America’s economy is roaring along at near record-breaking levels yet all we hear, and read, in the press is how bad the economy is! Well, brace yourselves; it is going to get worse. (The news concerning the economy, that is!)
Next year, 2006, is an election year... and the Democrats, and the MSM, will unload on the airwaves, and the print media, all the bad economic news you have ever thought of in your worst nightmares! All the good news will suddenly be bad. The analysis of the good stats will be turned around upon itself to portray, for the American public, a tableau of "Doom and Gloom".
The Stock Market, which will flinch at a butterfly’s hic-cup in the Amazon, will be skittish all year and seem to take their bearish ways into their collective cave for a period of hibernation.
The least uptick in unemployment will be blown up into a threat of the Great Depression of the 1930’s.
The War in Iraq will get worse. (Granted this will be a stretch for an MSM, which cannot bring itself to report the truth from Iraq as it is. But, trust me, they will find a way!)
A drive to impeach President Bush will be launched, officially, even though the dems know it is a lost cause. The Anti-War crowd will step up their childish behavior, too.
Saddam’s trial will be blasted from every TV screen and the front pages of the MSM print outlets. The story will be the injustice done him by the US, in particular, the injustice done Saddam by the Bush Administration… all because Saddam tried to assassinate Bush’s Dad! Oh, and, of course, we wanted Iraq’s oil! Can’t leave the “war for oil” theme out.
Look for stories that point out the Social Security System is failing the nations elderly. Medicare dollars will be running out. Medicaid dollars will be following close behind. The Medicare Prescription program will be a failure because it does not meet the need for National Health Care for all Americans. (Somehow, the cost of that National Health Care will never be mentioned!)
The “Homeless Problem” will, overnight, get to be a serious problem… as it does six months out from every National Election.
And, then there will be the flood of stories about the environment... you know, Global Warming, the ice packs melting in the polar regions, everybody’s going to drown, etc., etc. All of this, of course, could have been prevented had Bush signed the Kyoto Treaty!
And these are just the highlights!
What in the world will be going on? Why, a national election is near and the Democrat Party will be trying to sell the only thing they have to sell… FEAR!
Fear! It is their stock in trade.
But, fear not, Dear Reader. With the far left crazies in charge of what is left of the Democrat party, Republicans have little to fear… and the American Public has even less to fear.
So, don’t flinch when the Left unleashes its rabid attacks, which it will… until November. Just maintain your cool and allow them to make fools of themselves, as they surely will. Keep reminding yourself to treat them as the spoiled children they insist upon imitating.
I find myself yearning for the days of yesteryear when we actually had periods of calm between election cycles. I’m afraid that is no longer the case. The Left insists on one long, unending, campaign for their return to power.
The Left would do well to remember the first rule of “Hole Digging”. When you find yourself in one… stop digging!
Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
...Longstreet *** Dear Reader: If you tried the website I recommended on the previous post and found that it did not work, please try again. I have repaired the error. My apologies!... Longstreet
Home sales are actually on the decline and the other day on cnbc closing bell they were talking about inverted bond yields and how that has been a sign of a recession in the past. And if you watch this network, one that has Karl Kudlow-a man who when he speaks his upper lip curls down giving him an odd looking turtle like appearance who had his head so far up Ronnald McRegan's posterior he could tell you what the man had for breakfast and is a democrat bashing moron and almost as big of a facist as Bill ORiley in the All Spin Zone on Fox News, I mean Fox Propaganda network, you will know this network is anything but liberal or even centrist in nature.
ReplyDeleteDid Kudlow mention that "new housing starts" are up? People are not buying existing housing. They are opting to build from the ground up.
ReplyDeleteTHANKS FOR FIXING THE LINK! also anonymous the report i saw showed both new and existing slowing (Closing Bell) 12/29. It's just that such economic growth can be carried on and for the first time the median home cost rose 10% down from almost 14% still high, I never said it was the end I only stated it is slowing. And only wanted to say it was not your so called "liberal media", wish I got Air America, saying it.