Fellow Republicans: Below is the list of Senate Republicans who sold the Republican Party out with their “agreement” with the Democrats on the filibuster of Conservative Judicial Nominees: (the ‘08 or ‘06 indicates the year they will be up for re-election.)
Lincoln Chafee (Rhode Island)-‘08
Susan Collins (Maine) ‘08
Mike DeWine (Ohio) ‘06
Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) ‘08
John McCain (Arizona) ‘08
John Warner (Virginia) ‘08
Olympia Snowe (Maine) ‘06
Now the posting:
Well, well, well, the sweetness and light, from the Democrats in the US Senate, lasted…what…24 hours… 48 hours, tops? Who’s surprised? Anybody? If it weren’t so ridiculous, I’d be laughing! I hope the 7 Republicans listed above have begun to see they were snookered!
Like many of you I have watched the Democrats, in the Senate, set this up, constructing it very carefully, and then slammed the door shut on those poor, naïve, 7 Republicans who are scared more of the Democrats, and the press, (Make that MSM) than they are of their own constituents. So, like Great Britain’s Neville Chamberlain, with his pledge of “peace in our time” from Hitler, the 7 dwarfs who signed onto that farce have been blind-sided by the Democrats riding rough shod over the John Bolton nomination in a matter of hours.
You cannot deal with Democrats in politics. “Be reasonable” to them means: “do it my way”.
It is time to put the “Constitutional Option”, the so-called “Nuclear Option”, back on the table in the Senate. These childish antics of the Democrats on the federal judges, and on John Bolton, are trial runs for the “big show”, the Supreme Court nominees. We need to lock in the “simple majority vote” by squelching the filibuster option right now! If we don’t, there will be hell to pay.
As far as the names and electron years of the 7 dwarfs above, I plan to continuous keep their names and election years before readers of “Insight” until after the 2008 election. Republicans need a purge of the moderate Republicans in the Senate. They are far more dangerous to the country than the Democrats.
And then, there is John McCain. I haven’t been as disappointed in a politician in a very long time. Not since Richard Nixon. Sad to say, but Nixon did far less damage to the Republican Party than McCain is doing. I'd like to see a ”Dump McCain Movement” begun as soon as possible... and show him the door.
It will be tough, as we Conservatives now have two foes in the Senate, the Democrats, and the moderate Republicans. We can’t do much about the Democrats, but we can surely bring a tremendous load of pressure to bear on the seven dwarfs.
Pour it on !
Your Obedient Servant,
You GOTTA be kidding me!
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain is one of the greatest men in the congress. Moderation is going to keep this country together. You and your 'red' friends are dividing this country almost as well as you and your 'grey' friends did back in the Civil War. Guess you are proud?
Scott in AZ (another red state but united we stand, right?)
Hey! Great to hear from another "GRAY STATER". Arizona was a part of the Confederacy. She seceded from the Union on March 16th, 1861.
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain will not carry the South should he decide to run for President in '08. Remember what happened in SC last time around. Sen. McCain is far to liberal for the South. He is considered an extremist from the center of the political Left. No, even if he got the presidential nomination it would be tantamount to handing the Presidency to the Democrats in '08. Southerners will not vote for Hillary, nor any other Northeasterner, no matter the party. So, if McCain is the Republican Candidtate... the election is lost already.