Tuesday, May 17, 2005

PBS and Star Wars

A couple of things in this posting: PBS and Star Wars.

Why these two? Because they are both riddled with politics and I firmly believe there is no place for politics in either.

First, “de-fund” the Center for Public Broadcasting, PBS. If there is anyone left who believes the Public Broadcasting System is above politics, that person must be living on a different planet that the rest of us. The Left has used public broadcasting as a soapbox for their peculiar brand of politics, almost, since day one. Now that the Right has its foot in the door and a chance of bringing some balance to the programming of PBS, the Left is howling in protest! A propaganda tool for the left is being taken away. The pain is unbearable! Oh, woe is the Left! Our message to them; “get over it!” Our message to Congress: “De-fund the entire PBS Broadcasting System. De-fund it and invite them to do what the remainder of the broadcasting stations, and networks, must do in order to survive. Go commercial. Sell ads to cover the cost of programs, equipment, upkeep, and payroll.

Now, the Left understands that the moment Congress de-funds them, it will be over and they will be off the air. Without government funds (my money and yours. The government has no money.) they cannot get enough monetary support from the public to remain on the air.

Now, I, along with a few million other Americans, resent having to help pay for a propaganda machine (with our tax money) which spews forth the Left’s propaganda. On the other hand, if they can obtain enough monetary support, from the public, to stay on the air… they can certainly join the ranks of the other major Left-wing broadcasting networks…you know, the ones we refer to as the MSM, Mainstream Media.

If there was any doubt of the “leftwards leaning” of the press in this country, broadcast and print, the recent poll showing 70% of them voted for the Democratic ticket, should erase that doubt.

Now: “Star Wars”. I have been a fan of this series of movies since day one. I have the entire collection, save for the newest release. Sad to say, I will not see this one, and I am strongly thinking of burning my collection of Star Wars movies.

Why? It turns out the Star Wars folks just couldn’t help themselves. They had to inject politics into their production… anti- Bush, anti-Conservative, and pro Left wing politics at that.

I don’t know about you, but if I pay good money to be entertained at a movie theatre, or upon the purchase of a DVD, I do not expect, nor do I want, a political lecture from the stars, the producers, or directors, or any one having to do with the film. It would seem the makers of “Star Wars” have done that. I have lost all interest in their product and the collection I have acquired, over the years, has zero value now.

The empty-headed Hollywood types should keep their politics to themselves. In the days of the “studios” spewing your politics publicly would find you out on the street, on your backside, in short order, and another contract “star” in your place…in hours! Oh, for the days of the Hollywood Studios and “contract” stars.

Look closely at the two entities above and you will see a common thread running through both. It is that common thread I find unacceptable.

Your Obedient Servant,



  1. Can you reference a review of the new Star Wars that discusses its political slant? Otherwise it seems to be a friend of a friend read it on some blog.

  2. Oh, didn't you here?

    An evil dictatorship sprung up, and there were some that didn't like it.

    A strong person was mislead by the emperor into joining him and committing evil acts in order to save his loved ones.

    Very political...

    If you saw a correlation between the two societies, your looking too deep...

    And 'Longstream' even said he hasn't seen the movie!


  3. Mr. Longstreet, I agree your tax money shouldn't have to go to support pbs Although they are CENTRIST news and facists always attack the media for trying to expose the corruptedness of it all. MY TAX DOLLARS SHOULD NOT GO TO HALIBURTON, BLACK WATER IDIOTS, OR THE ISREALY ARMY. AND THOSE ARE JUST THE AGENCIES AT WORK IN LOUISIANA UNDER "NO BID" CONTRACTS. MY TAX DOLLARS SHOULD NOT GO TO THE PAY CHECKS OF POLITICIANS WHO WAGE AN ILLEGAl AND IMORAL WAR BASED ON LIES! I SHOULD NOT BE FOCED TO PAY FOR THE SALARY OF A DICTATOR WHO WAS APPOINTED IN ONE ELECTION AND CLEARLY STOLE THE SECOND! We need the truth to come out, we need and end to rank & file politics, if this was Clinton he would have been drug through the main stream media ringer! Congress would have and should have investigated. These guys wee more worried about saving their jobs after Katrina than saving lives! Shame on those who "still" support this evil regime. I want a free and Independent AMERICAN nation!
