Thursday, June 9, 2005

Take No Prisoners!

Take No Prisoners!

There are around 550, or so, prisoners in the prison at Guantanamo Marine Base in Cuba.

They are enemy combatants. Many, if not most, are from Afghanistan. As Enemy combatants they are not covered under the Geneva conventions governing warfare. That is a fact, period!

Now, I am more than a little tired of the left wing organizations continually nipping at the heels of the American eagle. They cannot stand the fact that, in all likely hood, we will win this war on terror and remain the country that we are.

For America to remain a vital, free country gives the lie to all their protestations and finger pointing. Despite all their bellyaching and caterwauling, America continues to defy the Socialist Left and remains the leader of the free world. This they cannot stand. Thus, all their complaints, and all their continued demands, that the US bend to their will and give up its sovereignty and become another of the crumbling “has been” nations similar to so many of the European welfare states.

So, they use the fact that America is winning the war on terror against us. The claim loudly we are mistreating the prisoners we have at Gitmo and other prisons. Even some of our own Congressmen and Senators and even a past President has joined the chorus. It sure tells you a lot about their core beliefs, does it not?

I any event, maybe it is time we change our policy on prisoners. Maybe, since the world thinks we don’t know how to take care of, and provide for, prisoners, …maybe we should just stop taking prisoners at all. Establish a “take no prisoners” policy. Simply put, if we capture an enemy combatant, we shoot him on the spot! No prisoners… no complaints from the left! Problem solved!

Is that an audible gasp, I hear emanating from the far left? Doesn’t surprise me. Those are the folks who want us to mollycoddle our enemy. Look folks, the people in those poisons want to kill your children! And given half a chance they will. Honestly, if anything, we think they are being treated much nicer than they deserve.

Look, I’m not interested in winning hearts and minds! Never have been, on, or off the battlefield. But, I’m even less interested when the other party is shooting at me.

The “Hate America Crowd”, including those among our elitist politicians, wants nothing more than to bring America to her knees. They fear the fact that America is the strongest nation on the face of the earth. They had much rather have us at the level of, say, France. A nation, which is putrid with rot!

I’m not interested. Thank God, most Americans are not interested, either. We cherish our freedom and we will fight to preserve it.

So, America will continue to take her prisoners to Gitmo… or take no prisoners at all. Frankly, I can be happy with either.

Your Obedient Servant,


Fellow Republicans: Below is the list of Senate Republicans who sold the Republican Party out with their “agreement” with the Democrats on the filibuster of Conservative Judicial Nominees.Republicans: Lincoln Chafee (Rhode Island) 08, Susan Collins (Maine) 08, Mike DeWine (Ohio) 06, Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) 08, John McCain (Arizona) 08, John Warner (Virginia) 08, Olympia Snowe (Maine) o6.The next election is next year. You know how to vote. Your choice is “clear cut”.

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