Senate: January 28, 2009Agency that might have handled similar issues: CIA21. Mideast Peace Czar - George MitchellTitle: Special Envoy for Middle East PeaceSalary: unknownReports to: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham ClintonAppointed: January 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: State22. Pay Czar - Kenneth R. FeinbergTitle: Special Master on executive paySalary: reportedly receiving no compensation for his work.Reports to: Treasury Secretary Timothy GeithnerAppointed: June 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Treasury23. Regulatory Czar - Cass R. Sunstein *Title: Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory AffairsSalary: unknownReports to: Office of Management and Budget head Peter OrszagAppointed: January 2009Nomination was sent to Senate on April 20, 2009 - no action yet takenAgency that might have handled similar issues: OMB24. Science Czar - John HoldrenTitle: Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisers on Science and TechnologySalary: unknownReports to: President ObamaAppointed: December 2008Confirmed by Senate: March 19, 2009Agency or department that might have handled similar issues: Energy25. Stimulus Accountability Czar - Earl DevaneyTitle: Chair of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability BoardSalary: unknownReports to: Vice President BidenAppointed: February 2009Agency that might have handled similar issues: OMB26. Sudan Czar - J. Scott GrationTitle: Special Envoy to SudanSalary: unknownReports to: Secretary of State Hillary ClintonAppointed: March 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: State27. TARP Czar - Herb AllisonTitle: Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial StabilitySalary: unknownReports to: Treasury Secretary Timothy GeithnerAppointed: June 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Treasury28. Technology Czar - Aneesh ChopraTitle: Chief Technology OfficerSalary: unknownReports to: President ObamaAppointed: April 2009Confirmed by Senate: May 21, 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Commerce29. Terrorism Czar - John BrennanTitle: Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and CounterterrorismSalary: $172,200Reports to: National Security Adviser James L. JonesAppointed: January 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Homeland Security30. Urban Affairs Czar - Adolfo Carrion Jr.Title: White House Director of Urban AffairsSalary: $158,500Reports to: President ObamaAppointed: February 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Housing and Urban Development31. Weapons Czar - Ashton CarterTitle: Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and LogisticsSalary: unknownReports to: Defense Secretary Robert GatesAppointed: April 2009Confirmed by Senate: April 23, 2009Department that might have handled similar issues: Defense32. WMD Policy Czar - Gary SamoreTitle: White House Coordinator for Weapons of Mass Destruction, Security and Arms ControlSalary: unknownReports to: National Security Advisor Gen. James L. JonesAppointed: January 2009Department or agency that might have handled similar issues: NSC; Defense; State
There are 32 “Czars” in the list above. There’re rumored to be even more with yet more coming!
For an overview if the “duties” these Czars are entrusted with go HERE.Now. Do you STILL think we Americans haven’t lost our country???
J. D. Longstreet
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