A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Today, in America, the Big Lie the government is peddling to Americans (I mean OTHER THAN OBAMACARE!) is two fold. The first part of the lie is: we can’t get rid of the 12 million, or so, illegal immigrants in this country. The second part of the Big Lie is the current immigration reform bill proposed by the Congress is NOT an AMNESTY BILL.
I mean, come on folks, don’t tell me we can’t get rid of 12 million illegal aliens in this country! Because we can!
Prosecute the employers who have them on their payrolls. Put an employer in jail for hiring them! I mean mandatory jail time, not just a fine or a slap on the wrist.
Repeal the “Anchor Baby” law. (Any baby born in the US is automatically an American Citizen.) It’s being used as a loophole to bring the families of those babies across the border and onto all the welfare programs offered to American citizens. It’s draining the American taxpayer. As a matter of fact, if there were absolutely NO government benefits for illegals in this country the flow of illegals north, across the US/Mexico border, would be cut, overnight, by at least 2/3rds!
Plus, stop sending them back to Mexico only to have them return at the earliest opportunity. Put them in jail. I mean, put them to work on the roads, as we do chain gangs in the Southern United States. I don’t mean for a few months, I mean for a decade or more.
Put a bounty on all illegal immigrants within the borders of the US. Allow private citizens to detain them and turn them in at police stations, anywhere, and collect the bounty on the spot. Why, my own county would have the area football stadia filled by the end of the weekend! I expect I could take a couple of dozen into custody within a mile, or two, of my own home! Here in NC, Tar Heels would relish an opportunity to do something constructive for their state and their country… such as rounding up these criminals. Already, some Tar Heel store owners are publicly wearing side arms to protect themselves and their businesses, as a result of high concentrations of Illegal aliens in their neighborhoods.

But, you say, there are 12 MILLION of them! Well, if that figure overwhelms you, consider that when the bill before Congress is signed into law, that 12 million will be able to bring over about 4 more, per head, and you are looking at a figure closer to 50 MILLION than 12 Million! How does that grab you, huh?
Dear reader we are looking down the barrel of the largest transfer of wealth in the history of America!
… And build a damn WALL (not a flimsy fence) along the US/Mexico Border replete with machine gun emplacements, land mines, and electrified barbed wire, and anything else that will stop that illegal flow into our country! I am way past tired of being preyed upon by our neighbors to the South! If we can patrol the borders of Middle Eastern nations, then we can damn well patrol the borders of our own country!
While I am at it, I am sick and tired of being told by the liberals to be compassionate! Look, I’m on compassion overload! It tends to anger me when I offer a helping hand to someone only to have him, or her, lift my wallet! So, don’t try to put a guilt trip on me about being compassionate to my fellowman! I’m way past that!
If you are as fed up with this Bovine Scatology the politicians in Washington are trying to sell us then let them know. And keep telling them until they understand that if they pass this legislation they will be out of a job!
Look, we all know what is behind this. The two major political parties in this country see amnesty for the 12 million illegals, and their relatives, as 50 million new voters for the Democrats and 50 million cheap labor hands for the GOP! It’s as simply as that! Frankly, they’re not considering what is good, or bad, for the country… they are seeing the advantage for them, and their political party, and nothing more!
Never in my lifetime have I seen a national legislature of the US as totally disconnected from the citizens of this country as the current crop in DC. From the White House, to the Congress, to the Supreme Court, they have managed to isolate themselves into some sort of cocoon in which they insulate themselves from contact with the Great Unwashed… you and I! What we have… is a government out of control! And that is totally unacceptable in America.
The latest iteration of the "AMNESTY Bill" must be stopped! Otherwise, America, as we know it and have known it, will be no more! This is one invasion America cannot survive.
© J. D. Longstreet
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