Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The tired, old, lockbox scheme again.

The Democrats are trotting out the tired old “lockbox” scheme they used during Al Gore’s failed attempt at wining the Presidency. Have these people no imagination? None? By now, everyone is aware there is no lockbox, and if there were, it would be empty.

Look, the Social Security account is empty. The funds are gone. There is zip, nada, in that account…except…maybe, some IOU’s from the federal government.

All funds going into the Social Security Account are extracted immediately and placed in the General Fund and…spent. All of it. Gone!

We really ought to stop deceiving ourselves about Social Security. The system is going to crash. Sooner or later. We have a President willing to do something about it…other than talk about it... and tell us he “feels our pain”.

President Bush has grabbed hold of the issue and is determined to bring change to the system. It needs it. If the Congress manages to pass some legislation to bring change to the Social Security system, it will be over the political bodies of the Democrats. Politically speaking…that can be arranged.

President Bush is going directly to the people with his message of change. He is bypassing the Main Stream Media, which is nothing more than a subsidiary of the “Left”, wholly owned and operated by the DNC. The President’s message will be presented to the voters unfiltered thru the bias of the press.

Now, it will be up to the American electorate. Listen to the President. But, don’t stop there. Do some digging on your own and learn for yourself the state of the Social Security System. Then call your Congressperson, and Senator, and tell them your feelings.

We have a Republic. The legislators are to vote in our stead in the Congress. They need to know your feelings about this before it comes to a vote.

Your Obedient Servant,


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