You know, I have been puzzled for months as to why, exactly, Al Jazeera TV is still on the air. Why?
Can you say “Tokyo Rose”? It sure sounds, looks, and feels, like a propaganda tool for the terrorists.
Now, I’m just a dumb ole country boy, but it strikes me as more than just a little strange that they break all the BIG stories, you know, the “inside stuff”, on the terrorists. They seem to, somehow, get videotape of things like beheadings, and such. And then, there are the coded video messages from Bin Laden and Zawahiri. Al Jazeera gets them all…first. Is it just me, or does it bother you, too?
Al Jazeera is located in Qatar, just down the road from CentCom headquarters. Isn’t that even stranger?
Now, I have mulled it over for many months and I have concluded… that US Intelligence Services are using al Jazeera. It is the only logical explanation I can come up with. It’s the only one making any sense at all.
I cannot believe the US military would allow a communications tool with a worldwide reach to remain on the air. Unless… we are using them.
Sooner or later, we will know the truth about it all. In the meantime, it is a puzzlement.
Now, about that super secret underground prison where the US is said to be holding those terrorist prisoners… good! Keep them out of sight until we can squeeze the last drop of information out of them.
I have no idea if the claims by Amnesty International have any validity, or not. Frankly, I don’t care. I have a burning memory of those 3000 people killed in New York by terrorists. Whatever it takes to get the information we need to put a serious hurting on “those people” is fine. Do it.
We are in “early days” of this conflict, which will, in my expectation, last many decades. Anything, and everything, we can do to ensure our eventual victory is acceptable.
We are at war. I suppose we will have to continually remind Americans of this fact... until the bombs begin tearing apart our citizens in shopping malls, and subways, and tunnels, and schools, and airliners, etc., etc.
That terrible time is not nearly as far away as we would like to fool ourselves into believing.
I say again: We Are At WAR!
You are half right, Al Jazeera TV is propaganda, it is CIA propagenda and it is coming to DirecTV!We are at war with terrorists, correct, Iran sponsors terrorists, so Bush says, We will not support anyone who does business with terrorists, again so says Dubya, Halliburton does business with Iran, We give Halliburton billions in tax dollars. Hold your precious Republican facists up to the same scrutiny you do Democratic ones. Don't be a hypocrit for the party.
ReplyDeleteA liar is a liar, a lie a lie, it doesn't matter if that lie kills one or millions it SHOULD reflect apon the the character of the teller of the lies. "Whoever leaked the name of a CIA agent will not have a job in my administration" Fire Karl Rove! Ther will be a mushroom cloud over.... Yeah ok all the reasons for a war in Iraq were lies. Downing street memos. and on and on and on....... Wait until we get a dirty bomb, God Forbid, this guy "BUSH" will set it up so we can go to Iran. And so he can declare martial law so he can cancel presidential elections, since he can't run again no matter how hard he tries to fix the next ones.