Friday, March 25, 2005

Power in the US Senate! Use it... or Lose it!

Power in the Senate. Use it, or lose it!

There is some talk in the MSM that the Republicans in the Senate are not going to be able to pull off what the left has termed the "Nuclear Option" on Judicial Nominees. (Changing the Senate rules to allow for approval of the nominees by a simple majority rather than the 60 votes it takes to overturn a filibuster, which... the Democrats are threatening.)

If the reports are to be believed, the Republicans, themselves, will have caused the break in their ranks as the result of a serious attack of “spinelessness”. This is unforgivable. The only way Conservatives can break the Liberal’s hold on the government of the United States is for Conservatives to gain control of the Judicial System. As things stand now, all the meaningful legislation is coming from the Courts, not from the Congress. Take a look at Article Three, of the US Constitution, and you will see that the Congress has power over the courts. Somebody forgot to tell them that, I suppose. A review of the constitution is in order for our National Legislators.

Those of us who voted for the Conservatives, in order to gain control of both houses of the Congress and the Presidency, did so because we knew this was the only way to reshape the Judicial System into a conservative, “strict constructionist” Court. If those we elected to the Congress, especially in the Senate, allow this opportunity to slip through their fingers as a result of cowardice, then there will be a major drop in the confidence level we conservatives have in our elected officials. The end result will be losses in the mid-term elections, and ultimately, return of the National Legislature to the liberals.

There is simply no excuse for the Republicans in the Senate not to proceed with the “Constitutional Option” and take the necessary steps to get the judicial nominees approved and working in the system. No excuse, whatever!

Where is the leadership? When will we get a Majority Leader in the Senate who will not flinch at wielding power? Do they not understand that is why we sent them there?

Do they not also understand that we can bring them home again?

Your Obedient Servant,



  1. Who are these nominees that the Senate Republican leadership wants to get seated in lifetime positions in the judiciary by abolishes senate rules of conduct that have existed for well over 100 years?
    The are nominees that were rejected in the previous congress. They are nominees with known declared positions that are contrary to the feeling established law. They are for instances strict antiabortionists, wanting to make women who get abortions criminals. They are suppose to be judges that for sure won't declare that homosexuals and heterosexuals are equal before the law and so on.
    The GOP as presently dominated, has been very open about it's goals for the judiciary. They says they don't want liberal construction of the constitution.
    But then what did they do with the Karen Shiavo case. They jumped right in and dictated to a federal court what it had to do. They jumped right in and told a family how it should act. Just exactly what it says it doesn't want the judiciary to do, it told the court to do in this case.
    What is then the unifying motise operani? Could all this be a smoke scream for simply agrandizing the big corporations by whatever hook or crook can be devised. Is principle out of the window?

  2. I love big corporations. They hire people.

    I want a conservative court. We have had a liberal court and what a mess it has been. It is past time to replace the current make-up of the liberal court with conservatives and give them an opportunity to undo the damage the previous courts have done.

    I support a court which will enforce the constitution as written. I do not believe in a the "living breathing" constitution. It allows the courts to make it up as they go. it allows legislation from the bench. It must stop.

    The so-called "nuclear option" was used in the recent past.. in 1977. This is not, I repeat, not, something new. The Senate rules allow for each Senate to make it's rules as it convenes.

    I urge Republicans in the Senate to move on this option and move quickly.

