There is much I have read, on the Internet, supporting looting and the looter’s right to loot, but no pun intended, their arguments don’t hold water.
I don’t care how you try to define it down, looting is stealing. It is thievery!
New Orleans and Mississippi and Alabama are not California. Looters WILL get themselves shot by homeowners and shop owners. There are reports already that dead bodies of gunshot victims have been seen floating in the water ravaged streets.
As a Southerner who lives in the “Hurricane Alley” of the Carolinas… this does not surprise me. One of the preparations we make, when a hurricane is approaching, is to check our ammunition, and our weapons, as they might be needed for self-defense and the defense of our property.
Maybe it is time to impose Martial Law in New Orleans. I mean, don’t just threaten to do it… actually do it. Now, understand when Martial Law is declared, Constitutional Rights no longer exist. The Military is the law. No warrants are required, there are no trials, and none of the rights granted under the constitution exist during that period. Looters can, and most likely will, be shot by soldiers… and absolutely nothing will be done to the shooter.
I doubt that a jury of a shooter’s peers here in the South, would ever, ever, find the shooter of a looter guilty of any homicide charges, which might be brought against him, or her. We take property rights extremely seriously.
I was taken aback at the websites excusing the looting as being owed to the looters by the rich folks of the south, etc, etc. Other sites excused the looting of foodstuffs and water and such. I hardly think one can eat a wide screen TV!
Oh, and by the way, blaming George Bush for the hurricane is about as empty headed as it comes. Blaming him for not having enough National Guard troops, here in the states, to aid in emergencies is way off base. Only about a third of Guard forces are deployed at any given time. We have plenty of troops for hurricane duty, not counting regular Army personnel and personnel from the other services. The Left never cease to amaze me with their utter ignorance of the “facts on the ground” at any given time. I suppose that is what comes of being driven by “emotions” rather than

We continue to hold our brothers and sisters in prayer as they continue the struggle against the forces unleashed by Nature on our Gulf Coast region. They WILL come back stronger than ever. Such is the faith we here at Insight have in our fellow Americans.