Hating All Infidels
What does
it say about Islam that both the Super Bowl in America and the winter Olympics
in Russia require massive security against an attack by jihadists?
What most
people in America and the West have not been able to grasp is Islam’s hatred of
the infidel—the unbeliever. It has existed for fourteen centuries. On top of
that is the schism within Islam between Sunnis, the majority of Muslims, and
Because few
among us have actually lived among the Muslims of the Middle East our
understanding of that particular element of Islam, Arabs and Persians, is
gained only by the daily headlines of the way they kill one another in those
nations where the Sunnis and Shiites are locked in a war to gain or retain

Islam looks and sounds like a religion, it is more a political and economic
entity concerned with controlling those populations where it is dominant,
largely keeping them unable to resist the despots, monarchs, and clerics in
charge. Iran’s Supreme Leader, for example, is worth billions.
What the
West has yet to grasp is its intent on world domination. That is why jihad—the
so-called holy war—is a central pillar of faith.
worship of Mohammed, believed by Muslims to be the final prophet who replaces
the Jewish prophets and Jesus, doesn’t just permit but encourages the Islamic
hatred of the infidel. It justifies any action taken against Judaism and
Christianity; it includes the religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and all others.
At a time
when the U.S. is attempting to encourage Iran to give up its program to acquire
its own nuclear weapons, those engaged in this ignore decades of deceit while
the program continued and the example set by Mohammed who signed treaties when
he felt his group was not strong enough to gain power and then broke them. His
history is filled with attacks, taking women and children hostage, and looting
until he had built a force capable of prevailing.
As one of the leading authorities on
Islam, Ali Sina, has written, “This is how Muslims have operated ever since.
They offer peace and sign treaties when in their estimation the prospect of
winning the war is not good. But they will break their treaties the moment they
become confident of their victory.”
In the
1970s, after centuries of little to no Jihad, Muslims resumed it, launching
their terrorist activities. “Jihad was never abandoned.” Sina warns that,
“Unfortunately the Westerners have no understanding of the Muslim mind and here
lies their vulnerability.”
explains in part why, following 9/11, a classic terrorist attack, the U.S.
response in Afghanistan should have been a limited, but devastating attack
followed by withdrawal. The same applies to Iraq where the reason given was the
removal of Saddam, its dictator who had previously attacked Kuwait, and the
belief he had weapons of mass destruction. Instead of an attack comparable to
Kuwait, his quick capture and death, America settled into Iraq thinking it could
introduce democracy. Al Qaeda, the Sunnis and Shiites had other thoughts. Today
they are locked into bloody battle.
The same
applies to Syria where hundreds of thousands have died as various Islamist
groups, generally referred to as al Qaeda these days, as they have fought for
control of the nation and been resisted by Bashar Assad, the son of its former
dictator. Only mentioned in passing has been the wanton killing of Syrian
Christians. Today the Middle East is a no-man’s land for Christians.
Open Doors
USA recently released its 2014 World Watch List, a report that ranks the 50
worst nations engaged in the persecution of Christians. What it reveals is that
82% of all the prosecution occurring worldwide is perpetrated by Muslims.
It has
become a cliché that, while all Muslims are not terrorists, all the terrorists
are Muslims.
As Sina
bluntly says, “The Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with what the Westerners
do and there is nothing that they could do to diminish it except to fight it
and destroy it.” An author and founder of Faith Freedom, a movement to
encourage Muslims to leave Islam, Sina says “The truth is that Islam is a sick
ideology. It is an ideology of hate and it can do nothing but produce death.
This is the reality that the world is unwilling to accept.”
In the
Middle East the U.S. has only one ally and that is Israel, the Jewish state.
While it has maintained diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia for decades
since World War Two, that nation has invested billions to build mosques and
spread Islam throughout Europe, America, and everywhere else in the world. They
are Sunni mosques where Shiites are not welcome.
misnamed “Arab spring” has revealed how rotten to the core Islam is. Those
despots who were overthrown in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt has left the first two
nations in chaos and, in Egypt, the army, recognizing who the enemy is, has
declared the Muslim Brotherhood the enemy. So has the United Arab Republic.
Iran is
the classic case of Islamists overthrowing the shah and instituting a
nightmarish state in which Iranians have no justice system to turn to and a
legislature in name only. The ayatollahs rule. If they acquire nuclear weapons,
they will use them, first against Israel, and then likely against Saudi Arabia,
a Sunni nation. The Iranians are Shiites.
A reading
of the Qur’an would tell you what America and the West is up against. Islam is
not about peace. “Fight in the cause of God those who fight you…And slay them
wherever ye catch them…And fight them on until there is no more tumult or
oppression and there prevail justice and faith in God…” (2:190-193).
punishment of those who wage war against God and His apostle and strive with
might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion or
the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sites, or exile from the land.”
and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and
lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war…” (9.5)
Qur’an is a battle plan for world conquest.
President Obama says that al Qaeda is being defeated, he is deceiving
Americans. Thus far his Middle East policies have seen Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and
Syria turn against us. American influence there is waning as the Jihad
continues and spreads. In Benghazi, Libya, it cost us the life of our
ambassador and three security personnel. And then the President and Secretary
of State lied about it. The date of the attack was September 11, 2012.
demands that infidels either convert or accept a limited role called
dhimmitude. That is our fate if we do not demonstrate our power and destroy
those seeking to dominate the world.
Alan Caruba, 2014
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