Tuesday, January 8, 2008

In Support of the Death Penalty in North Carolina and the United States.

In Support of the Death Penalty in North Carolina and the United States.


The “Weak-Willies”, "The Hand-Wringers", the "Bedwetters", and assorted other persons of weak constitution, are at it again here in North Carolina. They want us to stop being mean to murderers, and such, and play nice. Apparently they feel we have been far too mean in putting them to death for their having put OTHERS to death. Apparently, they also feel the pain and suffering inflicted on the victims of the convict on NC’s death row is of no consequence and deserves no recognition. I mean the poor misunderstood killer was… well… misunderstood.

It’s all bovine scatology! Baloney!

The argument over whether or not death by lethal injection is legal, whether it is cruel and unusual, is nothing more than a way to tie the state up in court and exasperate it to the point that our state legislature will outlaw the death penalty in NC. We have a moratorium on executions in North Carolina, at the moment, and it is in place only as an attempt to weaken the will of the state legislature to do the will of the people of the state… and that is… to keep, in place, the death penalty in North Carolina.

The anti-death penalty crowd claims lethal injection is too painful. My Aunt Fanny! What about the pain the killers brought upon their victims and the families of their victims, huh? They claim that some of the drugs only paralyze the death row inmate, as he is being executed, and he dies by painful suffocation! SO? What’s your point???

Look, there is a lethal injection, which is virtually painless and absolutely effective, cost efficient, and, well… neat. That is to inject a 9-millimeter round into the brain, just behind the left ear, with an injection device known as a 9-millimeter handgun! Works every time… the FIRST time! Death is instantaneous. No doctor is needed to check to see if the recipient of the 9 mm slug is dead. Any fool can plainly see that he, or she, as the case may be, is, in fact, dead!

Yes, I support the death penalty. I think it is perfectly fine for the state to put killers to death. The moment they willfully took the life of another they forfeited their own. I have absolutely no problem with the death penalty. And yes, we will occasionally kill an innocent person. That is the price we pay for maintaining a society where, for much of the time, we can live, and raise families, in relative safety.

It’s way past time to put the argument of whether or not the death penalty is legal, moral, or other wise. The Supreme Court says it is legal and the scriptures say it is moral. That is quite enough for me. Actually, it is more than enough.

I am exasperated with all the hand wringing over this subject. It strikes me as being childish. Grown-ups do what has to be done to provide a safe living environment for their families. It is a state’s duty to do that statewide… a nation’s duty to do that nationwide.

North Carolina and, indeed, the United States, should stop acting like a state, and a nation, of children and do what is necessary to create and maintain a relatively safe living environment for it’s citizens… and… that includes taking the lives of convicted killers as payment for their crimes when the court judges them guilty.


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  1. The Death Penalty is the only form of punishment that garantees no repeat and minimizes the punishment on the tax payer who pays for the incarceration. All other choices punish the citizens and expose them to potential bodily harm.

    Anyone in government that encourages the death penalty has their constituants for most in their decision.

  2. The Death Penalty is the only form of punishment that garantees no repeat and minimizes the punishment on the tax payer who pays for the incarceration. All other choices punish the citizens and expose them to potential bodily harm.

    1.) it is cheaper to lock them up for life than to execute them.


    2.) if you get the wrong person, you can never, ever rectify that. was not it said that it is better for 10 guilty men to go free than one innocent one to be punished?

    3.) as a true pro life person,and Christian, yes personally I am opposed to abortion and would never have one, I don't the government should get a say on who gets what medical procedures, I often wonder who would Jesus execute?
