Sunday, February 20, 2005

Remove This Offensive Flag from Public View!

With all the Politically Correct types roaming the US these day, and with the devastation they are wreaking on our nation. The Confederate Battle Flag removal at Elmwood Cemetery, in Charlotte, did not come as a surprize. Howver, The PC crowd must understand that sooner, or later, this is all going to come back to bite them on the backside. Below, I try to point out the danger in the continued attack on Southern Heritage. You may not agree with the words below, but I believe you will admit, the day is coming, and not too far away when the Stars and Stripes will have to be forced from public view. I fervently hope I am wrong, but I believe I am right. When you read the following, please read through to my notes at the bottom.

Recently, I have detected an uneasiness in my soul when I find myself in the presence of a display of a nation symbol which, during it’s history, has been present at disgusting events of offensive conduct on the part of the nation it represents.

When I think back over the history of this National Flag I find that I am offended by it’s presence and I believe it is in the best interests of the people of this country, especially the children, the people of color, and the native, indigenous, peoples of this land, that it be removed from public view and placed in a museum, under glass, so that future generations, interested in it’s history, can hear a sanitized version, a “less offensive” re-telling of the events, places, and circumstances, of the long, and less than glorious, history of this piece of offensive cloth.

The early history of this flag finds it flying proudly over a rag tag bunch of rebels determined to secede from a mother country, which wished only the best for it’s colonies, which it held in the highest esteem. This dirty, bunch of rabble did manage to wrest their separation from that that amiable mother country and forced the troops of Great Britain to board ships and leave for home immediately. It was forced deportation at gunpoint. How deplorable!

Another hurtful fact of the history of this flag…the same raggedy bunch created what they called a “republic” from the remnants of a country left after the “genocidal” war they started. Now comes the really corrupt part. They agreed to legalize slavery in the country they created, because, they said, if they didn’t, it would be impossible to form a country and a government. So, slavery was instituted, under law, in the states of the new country, north and south. But, the new government would not allow the southern states where the plantations were, to use their own resources, in ships and ports, to bring in new slaves from Africa, No, this bunch of dastardly people, made sure the slave ships only were allowed into northern ports in New England. What is so horrible, that national flag, I now find offensive, was flying over every one of those slave ships from this new upstart country. That flag was the flag flying above as those shackled slaves made ther way, gingerly, down the gangplanks onto the docks of those Northeastern port cities. The old mother country had her own slave trade but she flew, of course, her own flag.

Then in the middle part of the 19th century the southern half, of this fairly new country, wanted to separate itself and form a new nation just as the constitution said it could. The northern part of the country said no and sent troops into the south to pillage, rape, and burn the homes and factories of the south. All the time, that national banner I now find offensive, was flapping in the breeze above the troops in blue as they ripped apart a society like none other on earth and destroyed it, killing innocent women and children, sometimes by starvation, as at Vicksburg. Needless to say, their sheer numbers forced their southern brothers to capitulate. Then followed seven years of even harsher punishment by the northern part of that country on the south. It was a calculated decimation of a people never before seen in the annals of history. And that offensive flag was flying above the perpetrators the entire time.

Soon after that debacle, the same country decided the native people of this country, the people who were here when the white man’s ancestors stepped off the first ships, were now an inconvenience and they began a crusade of genocide to wipe them from the face of the earth. One of their generals even stated, “A good Indian is a dead Indian.” All the while that banner, of theirs, was flapping in the air above all those atrocities.

The early histories of the people who are represented by this offensive flag were times of overbearing hate, and conquest, and genocide. Yet that same flag flies above legislative buildings, schools, post offices, courthouses, and even private homes in a boisterous manner designed to offend the sensibilities of every right thinking man and woman. This must be brought to a close. That flag must be removed from public display.

Those of us who band together and form organizations to further the progress of our group of “right thinking” peoples must insist that this blood stained banner, this hateful rag, be pulled down, and never again allowed to be seen in public for fear of offending someone.

If we must, we will seek legislation towards that end. The people under this flag must not allow their self esteem to be diminished by this blatant display of an emblem with such a tarnished past.

Yes, the Stars and Stripes, "Old Glory", must come down. It is offensive. We cannot have if displayed over the graves of veterans, and such, because passers-by, who know of it’s ugly history, may be offended.

A new flag must be designed for these people… for this nation. May I suggest a very simply flag one which represents all the sensitivities of all who reside under that flag.

I hereby suggest a solid white banner.

Dear Reader: If you are now incensed by the scribbling above, I ask you to consider… it was written to be an absurd depiction of a truth that is, itself, absurd. What is happening to the Confederate Battle Flag today, in places like Charlotte, NC, is absurd. My point is that if we continue to capitulate to groups who are offended, how long do you expect it will be until the scenario I describe above will play out on the stage of the courts of this country?

So, next time you read of someone offended by the Confederate Battle Flag, stop for a moment, and consider the words above. Then lean on your political representatives to bring some kind of sanity back to this country, which finds itself in the dictatorial grip of Political Correctness, which is squeezing the life from us.

It is PC , Dear Reader, that offends me!

Your Obedient Servant,


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