Dear Reader: Beginning Monday, April 18th, the title of this Blog will change form “Rebel Yell” to “Insight”.
The new name will more accurately reflect what we do here. Although We will continue to touch on Southern Heritage issues, and Southern Culture issues, we will be commenting on a wide ranging variety of subjects from the “Current Events” of the day.
Thank you for the many visits you have made to this site and we ask, humbly, that you continue to visit “Insight” often.
Take out Iran’s growing nuclear capability…now!
Iran is going as straight to the manufacture of an Atomic bomb as a “Martin to a gourd”.
According to press reports, Prime Minister Sharon of Israel, has told the US government that Iran is only one step away. We know they are bound, and determined, to create the “Islamic bomb”.
And they will use it.
We have to stop them. The US, with, or without allies, must stop Iran from acquiring the bomb. If we don’t a holocaust will occur in the Middle East. Israel will use Atomic Weapons, because it is their weapon of last resort, the only weapon they have, which could give them victory over Iran or, all the Islamic states lined up against them.
As we learned in Iraq, talk does not work with those wackos. Only force, overwhelming force, gets their attention. We have the troops in place, we have the accoutrements of war in place, the plan, I’m sure, has been drawn up, so how long do we wait? Until they announce they have produced the first Atomic bomb, or until the desert glows with their first Atomic test? No, we do with Iran as we did with Iraq. Attack first. Take them down. Now!
Today’s world, like that of the 1930’s and 1940’s is not for sissies. To exist, a country must have the courage to protect its citizens and go to any length to do that. Those who yearn for their “utopian society” appear, to those of us who live-in the real world, as dreamers, high on self-assurance, and personal esteem, and absolutely vacuous! They’re empty of any substance. They are totally dependent on the remainder American society to make, and keep, them free. Free, unfortunately to continue to attack the very hands, which protect them. The US Congress is filled with such personages.
Now is the time. We must not delay. We should begin bombing runs as soon as possible on known nuclear projects in Iran. If we don’t get the bomb in the first few weeks, we can certainly slow down their work until we can get a definite location on it, and then…take it out!
Unlike Iraq, the Iranian people will be our allies in chucking the “mad mullahs”.
We call upon the US Government to act and act quickly!
Your Obedient Servant,
Well I'll pack your bags, you can be the first "HERO", or your kids or your grandkids. What give us the right to interfere in the energy developemnet of a sovereign nation? Are you reeally that afraid? If so maybe you need something for that paranoia you suffer from. You are just so afraid, you know, when somebody asks for background checks to make sure felons aren't buying guns, you say we are afraid, when a nation wants to move it's energy department from oil to aa alternative fuel, already approved in this country and praised by this "president" you have to declare war. What is up with you man? If you are that afraid, "Chicken Lillte" you need to be institutionalized! "THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING"