Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Is a US Strike against Iran Imminent?

Is a US Strike against Iran Imminent?

Russian Intelligence reports US troops massing on Iran’s borders and US Naval power has been increased to match that of the US fleet at the Invasion of Iraq. At least one more carrier task force is enroute to the Persian Gulf.

Is this it?

Go here for details:
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  1. What will GW do with Iran once he has it? Same as he did with Iraq? OUCH!

  2. What will GW do with Iran once he has it? Same as he did with Iraq? OUCH!
    Basically yeah, Drive up the price of oil to help all his buddies and biggest contributors then split Iran's oil amonst them (B.P. Chevron, Texaco) maybe they should donate to help out the Bush war causes since they seem to be the biggest profiters of them along with Haliburton, which is soon to be headquartered in a state that funds terroism (Dubey, United Emmerates). Wonder if the move would make their employees on the ground and in the coporate offices enemy combatants?
