Monday, November 21, 2005

Frisco Chooses "Subjection" over Freedom!

San Franciscans Choose “Subjection” over Freedom!

So San Francisco has decided to give up its guns, huh? I suppose they’re gong to ask the French to protect them now that they have no way to resist those who did not give up their guns.

Somewhere, somehow, the people of San Francisco missed the expression: “An Armed man is a Free Man. An unarmed man is a subject.” Or, they have chosen to become subjects. Subjects of whom? Of anyone who is armed an is willing to impose his, or her, will upon the “subjects” of San Francisco.

Look, you may counter that San Francisco has a police department to protect them. Which world are you living in? Surely, it is not the world the rest of us reside in.

The stark truth is… the police cannot protect us. They never could. I have been a police officer, I know! It is incumbent, upon the individual, in a free society, to protect himself, or herself. But, you see, that goes against the “secular socialist” philosophy. In order for one to protect themselves they must become responsible for themselves. The people of San Francisco have just told the rest of the country, they are no longer willing to be responsible for themselves and they have thrown themselves upon the mercy of the people of America. How pathetic.

There is an old expression: Freedom stands on three boxes: the soapbox, the ballot box and the cartridge box. Take any one of those boxes away and you lose your freedom. San Francisco has just capitulated and surrendered their freedom.

Why is there such a rush to socialism mainly in the northeast and the extreme west of this nation? There is something fundamentally different about the folks who populate those regions from the remainder of America. They embrace socialism. They welcome it. They have an undeniable urge to merge into something bigger than themselves and lose themselves, and their identity, in that larger thing. Whatever that “thing” is. It smacks of insecurity. They seem to want, no… NEED a nanny!

Here in Middle America, and in the South, we can’t stand the idea of being less than an individual. We celebrate our ability to stand-alone and to defend our freedom with whatever means necessary. That includes firearms. But those folks in the northeast, and west, have lost that feeling of responsibility for oneself. They have turned their welfare over to the government. That is so uniquely un-American.

If there can truly be anything funny about such a move, it is that those who choose to give up responsibility for themselves adopt a “superior attitude” towards the rest of us. I cannot fathom that attitude. It would take a “shrink” to explain how one can become a “subject” of the state, yet feel superior towards those of us who choose to remain free.

There’s something sick about that.



  1. Well you are wrong again you may have your 2nd ammendment but the first, fourth fifth are just about gone and with these supreme court "justice" nominations so will the 13th and 14th that give privacy be eroded. the constituition will be gone except for the 2nd before you hillbillies do anything. I say let you morons have your guns, maybe you'll shoot yourselves and thin the herd from such stupidity i know if you pulled it on me you better kill me because if you don't iI will put you down with your own gun. I don't need to carry my own gun all thse morons carry theirs so losly i'll just use one of theirs.

  2. Frank... These "morons" could better see your superior intellect if you would only learn to use punctuation. I know you understand- you're just toying with them, right?
