Groomed for a Socialist Dictatorship
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

America’s very own government is systematically destroying the United States of America. If this comes as a revelation to you – then where have you BEEN?
America’s destruction has been ongoing for some time now. But not until the election of the democrat controlled Congress in 2006 and the election of President Obama in 2008 did it swing into high gear and the real dismantling of our constitutional republic begin in earnest.
Today, America is just a shell of its former self. We have seen how quickly a determined enemy of the constitution can bring havoc to bear on our nation as we look back over the months since November 2006.
Like a cancer devouring its host from within the socialism of the Democratic Party and the Obama Regime have, little by little, brought America to her knees. There can be no doubt that America is dying and dying quickly.
Fortunately, there are some Americans who have taken notice of this silent attack on America. To their credit they are desperately trying to alert all Americans to the imminent death of our constitutional republic. These American patriots do not plan to stand by and watch America destroyed from within. They have banded together to make a last ditch effort to stanch the out flowing of the energy force from America’s socialist damaged veins. They are known by many names. The Tea Party is the best-known moniker.
There is method to the apparent madness of the liberal-socialists in the American government today. Many contend they are intentionally making an all out effort to collapse America’s system of government along with her financial and economic systems and then reform them under a strong centralized socialist government which will have the American citizen completely at the mercy of the socialist/Marxist government.
There is a concerted effort today, in America, to destroy capitalism. I have come to believe the destruction of capitalism is an integral part of the plan to collapse America’s economic system and replace it with socialism akin to the Soviet Union style economic system. No matter that it failed in the USSR, the American liberal-socialists believe they can succeed because they believe themselves smarter than the Soviets.
It has become clearer and clearer as the months of the Obama regime have dragged by that the intended end result -- if the liberal-socialists get their way -- will be a communist America.
So sure are the liberal-socialists of victory they have already begun laying the foundation for their socialist dictatorship. For evidence look to Obama’s “Czars.” Look at the Environmental Protection Agency power grabs. Look at the influence the “green movement” has on our government today. Observe America’s elite in business, entertainment, and, yes, the Mainstream Media kow-towing to Obama’s every whim as they try to ingratiate themselves to the Obama Regime convinced, as they are, that we are on the threshold of a socialist dictatorship in America.
Generations of Americans, educated in our government school system, have grown up believing that government can solve any problem -- and do it better that a free market.
As we said above, the effort to destroy America as a constitutional republic began long ago. For at least two generations our young scholars have been indoctrinated in liberal-socialism in our government schools. The masses were, even then, being prepared for this moment in American history.

For the past eighteen months to two years Americans have been shaking off their lethargy and coming fully awake and now -- they are ready to fight back. And fight they will.
“D-Day” is November 2nd, the Mid-Term Election. Americans intend to send a message, not only to the Obama Regime and to the entire US government, but to the European Socialist states, as well. That message is: Americans ARE DIFFERENT! Americans WILL LIVE FREE.
In the Mid-Term Election we intend to purge as many liberal-socialists and progressives, as we possibly can, from the government of the United States. And that is just step one.
For step two, we intend to do it all over again -- in the election of November 2012 -- when we intend to send Obama packing and cleanse the remaining liberal-socialists and progressives from our Congress.
Take it from one who grew up as a free American. America is no longer free. The only way we can regain the freedoms we have already lost and to stop our incredibly swift slide into the socialist sewer is to regain control of our government. It is an absolute must. This is a battle free Americans must win. The alternative is the hell of socialist slavery.
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

America’s very own government is systematically destroying the United States of America. If this comes as a revelation to you – then where have you BEEN?
America’s destruction has been ongoing for some time now. But not until the election of the democrat controlled Congress in 2006 and the election of President Obama in 2008 did it swing into high gear and the real dismantling of our constitutional republic begin in earnest.
Today, America is just a shell of its former self. We have seen how quickly a determined enemy of the constitution can bring havoc to bear on our nation as we look back over the months since November 2006.
Like a cancer devouring its host from within the socialism of the Democratic Party and the Obama Regime have, little by little, brought America to her knees. There can be no doubt that America is dying and dying quickly.
Fortunately, there are some Americans who have taken notice of this silent attack on America. To their credit they are desperately trying to alert all Americans to the imminent death of our constitutional republic. These American patriots do not plan to stand by and watch America destroyed from within. They have banded together to make a last ditch effort to stanch the out flowing of the energy force from America’s socialist damaged veins. They are known by many names. The Tea Party is the best-known moniker.
There is method to the apparent madness of the liberal-socialists in the American government today. Many contend they are intentionally making an all out effort to collapse America’s system of government along with her financial and economic systems and then reform them under a strong centralized socialist government which will have the American citizen completely at the mercy of the socialist/Marxist government.
There is a concerted effort today, in America, to destroy capitalism. I have come to believe the destruction of capitalism is an integral part of the plan to collapse America’s economic system and replace it with socialism akin to the Soviet Union style economic system. No matter that it failed in the USSR, the American liberal-socialists believe they can succeed because they believe themselves smarter than the Soviets.
It has become clearer and clearer as the months of the Obama regime have dragged by that the intended end result -- if the liberal-socialists get their way -- will be a communist America.
So sure are the liberal-socialists of victory they have already begun laying the foundation for their socialist dictatorship. For evidence look to Obama’s “Czars.” Look at the Environmental Protection Agency power grabs. Look at the influence the “green movement” has on our government today. Observe America’s elite in business, entertainment, and, yes, the Mainstream Media kow-towing to Obama’s every whim as they try to ingratiate themselves to the Obama Regime convinced, as they are, that we are on the threshold of a socialist dictatorship in America.
Generations of Americans, educated in our government school system, have grown up believing that government can solve any problem -- and do it better that a free market.
As we said above, the effort to destroy America as a constitutional republic began long ago. For at least two generations our young scholars have been indoctrinated in liberal-socialism in our government schools. The masses were, even then, being prepared for this moment in American history.

For the past eighteen months to two years Americans have been shaking off their lethargy and coming fully awake and now -- they are ready to fight back. And fight they will.
“D-Day” is November 2nd, the Mid-Term Election. Americans intend to send a message, not only to the Obama Regime and to the entire US government, but to the European Socialist states, as well. That message is: Americans ARE DIFFERENT! Americans WILL LIVE FREE.
In the Mid-Term Election we intend to purge as many liberal-socialists and progressives, as we possibly can, from the government of the United States. And that is just step one.
For step two, we intend to do it all over again -- in the election of November 2012 -- when we intend to send Obama packing and cleanse the remaining liberal-socialists and progressives from our Congress.
Take it from one who grew up as a free American. America is no longer free. The only way we can regain the freedoms we have already lost and to stop our incredibly swift slide into the socialist sewer is to regain control of our government. It is an absolute must. This is a battle free Americans must win. The alternative is the hell of socialist slavery.
J. D. Longstreet
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