The Obama Doctrine: Don’t lead … At Any Cost
“Hamlet on the Potomac”
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Well, we now know. We have a “Hamlet on the Potomac” in our Oval Office. If you listen closely you can hear Obama twisting himself into knots asking the wrenching question: “To lead… or NOT to lead?” (Our apologies to Bill Shakespeare!)
As America’s regal eagle, King Obama resembles Denmark’s overly sensitive prince, Hamlet, in so many ways. Obama never seems quite able to make up his mind. He pines away in the shadow of such great presidents a Ronald Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt, James Monroe, et al.
Obama doesn’t seem to understand the consequences of all that soul searching he is attributed by his flunkies. Nor does he seem to understand that while he “takes his time” and “considers carefully,” bodies keep piling up and circumstances that claimed those bodies (and will claim more) continue to worsen.
I can’t shake the feeling that the escalating body count comes in a distant second, in priority, to Obama’s “electability” in 2012.
Every President of the United States gets to define his own “doctrine.” My personal favorite was James Monroe’s, which came to be known, of course, as the Monroe Doctrine. It served the country well -- until we began to elect “internationalist” Presidents, like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Hussein Obama. All three of these Presidents relied heavily upon the so-called (or as a TV commentator said over the weekend -- “fabled”) International Community, to either solve problems around the globe or take the lead in seeking solutions to those problems.
It didn’t, and it doesn’t, work.
When Obama went to the United Nations – FIRST – to ask PERMISSION to intervene in Libya and DID NOT GO FIRST to the US Congress where lies the constitutional power to declare war, it was clear where his allegiance lay/lies.
Mr. Obama has said he considers himself a citizen of the world. (Could it be that Obama is the first citizen of the world, not a citizen of the US, to hold the office of US President?? We will learn the truth of this only after his days in office are ended.) If that is so, then he was acting within character when he ignored the US constitution and the US Congress. Seems to me these are grounds for impeachment.
Watching Obama make a decision, especially one that involves US foreign policy to any degree, IS like watching Hamlet wrestling through every line of the play. In short order, the reader, or observer of the play, wants to take the screwed-up prince and give him a swift kick in the butt to reset what passes for his mind.
I’ll let you in on a little secret of mine: I don’t think Obama is all that bright. Nosiree, I don’t. See: I learned in grammar school that a fellow with an average IQ and an expansive vocabulary with the ability to speak authoritatively -- and do so in public -- could con folks into believing he was smarter than the average Joe.
Well, it’s not really a con -- if you don’t present yourself as smarter that other folks.
It is the nature of the human animal to seek out a well-spoken leader (Oftimes mistakenly perceived as an “Alfa” personality) to follow. Yes, humans DO act more like sheep than I am comfortable with.
Problem is – our reluctant leader, our Shakespearian prince in Washington, DID present himself as smarter than everyone else. (At least his cohort of socialist fellow travelers did.) The risk involved when one does that is simply that … at some point … your bluff is going to be called.
OBAMA’S BLUFF HAS BEEN CALLED and it turns out – between Obama and Hillary Clinton – Hillary’s testosterone levels are much higher!
Speaking of Presidential doctrines, I think Ronald Reagan’s was every bit as clear as that of Teddy Roosevelt. Put simply, Reagan’s doctrine was: You harm an American, anywhere in the world, and we will come after you. You cannot hide. It is short and sweet and to the point. The world knew that when Reagan said it … Reagan meant it!
George H. W. Bush’s doctrine was to follow the UN’s direction -- and he did. Of Course, we had to turn around and go right back to Iraq, to finish the job, when his son took office.
Unfortunately, it now appears that Obama is going to imitate George H. W. Bush and not take out Gaddafi, as Bush the First did not take out Hussein, therefore setting the stage for a second Libya war some months or years down the road. Frankly, I am counting on the British SAS to send that Libyan thorn in the side of the world to settle up with Allah at the earliest opportunity.
The George W. Bush Doctrine was “hit ‘em first!” It was to fight them “over there” so we didn’t have to fight them “over here.” The thing I don’t like about it is our feeble attempts at nation building. We might have been able to carry it off in the 1940’s and 1950’s with Germany and Japan, but today -- we suck at it!
Bill Clinton’s Doctrine was to lob a few cruise missiles into a reputed aspirin factory, after dark, when no body was in the building, which, reports tell us, was an abandoned building, anyway. And Clinton insisted our warplanes over Serbia had to drop bombs from such a high altitude that the bomb runs were a useless waste of munitions.
Obama’s Doctrine is to first dither while the bodies pile up -- and then, when all else fails, persuade someone else to do it. Then, find a way to take credit for it – if it goes well, of course.
Understand: I did not want America involved in Libya, in Egypt, or in any of the Middle Eastern countries now in flames. I am not unconvinced that the whole blow-up in the Islamic nations of the Middle East was designed as an old “draw play” worthy of my Native American ancestors, to draw a weakened America, with a decidedly weak President, into a unending, continually deepening, fray that would suck the life out of our economy and eventually collapse our government.
Talk about having the right man, in the right place, at the right time! For our Middle Eastern enemies Obama was a godsend -- the same for our domestic enemies, as well.
America, today, resembles a great ship caught in a storm, rudderless, and being blown onto the rocks of doom by the winds of change brought us by the Obama Regime.
Conservatives are desperately tossing sea anchors over the side hoping to slow the great ship’s eminent doom until a new captain can be elected, the rudder repaired, and a new course stirred taking the massive vessel away from the shoals of certain disaster.
To affect the rescue of America we need a candidate for President who actually has a chance at winning. NONE of those expected to announce as candidates stand a snowball’s chance in Hades, in August, against the great socialist machine behind Obama.
In my opinion, people of faith would do well to petition the deity to whom they pray to mercifully cut short our chastisement and send America a leader who will lead us in the quest to restore America’s greatness and once again illuminate the “great city set on a hill” as a beacon to all mankind.
“Hamlet on the Potomac”
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Well, we now know. We have a “Hamlet on the Potomac” in our Oval Office. If you listen closely you can hear Obama twisting himself into knots asking the wrenching question: “To lead… or NOT to lead?” (Our apologies to Bill Shakespeare!)
As America’s regal eagle, King Obama resembles Denmark’s overly sensitive prince, Hamlet, in so many ways. Obama never seems quite able to make up his mind. He pines away in the shadow of such great presidents a Ronald Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt, James Monroe, et al.
Obama doesn’t seem to understand the consequences of all that soul searching he is attributed by his flunkies. Nor does he seem to understand that while he “takes his time” and “considers carefully,” bodies keep piling up and circumstances that claimed those bodies (and will claim more) continue to worsen.
I can’t shake the feeling that the escalating body count comes in a distant second, in priority, to Obama’s “electability” in 2012.
Every President of the United States gets to define his own “doctrine.” My personal favorite was James Monroe’s, which came to be known, of course, as the Monroe Doctrine. It served the country well -- until we began to elect “internationalist” Presidents, like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Hussein Obama. All three of these Presidents relied heavily upon the so-called (or as a TV commentator said over the weekend -- “fabled”) International Community, to either solve problems around the globe or take the lead in seeking solutions to those problems.
It didn’t, and it doesn’t, work.
When Obama went to the United Nations – FIRST – to ask PERMISSION to intervene in Libya and DID NOT GO FIRST to the US Congress where lies the constitutional power to declare war, it was clear where his allegiance lay/lies.
Mr. Obama has said he considers himself a citizen of the world. (Could it be that Obama is the first citizen of the world, not a citizen of the US, to hold the office of US President?? We will learn the truth of this only after his days in office are ended.) If that is so, then he was acting within character when he ignored the US constitution and the US Congress. Seems to me these are grounds for impeachment.
Watching Obama make a decision, especially one that involves US foreign policy to any degree, IS like watching Hamlet wrestling through every line of the play. In short order, the reader, or observer of the play, wants to take the screwed-up prince and give him a swift kick in the butt to reset what passes for his mind.
I’ll let you in on a little secret of mine: I don’t think Obama is all that bright. Nosiree, I don’t. See: I learned in grammar school that a fellow with an average IQ and an expansive vocabulary with the ability to speak authoritatively -- and do so in public -- could con folks into believing he was smarter than the average Joe.
Well, it’s not really a con -- if you don’t present yourself as smarter that other folks.
It is the nature of the human animal to seek out a well-spoken leader (Oftimes mistakenly perceived as an “Alfa” personality) to follow. Yes, humans DO act more like sheep than I am comfortable with.
Problem is – our reluctant leader, our Shakespearian prince in Washington, DID present himself as smarter than everyone else. (At least his cohort of socialist fellow travelers did.) The risk involved when one does that is simply that … at some point … your bluff is going to be called.
OBAMA’S BLUFF HAS BEEN CALLED and it turns out – between Obama and Hillary Clinton – Hillary’s testosterone levels are much higher!
Speaking of Presidential doctrines, I think Ronald Reagan’s was every bit as clear as that of Teddy Roosevelt. Put simply, Reagan’s doctrine was: You harm an American, anywhere in the world, and we will come after you. You cannot hide. It is short and sweet and to the point. The world knew that when Reagan said it … Reagan meant it!
George H. W. Bush’s doctrine was to follow the UN’s direction -- and he did. Of Course, we had to turn around and go right back to Iraq, to finish the job, when his son took office.
Unfortunately, it now appears that Obama is going to imitate George H. W. Bush and not take out Gaddafi, as Bush the First did not take out Hussein, therefore setting the stage for a second Libya war some months or years down the road. Frankly, I am counting on the British SAS to send that Libyan thorn in the side of the world to settle up with Allah at the earliest opportunity.
The George W. Bush Doctrine was “hit ‘em first!” It was to fight them “over there” so we didn’t have to fight them “over here.” The thing I don’t like about it is our feeble attempts at nation building. We might have been able to carry it off in the 1940’s and 1950’s with Germany and Japan, but today -- we suck at it!
Bill Clinton’s Doctrine was to lob a few cruise missiles into a reputed aspirin factory, after dark, when no body was in the building, which, reports tell us, was an abandoned building, anyway. And Clinton insisted our warplanes over Serbia had to drop bombs from such a high altitude that the bomb runs were a useless waste of munitions.
Obama’s Doctrine is to first dither while the bodies pile up -- and then, when all else fails, persuade someone else to do it. Then, find a way to take credit for it – if it goes well, of course.
Understand: I did not want America involved in Libya, in Egypt, or in any of the Middle Eastern countries now in flames. I am not unconvinced that the whole blow-up in the Islamic nations of the Middle East was designed as an old “draw play” worthy of my Native American ancestors, to draw a weakened America, with a decidedly weak President, into a unending, continually deepening, fray that would suck the life out of our economy and eventually collapse our government.
Talk about having the right man, in the right place, at the right time! For our Middle Eastern enemies Obama was a godsend -- the same for our domestic enemies, as well.
America, today, resembles a great ship caught in a storm, rudderless, and being blown onto the rocks of doom by the winds of change brought us by the Obama Regime.
Conservatives are desperately tossing sea anchors over the side hoping to slow the great ship’s eminent doom until a new captain can be elected, the rudder repaired, and a new course stirred taking the massive vessel away from the shoals of certain disaster.
To affect the rescue of America we need a candidate for President who actually has a chance at winning. NONE of those expected to announce as candidates stand a snowball’s chance in Hades, in August, against the great socialist machine behind Obama.
In my opinion, people of faith would do well to petition the deity to whom they pray to mercifully cut short our chastisement and send America a leader who will lead us in the quest to restore America’s greatness and once again illuminate the “great city set on a hill” as a beacon to all mankind.
J. D. Longstreet
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