Friday, September 8, 2006

“Path to 9/11” Docudrama Raises Hackles on the Left.

Well, by now you have heard all the fuss about the “The Path to 9/11” miniseries coming up this coming Sunday and Monday on America’s ABC Television Network.

The Political Left is in full throat against this docudrama. That got my attention, immediately. So, I did a little research and ran across an enlightening article at "".

The article is by Govindini Murty.

You’ll find the entire article here:

We recommend you click on over to "" and read it in it’s entirety.

At the rate, and intensity, the Left is assaulting this movie; you have to feel that the movie has touched a nerve. It also says something about the thin skin on the Left. They can dish it out, but taking it????? Oh, no! These are the same folks who are trying to persuade Americans that they are tough enough to go "toe to toe" with the terrorists?

Oh, well. When your opponent insists on shooting himself in the foot, the smart thinker simple gets out of the way. So, stand back, and watch the show!



  1. Simply put it lies about conversations that never happened. It is more a work of fiction to help the republicans for the elections, that's all. Besides Bush was in office when it happened, if he was such a great christian why did God not step in and reveal that this was going to happen? Guess his god was asleep at the wheel.

  2. All media are biased, no matter their political affiliation, to claim otherwise is to try to argue that the sky is pink. This dramatization is being presented as truth when it obviously isn't, its what one side wants the truth to be. The thing the left is getting all het up about is that its not what they want the truth to be. What everyone should be aware of is that it is by no means the truth. The facts, when they eventually come out will even be disputed because they don't fit with either side's view of events.
    There are three sides to every argument, my side, your side, and the truth. Any claim made by left or right to know the truth of what happened in the run up to 9/11 can be diseregarded, the real truth is that we may never know and all this arguing over who to blame doesn't get us anywhere.

  3. Democrat's are whiners. The facts are the facts and Clinton knows he screwed up massively because he was too busy chasing little girls to worry about keeping the nation safe. This even after the '93 attack. He failed for 8 freakin years and then has the gall to blame Bush.

    That alone proves how weak and immature he is.

    See my post on this subject... Clinton and Democrats Censor 9/11 FACTS

  4. I saw it on TV as it happened and it will be forever in my mind...

    I do not have to see it again on "TV" to remind me...

  5. This is very funny to me, The left, Screams "Freedom of speech" At every turn, However a Docu-Drama (Think Farcenheit 9-11) with a "Right" leaning view comes up they yell, "CENSOR IT", "PULL THE PLUG", "You can't show that"
    LMAO, Clinton had 8 years to get bin Laden, Bush was in office 9 months, FACT. Bush was in office for the largest attack, Clinton was in office for several smaller but just as violent attacks. You can beat cancer if you catch it soon enough, Clinton didn't. FACT!
