I have a proposal to make. The creation of an elite Military Force. Call it the ADF (The American Defense Force... after the IDF… The Israeli Defense Force.)
This unit would, as the name implies, be made up of US Army Ranger qualified, and trained males in all combat positions, including war planning. Service would be mandatory for a minimum of four years and members of this elite force would be subject to recall until the age of 45. All military "support" positions would be filled by non- ADF, Regular Army personel.
Here’s the way it would work: The Commander in Chief would call in the ADF, when needed, and present them with the goal of any military offensive. From that point, neither the President, nor the Congress, would have any input into the means by which the ADF accomplished it’s mission.
This would allow for “plausible deniability” by the nation’s weak kneed leaders and allow the ADF to proceed to victory by whatever means it found necessary.
There would be no more Viet Nams. No more Gulf War Ones, and no more Iraq wars. The War against Terror would already be over.
Ahhh, ‘tis but a dream, I know… but, one with roots in reality.
I used to feel comfortable saying that Democrats did not understand military power, or the application of military power. Now, as Republicans are showing the same weakness, I am no longer comfortable with that adage. The baby boomer Republicans have joined the ranks of the crowd, which thinks nothing is worth fighting for. Never mind that some poor dogface soldier gave his life that the entire baby boomer generation could live, and prosper, in freedom. Talk about ingratitude!
My ADF scheme is far-fetched, I know, and I describe it here with my tongue fastened firmly in my cheek! But... we are going to have to do something. Americans no longer have the stomach for a fight. Trying to fight a "politically correct war", and have a large portion of our troops assigned to "Nation Building" is getting our combat forces chewed up, resulting in needless deaths of our service men and women.
Maybe Congress can work out some sort of deal to lease the Israeli Defense Forces to protect America and fight America’s wars. It has become abundantly clear our leadership can’t do it. They have clearly demonstrated they really don’t have the “stones” for it.
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