Monday, October 15, 2007

"What You See is What You Get"!... Fred Thompson

News release from Fred Thompson's official Website:


Excerpts of Fred Thompson's Remarks to the Conservative Party of New York State Reception

McLean, VA -Senator Fred Thompson delivers remarks last night at 7:30 pm ET to the Conservative Party of New York State Reception. Below are selected excerpts of his remarks as prepared for delivery:

"Some think the way to beat the Democrats in November is to be more like them. I could not disagree more. I believe that conservatives beat liberals only when we challenge their outdated positions, not embrace them.

"This is not a time for philosophical flexibility, it is a time to stand up for what we believe in. I spent eight years in Washington fighting for smaller government, lower taxes, less regulation, and conservative judges. With me, what you see is what you get. I was a proud conservative yesterday, I remain one today, and I will be one tomorrow. Together we can carry the conservative banner all the way to the White House and I am asking for your help."
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