Senate Republicans: Act like Winners and Leaders
Is it just me, or, are the Republicans still playing the part of the underdog in the Senate? Do they not understand that the Republicans won the election? Don’t they realize they must now act like winners and stop kowtowing to the Democrats? Yes, the press is going to crucify the GOP. Heck, they crucify us daily. As the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, that’s their job.
Senatorial Republicans must stop worrying about how they will look in the Main Stream Media and get the job done.
Republicans, out here in the hinterlands, are fed up with the mealy mouthed, bowing and scraping the GOP is doing in Washington. Have they been so long in the wilderness thy have forgotten how to be a winner, how to act like winners, and how to lead?
We “K-mart Republicans” and “Wal-Mart Republicans” have been waiting for the election to pay off. So far, the Democrats are STILL running the Senate! We were certain we had thrown them out of power! Not so, it would seem. Our “leaders” in the Senate can’t seem to summon enough testosterone to put the Democrats in their place and RUN THE DARNED PLACE! What do we have to do? (We voters, I mean!)
Republican candidates for the Senate asked us to support them and we did. We hand delivered control of that legislative body to the GOP. And what have we gotten for that…. NOTHING!
I would remind Senate Republicans; there is an election coming next year. If you really want to remain in control of the Senate, then you had better start delivering on your promises and take charge. I am serious about this! We “red-staters” are angry. We have had our fill of the Republicans who bend over backwards to accommodate the Democrats. Enough, already!
The embarrassing lack of “chutzpah” is creating a growing doubt whether we sent the right people to the Senate, or not. If Senate Republicans are not going to use the power we gave them, then for heaven’s sake, stand aside and allow someone to run for your seat who will!
In the meantime, we, here on the home front, are looking for your successors, even now! We have had it!
You may still have time to salvage your Senatorial career. But, you had better hurry. We want the President’s nominee to be Ambassador to the UN confirmed. We want the President’s judicial appointments confirmed. It is within your power to get this done. Don’t even think about carrying the judicial appointments over to the next term. That’s a non-starter.
Our patience has worn thin. It is almost gone. We are not going to let up. The solution is simple. Do the job we sent you there to do and do it quickly!
Your Obedient Servant,
I was reading the post and wondering if you were going to mention any examples. The Senate Republican to not have a huge majority. A majority, but not huge. So a few defections from votes and make it go the other way.