I’ve been troubled by the malarkey in the Main Stream Media to the effect that Evangelical Christians were pushing the family of Terri Schiavo to replace the feeding tube due to their staunch belief in the “sanctity of life”. Well, Dear Reader, it ain’t so!
As an Evangelical Christian, and a bed rock member of the political right, in the US, I can tell you Evangelical Christians, by a vast majority, wanted Mrs. Schiavo to be allowed to slip away, into eternity, away from the pain that was her existence.
So often, our opponents, especially in the MSM, define us as straight-laced, stiff collared, prejudiced, high falooting, bombastic, holy rollers. No more of the “Right to Lifers” are like that than the “Pro Choice” people. We have “nuts” on both sides of the argument. And, of course, the MSM flocks to them. Stick a camera, or a mike, in their faces and like Pavlov’s dog, they’ll start performing. It’s a symbiotic relationship. Each feeds off the other. The MSM feeds off the Nuts, and the Nuts feed off the MSM. It’s a never-ending cycle. Somewhere in all the mishmash the truth gets lost. Pretty soon, it doesn’t matter, because the truth is no longer the story, or even important to the real story. You might say there is no longer a “Real Story”. It’s a shame. Truth is the casualty when this happens as it does so very often these days.
Yes, we “Right to Lifers” believe in the Sanctity of Life. But… with reservations… with a caveat, or two. For Pete’s sake, we understand that often there are mitigating circumstances… and we allow for them. For instance my own anti-abortion belief is tempered by the fact that I would allow abortion for incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother. Now, how bad is that. Most “Right to Lifers” hold the same belief that I do.
Those folks in Florida made me ashamed… both for the “Right to Lifers” and the “Pro –Choice” people. It was a circus of clowns. Every group there had it’s own personal agenda. It was humiliating for the human race. The addiction to the Microphone and the Camera are overwhelming to those people. They will rush to a mike and a camera, and salivate their hatred, and self-righteousness, all over it in hopes of raising a buck or two to finance their agendas. It is disgraceful behavior.
I have to believe that God takes note of such behavior and He is not pleased.
Your Obedient Servant,
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