Thursday, March 9, 2006

Iran's Suicide!

Iran’s suicide!

Well, well, well, Iran is actually threatening the US, huh? Oh, that is rich!

Vice-President Cheney laid it on the line, this week, when he said, in so many words: “We will not allow Iran to have a nuclear bomb!” That’s it! That’s the policy of the United States.

It is not necessarily the policy of the UN.

The UN has sidelined itself as a completely ineffective organization, which is anti-American to its core.

The US should withdraw from the UN and ask them to move their international offices from New York to somewhere in Europe or the Middle East. Anywhere but here… in America.

Iran is sitting on a pool of oil. They intend to use that oil to blackmail the US, and Europe, into allowing them to create that nuclear bomb, they so crave, to use against Israel... and the US. It ain’t gonna happen.

If they persist, we will bomb them back to the Stone Age, which, actually, for Iran, is not that far. And, if it becomes necessary, we will invade and take the oil, anyway. Well, we won’t invade just TO take the oil, but we will wind up with possession of it, in any event.

The nut in charge of Iran is trying to turn this into a pissing contest and he’s gonna lose.

Somehow we have to impress upon the enemies of America that yes, the terrorist did take down two buildings. On the other hand, the US took down two countries and the governments of those countries. Care to make a comparison?

How detached from reality can those people be? To go against Israel and the United States is sheer madness. If we had a 51st state, it would be Israel. In the Bible the Christians and Jews, of America, read and believe, God, himself, is quoted as saying: “I will curse those who curse you and I will bless those who bless you.” He said that in reference to Israel.

Now, we Americans may not act as though we believe the contents of the Bible very much, but when it’s crunch time, guess what we rely upon for strength. Israel is our blood brother. We will never forsake the people of Israel. When they need us, we will be there.

No matter how Iran tries to slice it, the fact remains that Iran will face BOTH countries if she continues on her current course.

Our oil soaked enemies in the great sand box of the Middle East need to understand that if there is a nation on the face of the earth that will toss the internal combustion engine over the side and invent a different type of engine capable of producing power from a fuel other than oil… it is the US. If they wish to maintain an oil trade with the US they had better re-evaluate their current treatment of their very good customer.

I don’t worry about the world running out of oil. I guess it’s a generational thing. I have seen this country answer too many problems, with sheer genius, over the years of my life, and I have faith that when the last drop of oil is gone, the US will be spinning along, much as it is now, with hardly a hic-up in the making of the Gross National Product.

But why am I wasting my breath? Iran is bent on self-destruction. It seems to have a yearning for national suicide.

Unless they make an "about face", immediately, their destruction is assured.



  1. Iran is spouting threats in an attempt to get more and more radical muslims, even moderate muslims, to gain more of a hatred for America. Iran knows very well our capabilities, and they are betting on us to be diplomatic and talk with them, while they continue their enrichment process. Their stall tactic may actually work. The U.N. is an embarrassment. They do nothing positive, unless theres oil in it for themselves. Great post by the way. Feel free to come to my blog from time to time. I've got you blogmarked, so you'll see me often. Great to have a true American in my midst.

  2. Thanks you, sir! Likewise, I'm sure.

    I will be stopping by. I tried picking up your RSS but was unable to. Do you have it turned on?

  3. "WASHINGTON - More and more people, even more Republicans, disapprove of President Bush’s performance, question his character and no longer consider him a strong leader against terrorism, according to an AP-Ipsos poll documenting one of the bleakest points of his presidency."

    Finally they are waking up and seeing what I knew in 1999. As far as Iran goes, with Civil War about to break out in Iraq (1st time in 1500 years) he doesn't have the support to start another war, either from Congress, the citizens of this or any other planet in the known universe or the soldiers who would be asked to fight the darn thing.

  4. Leftist Frank,
    I am going to give you a little
    wisdom my late father(a US Marine
    NCO)imparted to me;"Before you
    open your mouth(or keyboard),make
    D__n sure your mind is engaged!!"
    Iraq did not exist 1500 years ago.
    The entire area was known as Mesopotamia. It was ruled by the
    Ottoman Empire from about 650AD to either 1917 or 1918 when the British seized it during WW1. The
    League of Nations mandated this area plus what was refered to as
    Palestine and Trans-Jordan to British authority after the Treaty
    of Versailles was signed. The British created Iraq. Civil war between the three factions(Sunni,Shi'ite and Kurds)has ALWAYS been a possibility. You see,
    Leftist Frank with the severe case
    of cranial-rectal inversion, they
    don't like each other. Never mind
    that they are all Muslims. Never mind that Zarqawi and crew are ALSO
    Muslim (Wahhabi). So,Leftist Frank,
    what's your solution to Iran? Do you let them develop a Nuke? If so,
    how are you going to stop them from
    using it? Remember, their president has vowed to erase Israel off the map. How about here? How do you proposeto stop Iran from selling ANY
    Nuke they develop to ANY terrorist
    group(Islamic Jihad,etc.)and detonating it here? Are you going
    to hold hands with them and sing
    'Cumbaya'Are you going to ask them
    'pretty please with sugar on it'?
    Grow up Frank!!! It's a big, bad
    world out there. The bad guys don't
    care who they kill as long as you're American or a Jew. Better
    to stop it now than pay the consequences in the near future.
    Hey Frank, ever seen what a Nuke does? IT KILLS EVERYTHING!!!!!!
    Not just Democrats, not just Republicans, not just Jews.
    For miles and miles.
