By Sher Zieve

Regarding the memo, Judge Andrew Napolitano stated: "It basically says that the president of the United States can authorize an 'informed, high-level official of the U.S. government' to strip the constitutional protections of an American in a foreign country if the informed official is satisfied that the American is an imminent danger to American national security and his capture or arrest would be impractical, That is basically the power claimed by kings and tyrants. 'I can suspend the law to get you if you are a danger.'"
Note: Please remember that in the 1970s ObamaFriend and real terrorist Bill Ayers (via FBI informant Larry Grathwohl) said that over 25,000,000 (that's 25 millions, folks) Americans would likely have to be exterminated because they would be too loyal to the US Constitution, too capitalistic and would not be able to be "reeducated" Soviet style. It would seem that, in true Obama fashion for his friends, one of Bill Ayers' fondest wishes is about to be realized. By the way, in that same video (see source material below) the references to giving China and Russia US land on US homeland soil was and still is one of Ayers' desires. Via Obama dictate – and a willing and/or cowed Congress – China is already setting up camp in various portions of the USSA and is planning to set up more of them. Colleague Eric Rush offers excellent insight into portions of this and Obama's determination to disarm the American public in his recent column "The Darkest Design of Barack Obama."
Every day now, Barack Obama is doing more to destroy our country and us. Each day, said destruction becomes bolder and bolder. If bullies and tyrants aren't stopped this is what, inevitably, happens and lives are summarily destroyed or ended. Alexander (the Great) did it. Hitler did it. Stalin did it. Mao did it. Pol Pot did it, amongst countless others. Now, Barack Hussein Obama is working to do it and become more tyrannical than any of the rest. My column in 2008 "Is the USA ready for an American Stalin" was more prescient than I realized at the time. Few of our "leaders" have been or are currently willing to take on the would-be greatest tyrant of them all. It appears that we columnists and those web sites that continue to fight the beast are, almost, the only vocal ones left. We can only pray that there are a few true leaders who will light the torch of freedom – once again – in order to bring back both sanity and liberty to the God-fearing country that was once a beacon and safe harbor to the world. For, we cannot truly continue, at all, on our present course; a course which already includes death. So, either way, Obama plans to "get" US citizens and those on the federal level – think Boehner and the other RINOs – have already told us they are powerless or unwilling to stop the onslaught.

"For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death" – Psalm 48:14
DOJ 16-page memo:
Judge Napolitano On Drone Strikes: Nowhere Justifiable Under The Constitution Or Federal Law:!
Napolitano: Obama 'stealing' American lives:
Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions:
The Darkest Design of Barack Obama:
Is the USA Ready for an American Stalin?
© Sher Zieve
Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.
Sher can be reached at
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