Friday, March 18, 2005

Taming the US Senate and Impeaching Supreme Court Justices.

Taming the US Senate and impeaching Supreme Court Justices.

It’s quickly coming down to “crunch time” in the US Senate. Word is the Republicans have the votes to impose the “Nuclear (Constitutional) Option” and approve the President’s Judicial nominees with a simple majority of votes rather that the 60 votes needed to get past the Democrats filibuster.


Our advice to Senator Bill Frist, Senate Majority leader, is….’Do it!”

The Democrats are threatening to shut down the Senate if the Republicans do this. Oh gee, do they want to stamp their feet, too?! Their “itsy bitsy, widdle”, temper tantrums are, well, ridiculous! They are supposed to be adults but their comportment is anything but.

Hey, look, I’m all for shutting down the Senate. Heck, shut down both Houses! The only time I feel safe is when one, or both sides of the national legislature, are closed down.

With a Supreme Court making rulings based upon foreign law and “public consensus” rather than the original intent of the Constitution, I have concluded we need to shut down that branch of government, too. … At least until we can get it repaired and functioning, again, as it should be. With justices continuing to seek foreign codes upon which to base their decisions, maybe it’s time we begin to seriously look at impeaching a couple of the Justices.

The conservative nominees to the Court, and to the federal bench, would do well to take notice. No more “making it up as you go!” If you don’t like the Constitution, amend it.

It is time to place term limits on Supreme Court Justices and all members of the federal judiciary.

Amend the Constitution to allow a “super majority vote” of both houses of Congress to overturn a Supreme Court ruling. The people of this country must once again gain control of our government. We cannot do it with the “run away Court” we have now.

The Supreme Court has become drunk on it’s own power. An impeachment, or two, might again draw their attention to the people they are supposed to serve. There appears no other way to rein them in.

Legislating from the bench must be ended. That is another power not granted to the Supreme Court by the Constitution, but assumed, anyway, by the court. It may take another act of Congress to show them the error of their ways. So be it.

All three branches of the US Federal Government belong to the people. Occasionally we have to remind them.

A reminder is due.

Your Obedient Servant,


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