Celebrating A Lie!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
Columbus Day is the day leftists love to hate.
I have never seen any evidence that Christopher Columbus actually “discovered” America. Rather, he seemed to have simply bumped into it on is way to, er, India or China? “It” turned out to be Hispaniola where now resides Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
It is said that Columbus was one of the most confused men – ever. He didn’t know where he was going when he left, he didn’t know where he was when he got there, and he didn’t know where he had been when he got home! (Same thing happened to me once on a weekend pass from Fort Sill!)
Truth be told, we modern Americans haven’t a clue as to WHO, exactly, discovered this place we call America. We think we know the people we erroneously call “Indians” were here first having crossed the land bridge where now exists the Bering Strait between what is now Alaska and Russia.
There are claims that the Chinese explored the western coasts of the two Americas long before Columbus was even a twinkle in his father’s eye.
There are accounts that Europeans actually fished the waters off the coast of what became Newfoundland as far back as the 1400’s.
Then there is the report of the Vikings and their settlements on the northeastern coast of North America. Some even claim the Erikson boys, themselves Vikings, explored the northeastern coast and may even have settled here for a short while as early as 1001.
But the more we dig, and I do mean DIG, we find even more astonishing evidence that white men were on this continent long, long, before any of the explorers we know of today.
Anthropologists have discovered the skeletons of two Caucasian males that date back to at least 9,000 years ago. They were found on the west coast of the Americas. Now, where the heck did THEY come from – and how the heck did they get here?
I got my basic education in the public school system where I was taught: “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” I was taught that it was on the 12th day of October of that year that land was sighted. THAT is Columbus Day.
So, maybe Columbus didn’t “discover” America. But he did map a sea route to the western continents that was the most reliable of its time.
Columbus is not to blame for the mess we have made of the Americas. Only in the minds of those who must denigrate their own country -- in order to feel important -- is such an idea acceptable. It is WE, not Columbus, who must accept responsibility for the good and the bad we have created on these shores. Unfortunately, those who hatch such theories, blaming Columbus for all our ills, are not, it would seem, willing to accept responsibility. But then, that is America’s most pressing problem today -- lack of responsibility for one’s self and one’s actions.
What really gripes me is that we celebrate Columbus Day on Monday, October 14th, this year instead of October 12, the day of record. Heck, I nearly raised my flag in celebration of Columbus Day -- until my conservative-traditionalist-self forced me cease and desist. I could not be true to my convictions and put the flag up on Monday the 14th. Because it would be celebrating a LIE!
My generation of individualists is dying out. And I am not sorry that I am. I do not wish to live to see the inevitable end of my country – death by her own hand.
No, I did not get all of this from the moving of a date on a calendar. But, IT WAS the straw that put the camel in traction… at least for me.
© J. D. Longstreet
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