Saturday, February 9, 2008

Your Papers, Please....

June 2005

Your Papers, Please….


There is no way a free USA can continue to exist with the crowd we have in DC representing us!

No, they are not representing us! If they were, the Real ID Act would never have passed the Congress, nor been signed by the President.

Democrats and Republicans citizens alike, all across the landscape of America, are aghast at the loss of freedom as a result of this Real ID Act. The Constitution has just been shredded and discarded. It reminds me of the unconstitutional doings of the Lincoln administration in the 1860’s.

They, the Congress, knew they could never get us, the citizens of the US, to carry a National ID Card. So, they will force us to carry one, by creating a National Driver’s License. Freedom of movement has just been curtailed in the US. One of the most celebrated freedoms we had, we have no more, as a result of the Real ID Act.

The US Congress has just given a great victory to the terrorists! It is embarrassing to acknowledge that the representatives in Washington are more frightened of the terrorists than the American people are. It is equally astonishing that the Congress is more afraid of the terrorist than they are of the American people. What a bunch of wimps! What a bunch of testosterone challenged men … and women! They are an embarrassment to real Americans. (Did I say that already? Well, it bears saying again, anyway!)

Now. Let’s see which states have the courage to buck Congress and not implement this National ID Card. (I am happy to report that my home state of South Carolina basically said: "Stick it!" to the Congress on this one! The state legislature voted not to particiapte in the Real ID!) No many, if any, I would guess. The Congress set it up to punish states for not enacting it, by causing them to lose massive amounts of Federal dollars. Most state legislatures will run to sign on to this Congressional Blackmail for that is want it is! Plain and simple. But, hey, a Congress bent on gutting the Constitution is surely not above Blackmail…now, are they!

Where have the real Americans gone? Cowering beneath rocks? Begging the mountains to fall on them to hide them from the terrorists?

How will Congress get away with it? In the name of national security, that’s how. America is giving away her freedom for security! Soon we will have neither, security, nor freedom!

The whole lot in Congress deserves to be thrown out on their collective ears! They have sold us out!

When will the American people rise up, in righteous anger, and cleanse the halls of Congress of those lap dog Congressmen and Senators? When? Have we forgotten who we are? We’re Americans… remember? Our ancestors fought and died that we would live free. Not secure, mind you, but FREE.

With the passage of this Real ID Act, we have witnessed the Death of Freedom in this country. And I don’t hear the sound of mourning from the people.

So this is how a free America dies, huh? With a whimper. A groveling whimper, at that.

How long, oh Lord? How Long?


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1 comment:

  1. Freedom of movement has just been curtailed in the US. One of the most celebrated freedoms we had, we have no more, as a result of the Real ID Act.
    I thought it was curtailed by the exorbadant amount charged at the gas stations, didn't someone just average profits in excess of $1,300 a second last year?

    Where have the real Americans gone? Cowering beneath rocks? Begging the mountains to fall on them to hide them from the terrorists?
    hiding because if they so much as speak up under the Patriot Act they could be considered terrorists themselves and as of late with big brother spying on us and all this is not America anymore, more like Nazi Germany....

    Theyh won't even stand up to multi national oil companies let alone King George in the whitehouse... And they'll elect anothe right wing dictator if we let idiots keep voting.
