Friday, January 14, 2005

Fight To Win !!!

Fight to WIN!!!

When are our political leaders, going to stop the “BS” about this WAR, we’re involved in, not being a “Religious War”?

This IS a Religious War. They made it so! Not a single one of those “Terrorists” who flew those planes, into the buildings in NY, were Christians or Jews. They were Moslem. As they see it, it’s Moslem against Infidels. And, to them, an Infidel is anybody NOT a Moslem! How hard is it to understand that? They view it as a religious war! Why don’t we? They want us, the infidel, dead!

The Main Stream Media (read leftist Media) is so far to the left, that they are supporting the terrorists by bashing out troops and our country. They intend to recreate Iraq into the image of Vietnam. The bitterness drips off the pages of their publications and their broadcasts are vitriolic poison. All of it is directed at the current administration and the US war efforts. They claim to support our troops while not supporting the war.

How many of you believe that? If you do, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to talk to you about.

You cannot support our troops and not support their efforts. It is impossible! They are one and the same.

We need to secure this country much better. Start by sealing our borders with Mexico and Canada. Put the National Guard, and the Army Reserve, and Air Force Reserve, on the borders. Until we seal our borders we are not serious about protecting the American people from Terrorists.

The terrorists, we are holding in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are being justly held. The Geneva Convention rules of warfare, and the treatment of prisoners of war, do not apply, as these are “stateless” people. They fight for no recognized government. They are “enemy combatants”. They do not fall within the Geneva accords. At least, not those, of which, the US is a signatory.

While our politicians continue to practice “sensitivity” to these people, who want you and your kids dead, American soldiers are dying. The US Government should do what has to be done!

Do you think, for a moment, that had we (The South) won the Civil War and terrorists flew those planes into buildings in Atlanta, we wouldn’t have nuked them the next day? Huh?

Take the leash off our military and let those old war-dogs clean that mess out over there and come home. Pull our troops back and seal their borders. Effectively locking them into their own mad house. There is no reason to waste American lives in a cesspool like that! “Dig in” for the long haul. This will be a decades long war. Afghanistan and Iraq are only the opening battles in this “Third World War”.

Forget about “winning their hearts and minds”. If you get them by the testicles, their hearts and minds will surely follow!

Let them know they are trying our patience. When our patience is spent, no force on earth can stand against our fury.

I am beginning to believe Americans don’t have the guts to fight… and win … a war, anymore. God help us, if that’s true.

What a mess! What ever happened to the “DON”T TREAD ON ME” mentality in this country?

I call on President Bush to clean out the entire State Department of all the old leftists, and party hacks, and career diplomats, and bring back the “War Department” and fill it with “no B.S.” people, and, lest I forget, make Paul Wolfowitz Secretary of Defense when “Rummy” steps down. Then, send Newt Gingrich to the UN, as our Ambassador. We need to get in the faces of the UN and read them the riot act and invite them to leave the US as soon as possible… building and all!

We are allowing other people to write the agenda for America. We have got to stop that! We’re the biggest, baddest boys on the block! We’d better make the rules! We have been nice, up to now, and not forced the issue, but they keep kicking us in the shins and, occasionally, a more painful place. It is time to inflict some pain of our own.

It won’t be long before they start blowing up our shopping malls with suicide bombers as they have been doing, for many years, in Israel. It’s coming… as sure and night follows day.

Now is the time to get serious about making war on our enemies. Just do it … and be done with it! This Politically Correct Sensitivity nonsense is getting our people killed!

Your Obedient Servant,


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