Any way you slice it, China is an enemy to the United States. They are currently beefing up their military readiness in preparation to go to war with the United States! This did not just begin. The Chicoms have been working toward this end for decades now. They KNOW there will be a war and they intend to win it!
Look, they already have missiles targeted on our west coast cities. They are in competition, with us, for space in orbit, around the earth, for their military satellites. They are actively planning on a “moon base” from which to launch missiles at any spot on earth.
Back here on earth, they have control of both ends of the Panama Canal, which former President Jimmy Carter made accessible when he gave the Canal to Panama. (Panama NEVER owned that Canal! We took it from Columbia!)
China’s military is a monster. The last time we openly fought them it was a draw. That was, of course, in Korea in the early ‘50’s. There has never been a peace treaty signed officially ending that war. All we have, on paper, is a “Cease Fire”.
Now, we are going to allow our enemy to control a part of our oil supply… and refining? Say what? Surely we can’t even be considering this!
But we are!
The Chicoms are representing themselves as a “Company” not the government. Yeah… right! Remember, China is a communist, socialist, country. They do not allow private enterprise. Except… as a front for their government.
You know, before the Second World War we sold scrap iron to Japan, which they threw back at us as bombs, and planes, and tanks, and bayonets, and sundry other weapons. Oh, we also cut off their oil supply! To this day, the “Blame America First” crowd claims that was the reason Japan attacked the US in the first place. We had it coming for cutting off Japan’s oil supply!
So, here we go again. We are about to make a stupid, no, a MAJOR, stupid mistake.
Sometimes I wonder why Providence allows this country to continue to exist!
Back in “THE DAY” the Soviet Union boasted that America was so dumb we would provide them the rope they’d use to hang us. But, along came a great American, named Ronald Reagan, and tossed that prediction out on it’s ear and saved this country… yet again.
The thing is… we can’t count on there always being an American President with the cajones to stand up to our enemies, of which, China is one of the worst.
It’s time for the US government to intervene and stop this sale of Unocal to China. Anything else is just plain stupid!